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It's not if...
It's when?
and it's in 2024

I have finally come to the decision that it is only a matter of time before I rule the world, so I need to create a checklist of what to do. Bye the way, if there is something you feel I should do when I rule the world, e-mail

What to do when I rule the world...
Of course, I can't handle the entire world by myself (though I'd do a pretty damn good job), so I'm giving many countries to deserving people. My friends get first dibs, and my family, then other fans of mine get select countries. If you want a country, e-mail me at the above link, why you think you deserve said country, and I'll see what I can do.

The following countries are reserved

Last but not least, I'm granting titles of nobility, contrary to the teachings of the American Constitution, but hey, it's my world now. Anyway, they are as follows.