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Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos- Map Information

Gladstone Keep

  1. Guard at regular post.
  2. Fountain. Sometimes there may be a silver crown in the fountain.
  3. Royal Herbarium, managed by Nathaniel. Salves, ginseng, and aloe can be purchased here.
  4. Royal Armory, supervised by Victor. Daggers, maces, rapiers, and long swords can be purchased here. Victor will also buy items from you, and pay you in silver crowns.
  5. Throne Room. You must report here when you first begin your adventures. Here, King Richard will give you your mission to go to Roland in the Southland Forest. The king also gives you the Library Key for the Royal Library (see 6 and 7), in which you can find the Magic Atlas. After you return from Roland’s Manor, here you will witness Scotia’s attack on Richard. Baccata will then replace Timothy as your guide to further adventures.
  6. Using the Library Key (see 5) on this lock will open the door to the Royal Library (at 7).
  7. This door is opened when the Library Key is used on the lock at 6.
  8. The Magic Atlas is here on a pedestal. Click on the book to pick it up.
  9. Geron's office. You must see Geron to get the Royal Writ. Without this, you cannot leave the Keep.
  10. To the Northland Forest outside. The Keep guards will not let you leave until you have the Royal Writ (from 9).


  1. Swarm, and either a weathered dagger or a pouch with 5 silver crowns.
  2. In the nest there is a chance of getting aloe, salve, silver coins, or Swarm.
  3. Swarm.
  4. Aloe in the hollow.
  5. Rock.
  6. Weathered dagger.
  7. A thug may accosts you here, demanding money. You can either give in, bluff, or outright defy him. Giving in will prevent a fight, even if you have only one silver crown left to give him. If you have more than one silver crown and you want to hold onto the cash, try bluffing, and give him only one crown. He might buy it. He might not. If he doesn’t, you still have a fight on your hands.
  8. Here you run into a couple of thugs yukking it up over a campfire. You have the options of leaving, sneaking past them into their hideout, or attacking them.
  9. Entrance to the Thug's Hideout.
  10. A woman awaits you here, explaining that she has for gotten the password to admit her into Gladstone Keep. She asks to accompany you back to the Keep. When you refuse, she uses the power of the Nether Mask to transform into a bird and flies away before you can do anything. It's Scotia.
  11. After visiting the Draracle, you find Timothy here, in his last moments. He tells you about the fall of Gladstone Keep, and beseeches you to find Dawn and save the King.
  12. To Gladstone Keep.
  13. To the Draracle Caves. After visiting the King to report the fate of Roland, you will need the help of Dawn's apprentice to enter the Caves.
  14. Lake Dread. Alter visiting the Draracle, Victor will be waiting for you at Lake Dread and will arrange transportation for you across the lake and will give you a longsword.
  15. Gladstone Marina. To get to the Southland Forest you’ll need to book passage through the Gladstone Marina. The Royal Writ, acquired from Qeron, should grant you free passage.

Thug's Hideout

  1. To the Northlands.
  2. Rock.
  3. This lever opens the wall at 4.
  4. This wall is removed when the lever is pulled at 3.
  5. Lantern.
  6. Torn shirt and weathered dagger.
  7. A hidden button on this wall opens a niche at 8.
  8. This niche is opened by the button at 7. Inside the niche is a key for the chest at 15.
  9. 9-11. Thug's vault. There is already a rock weighing down a pressure plate at 9. To open the passageway at it, remove the weight from 9, and place two objects to weigh down the pressure plate at 10.
  10. Thug's vault, see 9.
  11. Thug's vault, see 9.
  12. This pressure plate temporarily opens a passageway at 14. Stepping on the plate is the only way to trigger it.
  13. A sequence of secret buttons will open the wall again. First, a button appears on the south wall. Press this button, and another button will be revealed on the north wall. Press this button and the depress the final button on the west wall to open the passage at 14.
  14. This wall is permanently removed when the sequence of buttons is completed at 13.
  15. This chest is opened by the Thugs Key found in the niche at 8. The chest contains: lockpicks, salve, a Bezel cup, and 10 silver crowns.
  16. Pouch with silver crowns.


  1. Southlands Marina. Though allies of Gladstone, the Southlands Marina won’t recognize Richards Royal Writ as payment for passage. Besides, Lynn at the Gladstone Marina took it. Passage costs 100 silver crowns per passenger. You can get the money by visiting Roland at his manor.
  2. Grey Eagle Inn. Timothy. an ally of King Richard's, is found here. If you want him to join you to seek out Roland, click on the yellow-haired person eating at the bar. He’ll join you when you exit the tavern. Click on the door on the right to talk to Philip. He’ll give you a magic stone compass which will show up on the game screen after you exit the tavern.
  3. Swarm.
  4. Bucks Skins. Bucklers, bows, boots, and salves may be purchased here.
  5. Rock.
  6. Entrance to Roland’s Manor.

Roland's Mannor

  1. To the Southlands.
  2. Rock.
  3. Fireplace: Clicking three times will turn up a burned scroll. Its a fragment of Roland’s hastily burned notes. Right-click the scroll over your character’s portrait to read it.
  4. The button here opens a hidden niche at 5.
  5. This niche is opened by the button at 4. The niche contains aloe and two oil flasks.
  6. Orc Leader. The Orc leader has established his command post here in what used to be Rolands library. When you burst into the room, you’ll have to explain your business. You can fight, bluff, or leave. Choosing to leave gets you out of the situation without getting hurt. The Orcs kick you out of the room, and you’ll continue wandering around the Manor as if nothing happened. You might want to choose this option if you like Orc bashing and want to build up your fighter and Mage skills. You’ll never find Roland or the Ruby this way, though. If you choose to bluff, your chance of success is random, though it can be influenced by your Rogue skill. If the bluff fails, then you’ll have to fight the Orc leader and his minions. (Of course, thats what you’ve been doing all along. But the Orc leader is tougher than the other Orcs.) If the bluff succeeds, then the Orc leader leaves without a fight- Choosing to fight yields the obvious results. The result is the same as failing a bluff. You’ll fight the Orc leader and two of his goonies.
  7. Touching this wall opens a passageway to Roland’s hiding place.
  8. Roland’s hiding place. With his dying breath Roland will tell you the fate of the Ruby of Truth. The Dark Army has taken it and was last seen heading for the Swamps. Roland leaves you the key to his chest, which contains his last few treasures. The chest contains a magnet stone compass (if you haven’t already picked it up at the Grey Eagle Inn in the South, a saber, and a hoard of silver crowns.

Draracle's Cave Level 1

  1. To the Northlands.
  2. Lever toggles the passageway at 4 open/shut.
  3. Lantern. If you already picked one up in the Thugs Cave, the lantern won’t be here.
  4. Becomes a passageway when the lever at 2 is moved.
  5. These buttons control the movement of the pits to the northeast. To open a path, first press the blue (east wall) button, then green (south wall), then red (west wall).
  6. Pit. This pit is closed when the three buttons at 5 are depressed, but once you pass through the corridor near 9, this pit re-opens. The first time you go to Level 2 you will need to fall through this pit.
  7. Pressure Plate, while depressed, opens the door at 8.
  8. Door, opened by the depressed pressure plate at 7.
  9. Lock picks, ginseng, and oil flask.
  10. Pressure plate triggers darts shot from 11. Every time weight is taken off the plate, this trap resets, so place some item on the ground here before you step off the plate.
  11. Shoots darts westward when triggered by the pressure plate at 10.
  12. One of the Ratmen in this area has the Emerald Eye for use on the Dragon Wall (at Draracle Caves, Level 2, Reference 9). To get the Emerald Eye, you will have to kill the Ratman carrying it.
  13. Crumbly wall to the south. To break open a passageway, use a sledge (from Draracle Caves, Level 2, Reference 1).
  14. Oil flask, two ginseng.
  15. Secret button opens a passageway at 16.
  16. Wall becomes a passaqeway by secret button at 15.
  17. Pit. This is the only way to progress to the main section of the Draracle Caves, Level 2.
  18. Trapdoor entrance from Draracle Caves, Level 2 (only accessible after dropping to Level 2 from pit at 17).
  19. After you visit the Draracle, this is the stairway from Draracle Caves, Level 2.
  20. After you visit the Draracle, move the lever on the north wall to open wail at 21.
  21. Wall becomes a passageway by moving lever at 20.

