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Work on the Guild has Begun!

Work on the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry 4 Muggles has begun. It is off to a great start. For now the plans are that the guild will include classes, diagon alley, common rooms, homework, and guild competitions. Keep checking back for updates.

Teachers Wanted

The guild is looking for responsible and punctual teachers with reasonable knowledge on any one of the subjects below to teach students and assign homework:
    ~Wizard Geography



House Heads and Perfects Needed

The guild is currently looking for responsible and active members to be house perfects and house heads. It would help a lot if the house heads knew HTML so that they could manage their own common rooms.

HSWW4M Welcomes New Gryffindor Head

and Defence against the Dark Arts Teacher

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry 4 Muggles welcomes our new Gryffindor Head, Animegirl435.We look forward to a great experience with the Gryffindor Head who is a 2 in 1 in the sense that she is also our new defence against the dark arts teacher. Welcome!!!

Gringotts is open!

Our guild account Gringotts is now open. You can direct any donations to the guild to Gringotts. There will also be trades up on the trading post if you wish to donate neopoints. All the funds for contest prizes will come from Gringotts. For more information please visit the guild account page.