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Guest Book



Al Bhed Primer Locations and Translations

On the top is the English to Al Bhed translations, followed by Al Bhed to English, then the primer locations.

English to Al Bhed

A a --------------- Y y
B b --------------- P p
C c --------------- L l
D d --------------- T t
E e --------------- A a
F f --------------- V v
G g --------------- K k
H h --------------- R r
I i --------------- E e
J j --------------- Z z
K k --------------- G g
L l --------------- M m
M m --------------- S s
N n --------------- H h
O o --------------- U u
P p --------------- B b
Q q --------------- X x
R r --------------- N n
S s --------------- C c
T t --------------- D d
U u --------------- I i
V v --------------- J j
W w --------------- F f
X x --------------- Q q
Y y --------------- O o
Z z --------------- W w

Al Bhed to English

Y y --------------- A a
P p --------------- B b
L l --------------- C c
T t --------------- D d
A a --------------- E e
V v --------------- F f
K k --------------- G g
R r --------------- H h
E e --------------- I i
Z z --------------- J j
G g --------------- K k
M n --------------- L l
S s --------------- M n
N n --------------- H h
U u --------------- O o
B b --------------- P p
X x --------------- Q q
N n --------------- R r
C c --------------- S s
D d --------------- T t
I i --------------- U u
J j --------------- V v
F f --------------- W w
Q q --------------- X x
O o --------------- Y y
W w --------------- Z z