Draracle's Cave Level 2

  1. Sledge. You will need this to knock down the crumbling walls throughout the Draracle Caves.
  2. You land here after falling through the pit at Draracle Caves Level 1, Reference 6. The secret button on the north wall opens a passageway to the north, leading to the Pod Room at 4.
  3. Secret button on the East wall opens a passageway to the South, leading to Level 1.
  4. Pod Room. If you cut open the pod on the right, Lora, a pilgrim from Grisbl, will be freed. In thanks for saving her, she will join you in your search for the Draracle.
  5. Landing from pit at Draracle Caves, Level 1, Reference 17.
  6. Spin square. When you step into this square, you’ll spin around. Use your magnet stone compass and the Magic Atlas to keep track of where you are.
  7. Chest (opened by picking or bashing) containing two stars, oil flask (though, if you bashed the chest open, this will be destroyed), and a Sapphire Eye for use on the Draqon Wall at 9.
  8. This button opens the door west of 9.
  9. Dragon Room. Place the Emerald Eye (carried by one of the Ratmen, Draracle Caves, Level 1, Reference 12) in the east dragon’s eye to open a passageway to the east. To open a passageway to the north, place the Sapphire Eye (found in the chest at 7) in the north dragon’s eye. If you choose to use the Sapphire Eye, the Emerald Route (taken by following the corridor at the east dragon wall) will be sealed off. If you choose the Emerald Eye, the Sapphire Route will be sealed off. You may choose either of the two paths. They both lead to the same destination, but the route they take there is different

    Emerald Route (use map above)

  10. Rock.
  11. Leather jerkin.
  12. Spin square.
  13. Chest containing 10 silver crowns, salve, and a Treant stick.
  14. Pit trap button. When you encounter the pit to the west of this button, throw a rock (or other item you don’t need) towards the east. This will hit the button at 14 and move the pit to 14. This will allow you to get to the stairs at 16.
  15. Vouch with silver crowns, and the dagger "Stiletto."
  16. To Draracle Caves, Level 3.
  17. "Dagger In... Dagger Out." There is a niche on the east wall with a note (“dagger in...dagger out”) and a button on the north wall. Take the note out of the niche. Put a dagger in the niche (the niche will disappear and then click the button on the north wall. A lever will appear where the niche was. Pull this lever (the lever will disappear), and then click on the button on the north wall again. This time a lock will appear. Use the lock picks to pick this lock (the lock will disappear), then press the north wall button again. A niche will appear. Place something you don’t need (like that “Dagger” note) in the niche. The niche will disappear. Press the button on the north wall a final time, and a passageway to the west will open.
  18. Chest containing a helm. Freeze scroll, and a Jeweled Dagger (a suitable gift for the Draracle at Draracle Caves, Emerald Route, Level 2, Reference 20).
  19. The wall to the south becomes an illusionary wall after you move into the area at 20.
  20. Spin square.
  21. Secret switch opens a niche on the west wall. Two ginseng are in the niche.
  22. When pulled, this lever activates a fireball trap.
  23. This button (concealed as a stone) opens a passageway to the south. Once you pass through, the passageway will close behind you again.
  24. The star "Shining."
  25. This button opens a passageway to the north.
  26. From the Draracle Caves, Level 3 (used after seeing the Draracle).
  27. To the Draracle Caves, Level 1 (used after seeing the Draracle).

Sapphire Route

10. Rock.
11. Leather jerkin.
12. Spin square.
13. Chest containing ten silver crowns, salve, and a Treant stick.
14. Secret Passage.
15. To the Draracle Caves, Level 3.
16. Chest containing aloe, the mace “Bouncer,” a Silver Goblet (a suitable gift for the Draracle at Draracle Caves Sapphire Route, Level 3, Reference 24), and a Freeze scroll.
17. Pressing the button triggers a fireball trap. There’s also a rock here to throw at the button at 18.
18. Pit trap. Throw something (like that rock at 17) west so that it hits the button at 18. This will close that pit so that you can get the Worn key in the niche on the north wall. This key opens the lock in the Draracle Caves, Level 3, Reference 2.
19. From the Draracle Caves, Level 3 (used after seeing the Draracle).
20. To the Draracle Caves, Level 1 (used after seeing the Draracle).

Draracle's Cave Level 3

Emerald Route

  1. From Draracle Caves, Level 2.
  2. Rock.
  3. Secret button on the west wall opens the niche to the north, which contains aloe and the dagger “Razor.”
  4. Iron Key (opens the chest at 7 or 15).
  5. Empty flask.
  6. Illusionary pit.
  7. Chest (opened by lion iScy Iwni 4) containin oilvcr crowns, the rapier ‘Dicer,' scale mail, and an oil flask.
  8. Opens the passageway at 9.
  9. Opened by the button at 8.
  10. Secret passage.
  11. Axe.
  12. The saber “Cutter.”
  13. Spin square.
  14. Red Lock, opened by the Red Key found in the chest at 15, which opens a passageway at 16.
  15. This chest is opened by the Iron Key found at 4 if you didn’t use it at 7. If you did, then you must smash or pick this chest open. It contains the Red Key (which opens the Red Lock at 14), aloe, boots, and an oil flask.
  16. Passageway opened by the Red Lock at 14.
  17. Weight on this pressure plate closes the nich to the west. If you place a dagger in the niche to the west it will become the dagger “Backbiter.”
  18. To Draracle Caves. Level 4.
  19. from Draracle Caves, Level 4 (not accessible from the main area of Level three).
  20. The Draracle’s Lair. When you meet the Draracle, click in the archway and place either the Silver Goblet (from Draracle Caves, Level 2, Sapphire Route, Reference 16) or the Jeweled Dagger (from Draracle Caves, Level 2, Emerald Route, Reference 17) on the altar. When the gift is accepted, the Draracle will tell you how to make the Elixir.
  21. To the Draracle Caves, Level 2 (after seeing the Draracle).

Sapphire Route

  1. To Drafficic Caves, Level 2.
  2. Lock, opened by the Worn Key from Draracle Caves, Level 2, Sapphire Route, Reference 18. Opens passageway to the east. Once you step through the passageway, it will close behind you.
  3. Pouch with three silver crowns.
  4. Dagger.
  5. Spin square.
  6. Secret button on the north wall opens the niche to the east. The niche contains a Freeze scroll.
  7. Illusionary pit.
  8. Empty flask.
  9. Chest (opened by the iron key at 11) containing two oil flasks, the rapier “Ripper,” scale mail.
  10. The star “Shining.”
  11. Iron key, which opens the chest at 19 or the chest at 9.
  12. Uutton opens passageway at 13.
  13. Passageway opened by button at 12.
  14. secret passageway.
  15. Axe.
  16. The saber “Cutter.”
  17. Spin square.
  18. Red Lock, opened by the Red key found in the chest at 19, which opens a passageway at 20.
  19. Chest (opened by the Iron Key found at 11) containing Red Key (which opens the Red Lock at 18), aloe, boots, and an oil flask.
  20. Passageway opened by the Red Lock at 13.
  21. Weight on this pressure plate closes the niche to the west. If you place a dagger in the niche to the west it will become the dagger “Backbiter."
  22. To Draracle Caves, Level 4.
  23. From Draracle Caves, Level 4 (not accessible from the main area of Level three).
  24. The Draracle’s Lair. When you meet the Draracle, click in the archway and place either the Silver Goblet (from Draracle Caves, Level 2, Sapphire Route, Reference 16) or the Jeweled Dagger (from Draracle Caves, Level 2, Emerald Route, Reference 17) on the altar. When the gift is accepted. the Draracle will tell you how to make the Elixir.
  25. To Draracle Caves, Level 2 (after seeing the Draracle).

Draracle's Cave Level 4

  1. To Draracle Caves, Level 3.
  2. Chest (with no key: pick the lock or bash the chest open) containing a crossbow and 10 silver crowns.
  3. Triggers fireball trap.
  4. Loose stone on the west wall opens a passageway when moved.
  5. Triggers fireballs to be shot from 6.
  6. Dragon on west wall shoots fireballs when triggered by 5. Chest (with no key: pick the lock or bash the chest open) containing salve and a Bezel ring.
  7. Crumbly wall, which can be opened when struck by the sledge (see Draracle Caves, Level 2, Reference 1). The wall can be smashed from either the north or south sides.
  8. When the button is depressed, this activates the pressure plate at 9. Anytime you stop on or off of 9, a fireball shoots at you from the north. You can move quickly to sidestep this trap, but its better just to avoid it entirely.
  9. Pressure plate activated by the button at 8.
  10. Rock.
  11. Crumbly wall to the north. A passageway is opened when the wall is struck by a sledge.
  12. Pressure plate. When weighted. a fireball is shot at you from the west. Stand in the passageway just to the south, throw a rock or other item to weigh the plate down. Wait for the fireball to pass before you walk onto the pressure plate.
  13. Triggers fireball from the east. Place weight on it, as in 12.
  14. Triggers fireball from the south. Place weight on it, as in 12.
  15. Secret button at the west opens a niche, which contains 24 silver crowns and items from the “dagger in...dagger out” niche if the Emerald Rout was taken. (See Draracle Caves, Emerald Route, Level 2, Reference 17.)
  16. To Draracle Caves, Level 3. You must go up these stairs to meet the Draracle on Level 3. When you meet the Draracle, click in the archway and place either the Silver Goblet (Draracle Caves, Level 2, Sapphire Route, Reference 16) or the Jeweled Dagger (Draracle Caves, Level 2, Emerald Route, Reference 17) on the altar. When the gift is accepted, the Draracle will give you a Riddle scroll with clues as to the nature of the four ingredients of the Elixir. If you rescued Lora from the Pod Room, she will leave your party at this time too services for the Draracle for her village. (Make sure you take all the equipment in items from her body before entering the Draracle's room, or else you will not get them back when she leaves your party.)


