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!!!I'm not mean, I'm politically incorrect~Dito~!!!
!!!I'm not mean, I'm politically incorrect~Dito~!!!

I am Dito

You here it all the time.
Politically Correct.

I hate it...

Well the idea of a joint web-comic site kinda went to hell, since I still want to get to at least 25 comics on Bytez and since I barely talked to the guy anyways. I think I'll start my own site and then get some of my friends to join me. w00t. you want to join me? Good, show me you're better than me. Since I use paint, that's not hard.

There, now read the new stuff.

NEW!!!When Dito Rules The World
Every B-grade Action Movie... EVER!

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CITA! Why does it work? Find Out!
Humans Have Failed
I Said It! Not You! Now I Have Proof You Line Stealing Bastards!
The news?! Who the Hell needs the news? You got me!.....Stop Laughing!
Links to sites that may be better than mine.
Contact page (Don't Bug Me Unless It's Important.)