Name: Poe
Educational Level: High School Senior
Job: Executive Producer/Director
Quote: "If I resurected anyone else it would be considered 'evil', but noooo, he gets resurected and he's 'The Lord'"
Name: Brynn
Educational Level: High School Senior
Job: Editor
Quote: "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."
Name: Maggie
Educational Level: High School Senior
Job: Absentee Investor
Quote: "Those who hear not the music think the dancers mad....RAAAAA!"
Name: Nick
Educational Level: High School Senior
Job: Critic
Quote: "You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We are all part of the same compost heap."
Name: Irene
Educational Level: High School Senior
Job: Translator
Quote: "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceacelessly into the past." -The Great Gatsby
Name: Stacy
Educational Level: High School Senior
Job: *classified*
Name: Annie
Educational Level: High School Senior
Job: *classified*
Quote: "One should not alter their character to suit a world, but rather a world to suit their character."
Name: Alex
Educational Level: College Freshman
Job: Stunt Double
Quote: Quotes are over-rated.
Name: Gordon
Educational Level: High School Junior
Job: Gofer
Quote: "At that time, I was an unusual young man of eighteen, precocious in a hundred ways, in a hundred others immature and helpless. When I compared myself with other boys my age I often felt proud and conceited but just as often humiliated and depressed. Frequently I considered myself a genius, and just as frequently, crazy. I did not succeed in participating in the life of boys my age, was often consumed by self-reproach and worries: I was helplessly separated from them. I was debarred from life." - Hermann Hesse, Demian
Name: Charlotte
Educational Level: High School Junior
Job: Gofer
Name: Lisa
Educational Level: High School Junior
Job: Gofer