  1. Lake Dread.
  2. Orcs near the drop off point carry the mace “Puma.”
  3. Hollow, which may contain a variety of items.
  4. Stump, which may contain a variety of items.
  5. Nest, which may contain a variety of items.
  6. Secret passage.
  7. Rock.
  8. The star “Shining.”
  9. Chest containing salve, bracers, Bezel cup, and the saber “Gutter.”
  10. The longsword “Flayer.”
  11. Stump which may contain a Green Skull. Green skulls can be used effectively against the horrific Larkhon guarding the entrance to the Urbish Mines.
  12. Beggar. When you come across this poor traveler, you have the options to help him, leave, or attack. Choosing to attack has the obvious results. Don’t worry: he really is an old, helpless man and he can’t fight back. If you choose to leave, he wont come after you and beat you up for your money. If you choose to help the traveler, you will only part with 5 silver crowns. He may be able to help you with one of the riddles, if you click the Riddle Scroll on him after you’ve helped him out. (The answer to one of the Riddles will be written on the scroll.) Later, if you meet him in the Bruno’s lodge in the city of Yvel, he will give you the Whisper Cloak in thanks.
  13. Chest containing “Kane" leather jerkin and a Lightning scroll.
  14. Stump which may contain a Bezel Ring.
  15. Droek’s wagon. Droek knows where Dawn is, but he won’t let you near her until you have the Ruby of Truth (which can be found in the Gorkha Swamp).
  16. To the Swamp.
  17. To the Urbish Mines.

Gorkha Swamp

  1. To Opinwood.
  2. Swamp-water sinkhole. Cast the Freeze spell in order to cross the sinkholes safely. If you don’t freeze the sink holes, your party will sink and drown.
  3. Chest containing the axe “Slitter,” a Duble King, and a salve.
  4. The staff “Beater.”
  5. Gorkha guard at regular post. Remember, if you kill any of the Gorkha in the swamp, even by accident, the entire Gorkha race will wage war on you!
  6. Chest containing the dagger “Assassin” and an oil flask.
  7. Gorkha Guard. This fellow will insist that you remove all of your weapons before you are granted audience with the chief. To do this move your weapons into your inventory, leaving your weapon hand(s) empty. Once you have done this, the guard will retreat, allowing you to pass.
  8. Gorkaia Chieftain. The Rby of Turth is in the Chieftains possession. The Gorkha have taken it from the band of Orcs crossing the Swamp. He will ask to trade for it, and you must pick an item and click it on the Chieftain to give it to him.
    The Chieftain will refuse your initial offer, because he is no fool. He knows you want the Ruby, and is willing to trade it for their sacred Ceremonial Mask, which has been stolen by one of the Hurzels in the Swamp. You have the options of stealing the Ruby, attacking, or accepting the quest. If you have a high Rogue skill, your chances of sneakin the Ruby out are greater. If you aren’t so slick, however, the Gorkha will wage war against you. (Remember what they did to those Orcs!).
    Choosing to attack will have the obvious results. You will have to fight the Gorkha in addition to the rest of the Swamp denizens. You can get the Ruby by killing the Chieftain.
    If you accept the quest, you have to hunt down the tree-like Hurzels and kill them. One will be carrying the Ceremonial Mask. Return this to the Chieftain, and you will be named Heroes of the Swamp. You will also be qiven the Ruby of Truth and the trident “Mantis.” As Heroes of the Swamp, you will be entitled to a 5O% discount on all items and services in the Swamp.
  9. The Hurzel with the Ceremonial mask will be found in this area. The mask has no special properties other than it’s importance to the Gorkha.
  10. Dwarvish buckler.
  11. Stone Idol: Ra’ToI the fortunate. Place an item in her mouth, click the nose, and the item will be replaced by a purse of 60 silver crowns. BE CAREFUL! The idol is pplaced right over a sinkhole! Cast a Freeze spell before attempting this profitable transaction.
  12. Glint mail.
  13. Bronze horseshoe (a worthless item).
  14. Stone Idol: Ba’Del the Healer. Place an item in his mouth, click the nose, and Ba’Del will heal the party and restore all magic. Your item will be kept by Ba’Del as payment. BE CAREFUL! The idol is placed right over a sinkhole! Cast a Freeze spell before attempting to summon the restorative powers of Ba'Del.
  15. The bow “Scout.”
  16. Pouch with four silver crowns.
  17. Gorkha Blacksmith. A variety of weapons are available here. He will also buy weapons from you. If you are at war with the Gorkha (as a result of bad manners, per 8), the patriotic blacksmith will not deal with you.
  18. Witch Doctor. The Witch doctor specializes in solvin riddles. If you click the Riddle Scroll on him, he will solve one of the four Draracle riddles for 100 silver crowns (The answer will be written on the scroll.) Also, the Witch doctor will sell you Fireball wands at 300 silver crowns each.
  19. Gorkha Fletcher. A variety of bows are available here. He will also buy weapons from you. If you are at war with the Gorkha (as a result of bad manners, per 8), the patriotic fletcher will not deal with you.
  20. To Upper Opinwood.

Upper Opinwood

  1. Entrance to the Swamps.
  2. Stick.
  3. Birds nest.
  4. Hollow.
  5. Hollow.
  6. Hollow, rock.
  7. Birds nest.
  8. Hornets nest, from which you can get Hornet’s Honey, a necessary ingredient for Richard’s Elixir. A Swarm can also be found here.
  9. Stick.
  10. Chest containing a jade necklace. 28 silver crowns, and a Bezel cup.
  11. Chest containing an ebony staff, 10 silver crowns, an emerald blade and a Green Skull.
  12. Chest containing the crossbow “Valkyrie,” Dwarvish chain mail, and 23 silver crowns. A moulder near here may drop a worn key, which may open one of the chests in the woods. (The key is so old and worn that it might not work.)
  13. Empty chest.
  14. Scotia’s Barrier. Use a Vaelan’s Cube to dispel the barrier.
  15. Hornet’s nest, from which you can get Hornet’s Honey, a necessary ingredient for Richard’s Elixir. A Swarm can also be found here.
  16. Rock.
  17. Entrance to the Urbish Mines.
  18. Yvel Cave, leading to the Yvel Woods.
  19. The dagger “Assassin.”

Urbish Mining Co.

  1. To Upper Opinwood.
  2. To Opinwood.
  3. The Larkhon. When you open this door for the first time, a Larkhon is released. The Larkhon is a very tough creature that can be killed with the Green Skulls (very easy) or with thrown weapons (very hard- it eat's them). To use the Green Skulls against the Larkhon, right click the skull over the character’s portrait. This is the easier way to kill it. If you want to use thrown weapons, you’ll have to stay quick on your toes and be very patient; the Larkhon can withstand many hits from thrown weapons. You can also outmaneuver the Larlihon if you leave by one of the forest exits, circle around through the Swamp, and enter through the other forest opening.
  4. Stairs to the lower section of the Urbish Mining Company, at 5.
  5. Stairs to the upper section of the Urbish Mining Company, at 4.
  6. Desk and file cabinet, both of which may contain a variety of useful items.
  7. Desk, which may contain a variety of useful items.
  8. Chest containing a Silver Key and the mace “Bouncer.”
  9. Stairs to the first level of the Urbish Mines.
  10. Lock picks.
  11. Helm.
  12. Button on the east wall, when clicked, will reveal a passageway to the east.
  13. File cabinet, which may contain a variety of useful items.
  14. The clerk, Dwight, is here. Make sure you look beneath his desk and get the Great Helm and the mining picks (which will be very useful later on).
  15. This lock must be picked.
  16. Old Machine. This old pump is missing a gear and some coal for fuel. When the gear (found at Urbish Mines, Level 4, Reference 23) and the coal (found at Urbish Mines, Level 3, Reference 22) are found and clicked on the machine, pull the lever. When the pump is functioning again, the passage at Urbish Mines, Level 2, Reference 43 will be drained of water, allowing you to pass.
  17. Pouch with two silver crowns.
  18. File cabinet, which contains a salve.
  19. Security access doors. One must be closed before the other can be opened.

