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Literary Pieces

A Gaelic Blessing

Deep Peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the gentle night to you.
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you.
Deep peace of the Light of the World on you.

dark falls upon mankind
moon glistening upon the water
a pale face
long black hair flowing in the breeze
red lips the color of crimson
eyes dark as night
theres no life in them, just a cold stare.
below the surface where no one can see
a heart so desperately in pain that just upon the surface
fresh wounds havent even begun to sink in.
blinking back tears she thinks of ending it all
what good is life when all you can feel is nothing.
she feels abandoned and alone
her heart has been broke over and over.
raped of all emotions and love she used to feel.
darkness enveils her
her heart turns to ice
all emotions turn to hate
with the dagger she points, is this her fate?
thrusting it in she looks at the dark sky
blood drips slowly from the handle
as life as she knew it drains out of her
till just like her life shes nothing.


....Sweet is love when all is sane...
....Sweet is death to rid the pain....
....Cruel is death when all is well...
....Cruel is love when all is hell....
~~~Unkown Author~~~

~~~Come and venture into the night~~~
~~~Bask under the vast expanse of stars~~~
Solitary Night Angel

A Pagan Poetry Site I'm sure You'll enjoy!!

Got Something To Say??

If knowledge is power, and power corrupts....
Then study hard and be EVIL!!

"The Kill"

From my widow in darkness I stare....
And breathe in deeply the crisp cold air...
I watch as the people pass by below....
And cringe as my hunger continues to grow...
My pulse starts to quicken....My eyes see of red...
I invision the slaughter that will leave them dead.

I swoop to the ground....
Under the cover of night...
I walk in the shadows....
Lurking savagely out of sight...
Spotting my next breath starts to rush...
I pull her in the alley....
A quick bite...and a gush.

She falls limp in my arms....
No pain...
I suck hard at the wound from which her blood now drains...
Filling my belly till it will hold no more....
I then trash the body like I've done the hundreds of years before.

Dark Father

Darkness falls upon the light,
And breaks new ground for another night,
With stars shone bright and the moonlight full,
I wait for those that I now rule,
Children of the night with eyes of red,
They once were alive but now are dead,
They come to me seeking knowledge and power,
And how to live in death hour by hour,
These things ~ they will have to understand,
For they no longer live as Man,
Behind the shadows, shielded from light,
This is the place of their new plight,
To feed is to kill, and this they are learning,
Fresh warm blood to stop the yearning,
A sin to kill ~ not hardly a fact,
A form of survival when you live in black,
So here I wait as the children still feed,
And hope they learn their lessons from me,
For life is different in Death and Darkness,
And I tell them...stay out till light...
and you'll be a carcas.

Pieces To My Sanity~~~A chilling pyscho thriller shortstory from the mind of Van Helssing

Which 'fallen one' are you?
Take Which 'fallen one' are you? Quiz by Xera

Morbid Outlook~~~Writing, poetry, and exclusive articles about the Dark Realm


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