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This is one of the last rehersals we had for Footloose. We were kicked off the stage (as usual) by the band and were forced to take refuge in the cafeteria. Here's Steve, playing Ren, and Poe, playing his mother, rehersing their little bit in the beginning. ("And we both wish that I could be one of those strong single mothers who suddenly becomes self-sufficient, but I'm not. ...Please feel free to disagree.")

This is the second half of the opening number. We actually had costumes and the stage by this time. Yes, that is Poe on the right, and yes, she was allowed to sing with the rest of them.

One of Poe's scariest experiences, this is a picture of her duet with Brianna. Bri was singing at the time the picture was taken.

And here's the cast and crew of Footloose. Poe should be somewhere about two rows from the back on the left-hand side.