Urbish Mines, Level 1

  1. To the Urbish Mining Company level.
  2. Note to Orin.
  3. Use the Silver key found in the Urbish Mining Company, Reference 8, to open this lock.
  4. Wheel levers, which change the effect of the teleport south of area 5. These levers have three different operable positions. When the north and south levers are either both up or both down, a pit will appear to the west, but no teleporter will appear when the button at 5 is pressed. When the north lever is up and the south lever is down, a pit will appear one square west and a teleporter (to Urbish Mines, Level 2, Reference 36) will appear one square west and two squares south when the button at 5 is pressed. When the north lever is down and the south lever is up, a pit will appear one square west and a teleporter (to Urbish Mining Company, Reference 13) will appear when the button at 5 is pressed.
  5. A pit is opened one square north, and if the levers at 4 are in the correct position, a teleporter will appear one square south.
  6. Secret passageway.
  7. Rock. Remove this rock (i.e., throw it away from the sign) to open the secret wall at 17. (The rock is considered a weapon. Heed the sign.)
  8. Emerald blade, Mine Key 2 and humanoid bones.
  9. Stairs to Urbish Mines, Level 2, Reference 39.
  10. Lock opened by Mine Key 2 found at 14 or 8. Opens the door one square west and one square south.
  11. Lever on the east wall opens a pit under the party. Falls to Urbish Mines, Level 2, Reference 45.
  12. Lever on the south wall closes the pit at 13.
  13. Pit toggled open/shut by the lever at 12.
  14. South wall niche holds Mine Key 2 for the lock at 10 or 15. When the key is removed from the niche, the pit at 13 opens. Mine Key 2 must be thrown north for the pit to close.
  15. Lock (opened by Mine Key 2 found at 8 or 14) opens the secret wall at 16.
  16. One-way secret passage (west to east), until it is opened by the keyhole at 15.
  17. This block moves north to allow access to the secret passage to the south when pressure is removed from the invisible pressure plate at 7.
  18. The mace “Puma” and the saber “Wolf.”
  19. If you have the key from 14 and walk in this area, the pit at 20 will close.
  20. Pit. If you have the key from 14 and step on 19, this pit will close.
  21. This lever starts in a down position. When pulled, it reverses the effect of the pit at 20. The lever breaks upon first use and cannot be used again.
  22. Mine Key 3.
  23. Chest containing “Hale” leather jerkin and the maul “Hammerhead.”

Urbish Mines, Level 2

  1. Chest containing Dwarvish helm, bezel cup, the star “Shooting,” and 25 silver crowns.
  2. Chest containing an oil flask, ginseng, empty flask, bracers.
  3. Chest containing an oil flask and a Lightning scroll.
  4. Niche containing a Fireball wand.
  5. Mine Key 5, used to open the Lock at 6.
  6. Lock opened by Mine Key 5, from 5.
  7. Button opens the wall to the south.
  8. Button opens the wall to the south.
  9. When weight is on this pressure plate, a niche opens at 10.
  10. This niche opens when there is weight on the pressure plate at 9. The niche contains Mine Key 4 for the lock at 11.
  11. This lock is opened by Mine Key 4 found at 10. When unlocked, passageways to the northeast and southeast open.
  12. Another note from Orin to Geof, and bones.
  13. Button opens wall to the east.
  14. Button opens wall to the east.
  15. Gas smell. Stand back at least 3 squares (to avoid damage) and throw a fireball. This will ignite the gas and destroy the wall at 16.
  16. Wall will be destroyed when a fireball is thrown from the south (see 15).
  17. Pressure plate closes and locks the door to the west. The door reopens when you have the Fireball wand from Reference 4 of this level.
  18. Pressure plate which works with 20 and 22. An odd number of depressed pressure plates will turn off the fire jets at 19 and 21.
  19. Fire jet, activated when none or two of 18, 20, and 22 are depressed.
  20. Pressure plate which works with 18 and 20. An odd number of depressed pressure plates will turn off the fire jets at 19 and 21. Also works with 23 and 25. An odd number of these will turn on the fire jets at 24 and 26.
  21. Fire jet, activated when none or two of 18, 20 and 22 are depressed.
  22. Pressure plate which works with 18 and 20. An odd number of depressed pressure plates will turn off the fire jets at 19 and 21. Also works with 23 and 25. An odd number of these will turn on the fire jets at 25 and 26.
  23. Pressure plate which works with 22 and 25. An odd number of depressed pressure plates will turn off the fire jets at 24 and 26.
  24. Fire jet, activated when one or three of 22, 23, and 25 are depressed.
  25. Pressure plate which works with 22 and 23. An odd number of depressed pressure plates will turn on the fire jets at 24 and 26.
  26. Fire jet, activated when one or three of 22, 23, and 25 are depressed.
  27. Vault combination. A passageway to the north will open only when the west lever is pulled, then the east lever, and then the north lever.
  28. This door, once closed, by the button at 29, will only open if the door at 31 is closed. (See 30 to open the door.)
  29. Button closes door at 28.
  30. Pressure plate and two levers on the north wall. Place an unwanted item to keep the pressure plate weighted. The door at 31 will open if the door at 28 is closed, the pressure plate is depressed, the left lever is down, and the right lever is up. The door at 28 will open if the pressure plate is depressed, left lever is up and the right lever is down.
  31. This door opens only if the door at 28 is closed. (See 30 to open the door.) This door is closed by pushing the button at 32.
  32. Button closes the door at 31 and causes arrows to be shot from the north at 32. To close this door without getting trapped inside, throw a useless item at the button from the east.
  33. Button opens a pit directly beneath the party.
  34. Pit, which drops you to Urbish Mines, Level 3, Reference 31.
  35. Secret passageway.
  36. Destination of the teleporter at Urbish Mines, Level 1, Reference 5, if the north lever is up and the south lever is down.
  37. Secret button opens a passageway north.
  38. Secret button opens a passageway north.
  39. Goes upstairs to Urbish Mines, Level 1, Reference 9.
  40. Landing for pit at Urbish Mines) Level 1, Reference 20.
  41. Pressure on this plate, and pressing the button, will activate the teleporter at 42.
  42. Teleporter activated by 41. Its destination is the Urbish Mining Company.
  43. Flooded staircase. You cannot access the stairs down until the pumping machine in the Urbish Mining Company, Reference 16, is fixed and running.
  44. The sword “Flayer.”
  45. Landing of pit at Urbish Mines, Level 1, Reference 11.
  46. Weight on this pressure plate opens the pits at 47.
  47. Pits opened when the pressure plate at 46 is weighted.
  48. Landing for pit at Urbish Mines, Level 1, Reference 4.

Urbish Mines, Level 3

  1. Landing from Urbish Mines, Level 2, Reference 47.
  2. Spin square and button. The button opens a niche in the north wall, which contains the “Shiney” Key for the lock at Urbish Mines, Level 4, Reference 15.
  3. Avian worm nest. Use a fireball on the nest to stop these monsters from generating.
  4. Button opens a passageway to the north.
  5. Pressure plate which fires a missile trap from 6 (one time only).
  6. A missile fires from here when the pressure plate at 5 is triggered.
  7. Bones and a pick. If you didn’t already get the pick from Dwight at the Urbish Mining Co., take this pick to use at 8 and 22.
  8. The east face of the wall is not complete. You’ll need a pick found at 7 to open 9 as a passageway.
  9. Passageway opened when a pick is used at 8.
  10. Oil flask.
  11. Secret button opens a passageway at 12.
  12. Wall opens into a passageway by button at 11.
  13. Teleporter transports you to the Urbish Mining Company.
  14. Stairs down to Urbish Mines, Level 4, Reference 25.
  15. Stairs up.
  16. Niche containing the Silver Key for the lock at 17. This is also the landing for Urbish Mines, Level 2, Reference 34.
  17. Keyhole opens a passage at 18. Opened by the Silver key found at 16.
  18. Wall opens into a passageway by keyhole at 17.
  19. Avian worm nest. Use a fireball on the nest to stop these monsters from generating.
  20. Pick this lock to open the door to the northeast at 32.
  21. Note: PISCATA ROSEA 4 4 5. (Red herring!!!)
  22. Use the pick on the south wall to get a piece of coal, which you’ll need to fuel the machine in the Urbish Mining Company.
  23. Mine car levers: both levers down (the initial setting) locks the cart in place. When the left lever is up and the right down, the cart is directed to the east path. When the right lever is up and the left down, the cart is directed to the west path. Both levers up directs the car to the south path.
  24. Door to the mine cart. Opens only when the gold gem from 28 to open the door at 24.
  25. Gem hole that requires the gold Jewel from 28 to open the door at 24.
  26. Mine cart. Set the levers at 23 to choose a path, then climb into the mine cart and click the forward movement button to get the cart moving.
  27. Pressing the button will open a passageway to the north.
  28. Chest containing a gold jewel (for use at 25) and an empty flask.
  29. Pressing the button will open a passaneway to the east.
  30. Secret passageway.
  31. Landing for pit at Urbish Mines, Level 2, Reference 34.
  32. This door locks behind you unless you depress the secret plate at 33.
  33. Secret plate opens the door at 32.

