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.::Human Nature::.
Human Nature Sucks

I have made a startling discovery about people. Everyone claims to know how they, as humans, are fickle, shallow, and conceited, but no one tries to change themselves. They call it "human nature" and pretend it isn't their fault. This just goes further and proves that humans are also afraid of taking blame for their problems. If people will admit that it is human nature to suck, then why are we always defending "humanity" from aliens in B-grade science fiction movies. I have developed my "Involvment Theory" People will not only avoid their own faults, but will also avoid anything that can be traced back to them, making them look the slightest bit bad. This is why CSI is so popular. People will avoid anything linked to shady deals (just remember that if you ever get robbed, call FIRE, not HELP. People will come if you yell FIRE, because their own damn curiosity gets the better of them). Anyway, just remember not to expect people to help you unless it will help them. This is also why nerds never have anyone stick up for them. Sorry guys, but you're screwed. Anyway, my theory is clearly stated as this.

Human Involvment Theory
People will always return to their base instincts like animals when they can't figure out what to do. And as anyone can tell you, an animals most dominant instinct is self-preservation. Authority figures will only step-in when they feel that they will some how benefeit, like setting an example for their peons. If they feel that the situation will work itself over, they will let it be. However as soon as it's a "distraction" or a "real problem" they feel obligated to interfere. Hence, teachers will will only help people who they feel may report them if they don't. They will also go to great lengths to maintain face.

Damn them all.

Usually whenever someone new visits my site, they usually get pissed about something. Ifigure this will be one of them. Anyway, if that IS the case, I can answer your flames now...YES,I AM BETTER THAN YOU! YOU MAY NOW REFER TO DITO AND GOD INTERCHANGABLY!