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Keep In Touch...
Or Something...


We all hate differnt things. I hate pokemon, but there are people slumps to the floor)......

I'm all right. Wait! Wait! I'm O.K. I don't care if little kids like Barney or Telebubbies and stuff, and I've been known to like fads occasionally, but most suck. Look at [Insert current fad here]. Uuuuugh. But look at beanie babies. They had issues, but I made some serious dough off of them. Heh heh. You didn't? Oh well. I make money off bottled water, Pokemon cards, Beanie Babies, etc. You should try. Wait till another fad sweeps the globe, like Pokemon, or something. I'm getting off track. If you hate something, chances are I do too. I need incentive to finish the stuff. Tell me if you think I should make a mockery of something. Just mail me!! I'll be happy! My mail rarely gets full so mail me big stuff or multiple stuff, I don't care. Mail away!

Also, I now have a banner and a button for you to display on your site. Of course, I have my limits. You use this as display on your site, then it has to link to mine. Plus, you e-mail me with your site and I'll either put your button on my site or yours will suck so bad I won't let you put it on your site. Well, they are

Be Happy...
AIM: Esseco90K