Urbish Mines, Level 4

  1. This set of levers changes the number of spins for the spin square that they surround. All levers must be down to deactivate the spin square.
  2. Stepping on this square triggers the rock slide at 20.
  3. Button activates the teleporter to the west, which transports you to 4.
  4. Destination of teleporter near 3. Button on the west wall disarms the missile hole at 8.
  5. Button opens a passageway to the south. Unless disarmed at 4, the missile hole at 8 will fire if you walk here.
  6. Wall turns into a passageway by pressing the button at 5.
  7. Unless disarmed at 4, the missile hole at 8 will fire if you walk here.
  8. Missile hole triggered at 5 and 7. Disarmed by button at 4.
  9. Rock slide. Use a pick (found at Urbish Mines Level 3, Reference 7 and Urbish Mining Company, Reference 14) to get around this.
  10. Teleporter to 13.
  11. Teleporter to Urbish Mining Company, Reference 5.
  12. Teleporter to Urbish Mines, Level 2, Reference 36.
  13. Destination of the teleporter at 10.
  14. Keyhole opens door to the east. The key is in Paulson's possession.
  15. Keyhole opens door at 17 only if keyhole at 16 is also unlocked. Use the “Shiney” Key from Urbish Mines, Level 3, Reference 2 accessible by stairs from the area accessed from Urbish Mines, Level 2, Reference 43.
  16. Keyhole opens door at 17 only if keyhole at 15 is also unlocked. Use Rusty Key from 19.
  17. Door opened if locks at 15 and 16 are unlocked.
  18. Paulson. This noble from King Richards court joins you. Make sure you pick up his Pyramid Key fo Richard’s Crystal Casket. As you leave the area, Paulson directs you to his cache (at 22).
  19. Orin's ghost. After the warning to stay away, you can rummage through his bones for the Rusty Key that will open the lock at 16.
  20. Rock slide caused by stepping on 2.
  21. Fireball trap (which is always firing) and spin square.
  22. Paulson’s cache. Vaelan’s Cube (but only if you have not found the great maul “Hammerhead.” Otherwise Dawn will have it in Opinwood. Reference 15), Dwarvish boots, chain mail, kite shield, the axe "Vixen," Mine Key 4 (which opens 14), a great helm, two oil flasks, and a Bezel cup.
  23. Water pump note and gear for the machine in the Urbish Mining Company.
  24. Teleporter to 3.
  25. Up to Urbish Mines Level 3, Reference 14.
  26. A Rockling in this area will drop a Bloodstone (a necessary ingredient for Richard’s Elixir) if you kill it.

Yvel Woods

  1. The barrier to Yvel City. Use Vaelan’s Cube here. It is advisable to complete the White Tower first, using the cube on the wraiths on the third level, since using it on the barrier will destroy the cube. A cube can be found in the possession of one of the great orcs guarding Vulture’s Chasm at 3
  2. White Tower.
  3. In this area, a great orc can be found who has a Vaelan’s Cube. He will drop it when killed.
  4. Vulture's Chasm. There is no way to cross over to Castle Cimmeria once the Dark Army severs the bridge (and they always do).
  5. Chest containing the Shield of Stealth and the arbalest Equalizer’ (a cursed weapon).
  6. To the City of Yvel.
  7. To Upper Opinwood.
  8. Stump.
  9. Scotia (disguised as Dawn) will try to get Dawn’s Key here after you have been sent by Geron (who now resides in Yvel City) to find her. You will have to choose between three options here. If you choose to give her the key, she will take it and leave. (You will find the key again in Castle Cimmeria, Level 3, Reference 16). If you argue, she will become angry with you and you will end up with a fight on your hands. When she receives more than 5 damage, she will change form and fly away. Fighting her will yield the same results as arguing.

White Tower, Level 1

  1. The rapier "Talon."
  2. A warrior in this room will drop a Brown Mystic Key, which opens the door near 5.
  3. The throwing star "Vega."
  4. Empty chest.
  5. Grey Mystic Key.
  6. Lockpicks, dagger.
  7. A warrior in this room will drop a Grey Mystic Key for use on the lock at 16.
  8. Prisoner Lyle. You have to choose between three options here. If you help him, he will give you some silver crowns in return for his freedom. If you attack him, you will find a pouch full of silver crowns. If you decide to leave him, he will offer you an Amber Ring, and you are then faced with three more options. If you help him a second time he will give you the Amber Ring. For whatever reason, if you do not recover the Amber Ring from Lyle you can find it in the Niche on the west wall, which is revealed by pressing the button on the north wall.
  9. The Amazon Queen Jana. Defeating Jana in combat may earn you the great sword “Trouble.” There is also a niche containing a Brown-Grey Mystic Key for the lock in the White Tower, Level 3, Reference 14. When the Mystic Key is picked up, the wall to the west will open to reveal a passageway.
  10. Chest containing Dwarvish great helm and a Jade Necklace.
  11. Button activates a bolt trap.
  12. Requires Ivory Key (from White Tower, Level 3. Reference 13) to unlock. Leads to White Tower sub-level.
  13. Niche containing the note “Ring for Admittance.” Place the Amber Ring (found at 8) in the niche to open a passageway to the left, allowing access to Jana’s room.
  14. Slimy grate. Close this to stop the Archer slugs from generating.
  15. Pickable lock opens door to the northwest.
  16. Mystic lock. Open this with the Grey Mystic Key, carried by one of the warriors in the same room. You’ll have to kill her to get it from her.
  17. Button used to open door after Mystic Key at 16 is placed in lock.
  18. Mystic lock. Use Mystic key found in White Tower, Level 2, Reference 2 or 4.
  19. Mystic lock, opened by using lockpicks or the key from 2.
  20. Lock, opened by using lockpicks.
  21. Stairs to White Tower Sub-Level.
  22. The Altar Deblanca. Place the Crucible of Faith (found at White Tower, Sub-Level, Reference 8) on the neck of the altar. Place the four Elixir ingrediants in the Crucible. Then take the Crucible to Geron in Yvel City when the Elixir is complete.
  23. To White Tower, Level 2.

White Tower, Level 2

  1. Light-blue Mystic Key, which opens the lock at 6.
  2. Darkroom. The door must be closed for the button to reveal niche containing light-blue/brown/grey Mystic Key. For use on the lock at 7 or in the White Tower, Level 1, Reference 18.
  3. Niche containing a Fireball scroll.
  4. Niche containing a light-blue/brown/grey Mystic Key. For use at 7 or in the White Tower, level 1. Reference 18.
  5. Brown/grey Mystic Key (for lock at 20), illusionary pit, and button that closes the pit at 13.
  6. Lock opened by the Mystic Key found at 1.
  7. Lock opened by the Mystic Key found at 2 or 4.
  8. To White Tower, Level 3.
  9. The rapier “Talon.”
  10. To White Tower, Level 1.
  11. Fireball room. To avoid the fireballs in this room, enter the room backwards until you hit the wall. Then turn left and back into the alcove to the south. Turn towards the alcove and grab the scroll. Then turn to face west and move along the wall to the niche to the north wall.
  12. Pickable lock.
  13. Pit, until the button at 5 is pressed.
  14. Illusionary pit and button that closes pit south of 23.
  15. The helm “Prentis.”
  16. Pressure plate triggers fireballs to be shot from 17.
  17. Fireball trap.
  18. Pressure plate triggers fireballs to be shot from 19.
  19. Fireball trap.
  20. Mystic lock. Opens west door when the Mystic Key from 5 is used.
  21. Minotaur. After defeating the beast you will get the great maul “Thunder,” Dwarvish scale mail, and a minotaur horn to use as a key for 22.
  22. Lock, opened by the minotaur horn from 21. Opens the wall to the west.
  23. Secret passageway.
    P. Pit.
    I. Illusionary pit.

White Tower, Level 3

  1. Secret switch in the floor opens a niche containing: light blue/grey Mystic Key for use on lock at 10.
  2. Chest containing dagger "Fang," salve and pouch with 4 silver crowns.
  3. Chest containing longsword "Protector."
  4. Chest containing longsword "Entropy"(cursed) and pouch with 8 silver crowns.
  5. Chest containing Dwarvish boots, staff "Tarsal," blue Mystic Key (opens lock at White Tower, sub-Level, Reference 3).
  6. Chest containing Dwarvish chain mail, rapier “Talon,” and star "Polaris." If you open this chest, the chest at 7 will disappear.
  7. Chest containing Galenian plate mail, arbalest, and great axe "Reaper." If you open this chest, the chest at 6 will disappear.
  8. Chest containing wand of lightning, 2 Bannon’s reserves, and pouch with 400 silver crowns.
  9. Salve, Bannon’s reserve, and saber “Cougar.”
  10. Lock opened by Mystic key at 1.
  11. Both buttons have to be pushed to close the pit. Press the button near you, and throw something to hit the button on the far wall. This pit will drop you into the Minotaur room on Level 2.
  12. Passageway is revealed when button at 19 is pushed.
  13. Ivory Key, which opens passageway in White Tower, Level 1, Reference 12.
  14. Lock opened by the Mystic key gained after defeating Jana on White Tower, Level 1, Reference 9.
  15. Secret passageway.
  16. Block at 16, shifts west to reveal the chest at 8 when pressure plates at 17 are weighted.
  17. Pressure plates (see 16 for more information).
  18. Faith Door: This door cannot be opened unless you have the Crucible of Faith in your inventory.
  19. When this button is pushed, the wall at 12 opens.
  20. Pickable lock.
  21. Bow “Gemini.” Get this before weighing down the pressure plates at 17, otherwise you won’t be able to get it.
  22. Secret passageway.
  23. Stairs up from Level 2. A ghost here warns you of the perils of the White Tower.

White Tower, Sub-Level

  1. There are four niches and four items that "roam" around this area: dwarvish helm, dwarvish horseshoe, wand of death, saber "cougar"
    Turn to face a niche, and as an item moves past on the floor, pick up the item and place it in the niche. When each niche is filled with one "roaming" item, all of them will close. This will deactivate the invisible teleporter at 6.
  2. The items placed in the niches at 1 will appear in this niche after the puzzle at 1 is completed.
  3. This Mystic lock can be opened with the Blue Mystic Key from White Tower, Level 3, Reference 5.
  4. This secret button opens the wall and allows access to the teleporter at 5.
  5. This teleporter returns you to the stairway at 7.
  6. The invisible teleporter here will transport you near 4.
  7. This stairway leads up to White Tower Level 1.
  8. The old woman here gives you the Crucible of Faith.

City of Yvel

  1. Sadie: Sadie is an herbalist, and the aunt of Lora, the girl you may have rescued from the Draracle caves. She has earth powder, but will only give it to you after you have solved the Mother Earth riddle on your riddle scroll. If you helped Lora, the powder is free. If not, it will cost you 500 silver crowns. Sadie will also heal your party for a 50 silver crown fee, or sell you Salve for 20 silver crowns.
  2. Dwarvish plate mail.
  3. The boards on this door are loose. Click on them a tew times and you’ll be able to pry them off.
  4. Hand of Fate scroll and speckled key (opens door at 20).
  5. Ace of Dominion.
  6. Torn shirt.
  7. Victors Shop: When you first enter his new shop, Victor mistakes you for someone else. He has some nice items for sale, including the great sword “Justice.” Victor will also buy your surplus items at cut rate prices.
  8. Shirt.
  9. Ace of Oblivion and oil flask.
  10. Arbalest "Redemption."
  11. Torn shirt.
  12. Sandals.
  13. Chest containing Silent sandals and Bezel cup.
  14. Chest containing Oil flask, granite rock, bracers, and silver crowns.
  15. Fletcher's shop: Bows, crossbows, and arbalest can be purchased here, including the crossbow “Swift.” The fletcher will also buy items from you if you are in need of some extra silver crowns.
  16. Aegis helm.
  17. This lock can be picked.
  18. Halberd "Sever."
  19. Halberd "Widow."
  20. This lock is opened with the speckled key from 4.
  21. This room containing Plate mail, kite shield, great helm, and jade key which opens the lock at 22.
  22. The lock is opened with the Jade key from 21.
  23. Ace of Infinity.
  24. Oil flask.
  25. Council of Yvel: Geron is here. If you haven’t made the Elixir yet, show him the riddle scroll the first time you come here. He will send you to the White Tower to make it after making sure you have all the ingredients. After you have made the Elixir, Geron will inform you to go and get Dawn. After you meet Dawn/Scotia in the Yvel woods, Geron will inform that the Yvel militia has fallen and then send you out to fight the minions of the Dark Army. After the enemy sounds their retreat (you will need to roam the city and conquer the invaders), the door to the council chambers will be locked. A note from Geron tells of a secret route into castle Cimmeria through Bruno’s lodge.
  26. Bruno’s Lodge: The old beggar from Opinwood is here (if you didn’t kill him) and has a whisper cloak for you if you aided him earlier. After the battle for Yvel, the door to the Catwalk Caverns will appear in the rear of the tavern. Go through these caverns to get to Castle Cimmeria.
  27. This secret panel opens to reveal the entrance to the Catwalk Caverns.
  28. To Yvel Woods.

Catwalk Caverns, Level 1

  1. Stairway leading to Yvel.
  2. An invisible pressure plate here closes the wall section at 73. This can only be triggered by the weight of the party.
  3. Secret button on the South wall opens the niche in the West wall. The niche contains one salve.
  4. Placing the Dark Commander’s statuette on the pedestal on the North wall will open the secret passage at 72.
  5. Here you will find the Dark Commander, Frendor, who will attempt to recruit you for the Dark Army. After the encounter, you will be engaged in combat with Frendor and two of his lieutenants. When you defeat the Dark Commander, he will drop a granite statuette and his Gauntlet of Force. You will need to both of these items to complete this level. Frendor also has Geron’s Key.
  6. Click the Gauntlet of Force (see 5) on the impression in the west wall. This will open the secret wall at 7.
  7. This secret wall is opened if the conditions at 6 are met.
  8. An invisible pressure plate here closes the wall section at 7. This can only be triggered by the weight of the party.
  9. Click the Gauntlet of Force (see 5) on the impression in the West wall. This will open the secret wall at 11.
  10. Click the Gauntlet of Force (see 5) on the impression in the North wall. This will open the secret wall at 73.
  11. This secret wall will open if the conditions at 9 are met.
  12. An invisible pressure plate here closes the wall section at 11. This can only be triggered by the weight of the party.
  13. The button on the North wall toggles open and closes the door at 14.
  14. This door is opened and closed by the switch at 13.
  15. Pit trap: This trap contains a series of buttons and moving pits. To proceed, do the following: Press the button on the East wall at 18. This will move the pit from 15 to 19, allowing access to the West wall button at 15. Press this button (at 15) to move the pit from 21 to 22 allowing access to the button on the East wall of 21. Press this button (at 21) to move the pit from 22 to 16, allowing access to the West wall button at 22. Press this button (at 22) to move the pit from 16 to 21. opening the way out of the trap.
  16. See 15.
  17. See 15.
  18. See 15.
  19. See 15.
  20. See 15.
  21. See 15.
  22. See 15.
  23. This pressure plate opens/closes the door at 24.
  24. This door is toggled open/closed by the pressure plates at 23 and 25.
  25. This pressure plate opens/closes the door at 24.
  26. This pressure plate opens/closes the door at 27.
  27. This door is toggled open/closed by the pressure plates at 26 and 28.
  28. This pressure plate opens/closes the door at 27.
  29. Click the Gauntlet of force (see 5) on the impression in the North wall. This will open the door at 30.
  30. This door is opened by using the Gauntlet of Force at 29.
  31. Stairs down to Catwalk Caverns, Level 2.
  32. Teleporter trap: This is a complex trap with a simple solution. Move to the pressure plate at 33, and click an item on it a few times until the plate is depressed. Then move to the teleporter at 34, which will teleport you to 36, and out of the trap. If you pull the lever at 36, the door at 35 will open, and you may recover your item from the plate at 33. Ignore all other pits, teleporters, switches and plates. If you accidentally fall into a pit, take the stairs at Catwalk Caverns, Level 2, Reference 1, which will bring you to Catwalk Caverns, Level 1, Reference 31.
  33. See 32.
  34. See 32.
  35. See 32.
  36. See 32.
  37. Cancels the effect of 38 below.
  38. Passing this point causes the party’s magic to slowly drain away. (You may rest to regenerate magic nonnally.)
  39. Chest (pickable) containing Staff “Death Stick,” “Mist of Doom" scroll, ginseng, kite shield "George’s,” one Bannon’s reserve (restores spell points), and a yellow key (opens the lock at 69).
  40. This button on the east wall opens/closes the door at 41.
  41. This door is opened/closed by the button at 40.
  42. This pressure plate opens/closes the door at 43.
  43. This door is opened/closed by the pressure plate at 42.
  44. Thi pressure plate opens/closes the door at 45.
  45. This door is opened/closed by the pressure plate at 44.
  46. This pressure plate opens/closes the door at 47.
  47. This door is opened/closed by the pressure plate at 46.
  48. This pressure plate opens/closes the door at 49.
  49. This door is opened/closed by the pressure plate at 48.
  50. This button opens/closes the door at 51.
  51. This door is opened/closed by the buttons at 50.
  52. The chest against the north wall cannot be picked or smashed open. It must be opened by the blue key found on the Cabal warrior wandering the eastern corridors of this area. Chest containing Great axe “Master,” two Bannon’s reserves (restores spell points), small key for the lock at 70, oil flask, and a Guardian globe.
  53. If you decide to side with the Knowles, enter this teleporter.
  54. The button on the South wall opens/closes the door at 55.
  55. This door is toggled open/closed by the buttons at 54 and 56.
  56. The button on the South wall opens/closes the door at 55.
  57. The button on the West wall opens/closes the door at 58.
  58. This door is toggled open/closed by the button at 57, or closed by the pressure plate at 59.
  59. This pressure plate closes the door at 58.
  60. Necrosap locks: By using the Hand of Fate spell, Level 1 or the Dark Commanders Gauntlet, you must push a Necrosap down the corridor into each of these three locks. There they will be trapped, and a gem will light up at 61. When all three Necrosap locks are activated, and all three gems are lit, a special niche will become active at 61.
  61. Note: Activate and replicate. See 60. When the special niche to the west is activated, place an item in the niche, press the button on the east wall, and the item placed there will be duplicated. This will only work once, so choose wisely.
  62. This pressure plate closes the door at 63.
  63. This door is toggled open/closed by the plates at 62 and 64.
  64. This pressure plate opens the door at 63.
  65. Click the Gauntlet of force (see 5) on the impression in the south wall. This will open/close the door at 66.
  66. This door is opened by the Gauntlet at 65.
  67. This area is only passable from South to North.
  68. This door will only open when the two locks at 69 and 70 are unlocked.
  69. The keyhole on the west wall requires the Yellow Key from the chest at 39.
  70. The keyhole on the west wall requires the Small Key found in the chest at 52.
  71. Knowles and Xeobs encounter:
    Representatives from the warring tribes of the Knowles and the Xeobs will try to win your alliance and make you choose between them. If you choose to fight for the Knowles and step into their teleporter, you will be transported to fight the Xeobs. If you choose to fight for the Xeobs and enter their teleporter, you will be transported to fight the Knowles. Either way, you are sent to the same place (The Dungeons). The Knowles reward you with magic levels, and the Xeobs with fighting levels. The Xeobs are the to tougher of the two.
  72. This area only allows passage from east to west. It will be removed if the conditions are met at 4.
  73. This secret wall opens if the conditions at 10 are met.
  74. Spin square.
  75. This pressure plate opens/closes the door at 76.
  76. This door is toggled open/closed by the pressure plates at 75.
  77. This area only allows passage from north to south.
  78. This area only allows passage from west to east.
  79. This area only allows passage from east to west.
  80. This area allows passage from both directions.
  81. This area only allows passage from south to north.
  82. The teleporter from 84 teleports you here.
  83. A Cabal warrior in this area will drop a blue key used on the chest at 103.
  84. The teleporter here teleports you to 82.
  85. Click the Gauntlet of Force (see 5) on the impression in the west wall. This will open the door at 86.
  86. This door is opened by the Gauntlet at 85.
  87. This pressure plate opens/closes the door at 88.
  88. This door is toggled open/closed by the pressure plate at 87.
  89. This pressure plate opens/closes the door at 90.
  90. This door is opened/closed by the pressure plate at 89.
  91. If you decide to side with the Xeobs, enter this teleporter.

Catwalk Caverns, Level 2

  1. This stairway leads back up to Catwalk Caverns, Level 1, Reference 31.
  2. This teleporter will return you to the Catwalk Caverns, Level 1, Reference 17.
  3. This button has been deactivated by Scotias minions!


  1. Chest containing Kite Shield “George’s,” chain mail “Protector.”
  2. This pressure plate triggers the mouth at 25 to fire deadly ice bolts up the corridor. The plate cannot be weighted down by objects.
  3. Copper key, which opens the lock at 23.
  4. Button on west wall toggles niche on the east wall that contains a Bezel cup.
  5. Button on the north wall toggles the west wall and the niche on the south wall that devours anything you put into it.
  6. Teleporter to Catwalk Caverns.
  7. Niche with Nathaniel’s Key.
  8. Chest containing Dwarvish boots, Galenian plate mail.
  9. Chest containing Trident “Mandible,” silver crowns, Dwarvish plate mail, and 2 Bannon’s reserves (restores spell points).
  10. Gold key which opens lock at 13.
  11. Chest containing Steel bracers, Ace of Dominion, 2 Guardian globes.
  12. Spike spitter (triggered by invisible pressure plate at 28.)
  13. Lock opened by gold key found at 10. This leads to a teleporter which takes you to the Xeob home world (if you fought the Knowles). Once you destroy the Knowles, you get a Valean’s cube, the great sword “Justice,” the key to the lock at 21, and one fighter level for each party member.
  14. Chest containing Salve, diamond (required to free Dawn).
  15. Must throw this lever in order to be able to throw items through the doors in Castle Cimmeria, Level 1, Reference 8 and 9 (to get the great sword “Doom”).
  16. Chest containing Salve, diamond (required to free Dawn).
  17. Guardian globe.
  18. Chest which teleports (first time clicked on only) to 26. Chest containing great helm “Nestor,” and the crossbow “Elayne.”
  19. Killing these creatures may get you the key to 32.
  20. Teleport to 21.
  21. Door to the north is opened with the key given to you by the Xeobs (Reference 13) or the Knowles (Reference 23). The stairs lead up into Castle Cimmeria.
  22. Teleport to 26.
  23. Lock (use copper key found at 3) opens door to the north. Teleporter behind door teleports you to the Knowle home world (If you fought the Xeobs). Once you destroy the Xeobs, you get a Valean’s cube, a death stick, the key to the lock at 21, and one magic level for each party member.
  24. Bannon’s reserve (restores spell points), Ace of Oblivion, and bones.
  25. Ice bolt projector, triggered by pressure plate at 2.
  26. Destination of teleporters at 18 and 22.
  27. Button to the north opens/closes wall to the west.
  28. Pressure plate fires trap at 12.
  29. Spike ball projector, triggered by pressure plate at 30.
  30. Pressure plate fires trap at 29.
  31. Secret passageway.
  32. Unlocks door to the west. Use the key from 19 if you get it, or pick the lock.

Castle Cimmeria, Level 1

  1. Crystal ball, with Dawn trapped inside. Use the diamond found in the dungeon on the crystal ball to free her.
  2. Button opens the door to the west.
  3. This switch toggles a wall to appear at 5.
  4. To open this door, the door to the west must be closed and vice versa.
  5. This wall is toggled by the switch at 3.
  6. These two doors can be opened by throwing items through the doors to hit the switches behind them.
  7. Ornamental swords. Click on them to get the great sword "Doom."
  8. Toggles open/closed the door to the south.
  9. Toggles open/closed the door to the south.
  10. Secret button activates teleporter at 11.
  11. This teleporter, when activated by the secret button at 10, transports you to 21.
  12. Stepping here from the east causes a wall to appear 2 squares to the west and 1 square to the east, trapping you inside (see 13 for more information). The switch on the wall to the south opens the door to the north.
  13. There are 2 switches here. The switch to the west, when hit twice, causes a pit to open to the south. The switch to the north causes a niche to appear in the wall to the east. This niche contains the Cobra statuette. The pit drops you into the dungeons and is the only escape from this area if you entered from the east and had the walls close behind you. From the dungeon, you can re-enter castle Level 1.
  14. This switch stops the iron tooth doors at 16 from moving.
  15. Stepping on this area causes the doors at 16 to start moving again.
  16. Iron tooth doors.
  17. This door can not be opened.
  18. This is the entrance to the pit room. Once you open the door, do not flip any of the tongue switches as you move forward down the corridor beyond.
  19. This door does not open. Hitting the switch causes monsters to appear. Avoid it.
  20. This switch causes monsters to appear. Avoid it.
  21. Destination for the teleporter at 11.
  22. A combination of hitting the switch to the north, then the south, then the north again, then finally the south, causes the pit to disappear.
  23. Dropping an item causes the pit here to disappear.
  24. Placing an item in this niche causes it to disappear. Hitting the switch to the south causes the niche to reappear with the item transformed into silver coins.
  25. This area will not show on your Magic Atlas. You will be teleported to the center of this room after you loose your atlas (don’t worry! You’ll get it back). You must locate the four pressure plates in this chamber and place an item on each of them. You must move slowly because most of the room is trapped with confusing spin squares, and treacnerous pits. Place items on the ground to help keep track of your relative location. Once you depress all four plates, you will have access to the three secret corridors along the south wall. The center corridor leads to stairs going up to Castle Cimmeria, Level 2.
  26. Press the button on the wall to enter this corridor. Press the south button, then the east button. A niche will open to the west. Take the dragon figurine in the niche and leave the alcove without pressing the buttons again. If you accidently do, and the corridor is blocked, place an item you don’t need in the niche and press the buttons close the niche and reopen the alcove.
  27. Secret passage.
  29. Teleporter to center of room at 25.
  30. Stairs to dungeon.
  31. Pressure plates.
  32. Spin squares.
  33. Stairs to Level 2.
  34. Pit.

Castle Cimmeria, Level 2

  1. Stepping here will trigger a fireball trap. The switch on the south wall here opens the door at 2.
  2. Door opened by the switch at 1.
  3. Switch opens and closes the door at 2.
  4. Pressure plate will open a passage to the east. This can’t be weighted down, and the wall closes behind you permanently.
  5. Placing an item in the niche here causes the item and the niche to disappear.
  6. There is a pickable chest here that contains the staff "Gustavus" and the dagger "Riposte."
  7. Switch on the wall has been deactivated; it does nothing when you hit it.
  8. Hitting the switch here causes a niche to appear in the wall directly south of you. The niche contains the trident “Plague.”
  9. This ornate lock is pickable and opens the door to area 10.
  10. There is a niche in this room that is empty.
  11. There is a pickable chest here that contains Bracers of Defense, the Ace of Infinity, the Ace of Oblivion, and silver crowns.
  12. This ornate lock is pickable and opens the door to the south.
  13. This switch opens a niche containing the unicorn figurine.
  14. There are a set of spikes here that cannot be crossed and can cause damage when crossing is attempted.
  15. This area has a lock and a switch. The lock requires the Noir key found later on this level. When the lock is unlocked and you hit the tongue switch the door to the south will open.
  16. This tongue switch opens the door to the south.
  17. This tongue switch opens the door one square to the west and south.
  18. This switch causes you to be teleported to 39.
  19. Need Adder key from 26 to open this lock.
  20. This pressure plate causes a spiked ball to fly at you from the west.
  21. This pressure plate causes a spiked ball to fly at you from the east.
  22. This switch will open passageway two spaces to the west.
  23. Chest containing the Westwood stick, aloe, and the great helm “Aegis.”
  24. There are two doors here. Hitting the switch on one door opens the opposite door.
  25. The switch on the west wall opens a passage.
  26. To get the item from the niche and walk out of the trap, first push the button at 25, and then throw an item west. Walk west and pick up the item. Then walk north and press the second button on the east wall. Then walk south, get the Adder Key (which opens the lock at 19) from the niche, and place an item on the plate to the west. Then leave the room.
  27. When you walk here a spike ball will fly at you from the west.
  28. The tongue switch here causes a pit to appear to the immediate west. This pit will disappear when you step on the space east of the switch.
  29. When you walk here an ice bolt spell will fly at you from the west.
  30. When you walk here a fireball will fly at you from the south.
  31. There is a niche in this area that contains the Noir Key.
  32. There is a set of spikes here.
  33. There are two switches here. The switch on the west wall opens the wall to the east. The switch on the south wall opens a pit beneath you that plunges you into the dungeon level.
  34. This ornate lock can only be opened by the key found at 38. Once the wall to the south of 36 is open, a spiked ball will fly from the south when you step here.
  35. King Richard lies in here. To free him you must have the four figurines (cobra, dragon, unicorn, and humanoid), four pirymade keys, and the Elixir.
  36. Pressing both of these switches here will open a passageway to the south.
  37. Throw an item over the pit to the east to hit the switch on the wall. This will cause a teleporter to appear across the pit to the south. The pit is an illusion. Walk across it to the teleporter to be taken to area 38.
  38. Destination of the teleporter at 37. There is a niche ahead that contains the Carrion key. Place a useless item in this niche to close the pit trapping you in this area.
  39. Area to which the teleporter at area 18 takes you.
  40. Stairs to the third level of the castle.
  41. Disappearing wall.

Castle Cimmeria, Level 3

  1. Each alcove here has a sign. Leave the requested item in each alcove, and when all four alcoves are full, go to the niche at the south end of the room. Get the Dull key, which opens the chest at 7. You may recover all your items before leaving.
  2. Ornate lock that can be unlocked with Silver key from 7.
  3. Button turns the wall into a door.
  4. Ornate lock, opened by gold key from 13.
  5. These switches cause the wall to disappear. Replaced by a Toadulus monster.
  6. Oily key found here.
  7. Chest (opened with the Dull Key) containing Silver Key, salve and silver crowns.
  8. Death Key.
  9. Chest here opened by the Death Key, found at 8. Contains the halberd “Death’s Hand,” Aegis plate mail, and silver crowns.
  10. Button opens the wall to the east.
  11. Chest is pickable, contains the helm "Talamar," ginseng, and silver crowns.
  12. Three switches all make the wall disappear, to reveal a Toadulus monster.
  13. Button causes niche to open in the south wall. The niche contains the Gold Key to open the lock at 4.
  14. Sum Puzzle. Click the button on the wall to move the wall west one square. Walk west and press the button again to move the wall west again. When you view this section from the Magic Atlas. the expression “1 + 1 = 2” reads across the bottom of the map.
  15. This wall disappears when Sum Puzzle is solved. (See 14).
  16. A combination of hitting these buttons causes a niche to open, containing the humanoid figurine, as well as Dawns key (if you gave it to Scotia/Dawn in Yvel Woods.)
  17. Button opens niche two spaces east on the other side of the pit.
  18. Chest here is pickable, containing the arbalest "Eternity," the plate mail "Bastion," and silver crowns.
  19. Causes wall to appear one space south.
  20. Opened by the switch on the wall.
  21. Pit.
  22. Dripping acid, which will cause damage if you run into it.
  23. Pressure plate permanently closes the wall to the south.
  24. Toadulus monster.
  25. Secret passage.
  26. Spin square.
  27. Stepping here causes walls to appear to the north and east. The switches that appear will remove the walls.
  28. Stepping here causes a fireball to come from the east.
  29. Stepping here causes an ice bolt to come from the south.
  30. Scotia! Combine the Ruby of Truth (found in the Swamp) with the Shard of Truth, the ring give to you by King Richard in Castle Cimmeria, Level 2, Reference 35. (This is hinted to with the note you found in Roland's Mannor, which is why he was killed for he found out how to destroy Scotia's Nether Mask ring.) To do this, click one on top of the other in your inventory. When Scotia appears, click the newly created Whole Truth on a character portrait. When you use the Whole Truth like this, you’ll have destroyed the Nether Mask, which you must do in order to defeat Scotia.
    If you fail to use the Whole Truth in time, Scotia will begin fighting you, using the Nether Mask to transform into powerful, hideous monsters. The only opportunities to use the Whole Truth to destroy the Nether Mask come when Scotia is in the middle of these transformations. You see a very visable blue glow around Scotia, and that is the time to use the Whole Truth. After you’ve done so correctly, the Whole Truth will vanish, she will permanently return to her original hag form, and you can defeat her in combat!
    Note that after Scotia makes her third and final transformation to the Executioner Beast, she is virtually unbeatable. Use the Whole Truth on her before she reaches this stage! She is tough. Run to a corner and sleep if you need to. Save the game before you enter her room.


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