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Lands of Lore: Guardians Of Destiny- Detailed Walkthrough

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NOTE: reference the map for specific details pertaining to a certain location.

Solution 1: Good Luther
Solution 2: Bad Luther

Bad Luther Solution

Draracle Caves
Do everything as you would if you were 'good.'

Draracle's Museum
Kill all the skeletal guards, and take everything you find.

Huline Jungle
You’ll meet a Huline guarding the village. He refuses you entrance because Shalla and her daughter are missing. For some fun, you can kill the Huline guard and attack all the Huline woman you met in the jungle. But, then you won't be able to get insid the village, so it's best to aid them in their search- you need to enter the Village. Seems like the best thing to do is head into the forest and search for them. Heading west, you meet a pair of Huline mothers that look less than thrilled to see you. They distrust you and tell you little, eventually leaving with complains that you aren’t very polite.

Head through the forest, going generally west and staying between the two streams that flow through the forest- you are looking for the house of Kity’ara and you know you’re getting close when you see a double bridge over the northern stream. Head south from here a bit, then head west. Kit’yara seems excited to see you and lets you loot her shack for equipment: swords, Gargoyle bracers, and a bow. She tells you about the Great Sword Firestorm which seems like a really cool weapon, but you can’t have it unless you give her a power orb from the Monastery. If you simply kill her now, then the sword will be protected magically, and the only way to get it is to do some naughty things in the Huline Village. You can head over to the Huline Village and have a theif steal it for you... for a naughty price... After leaving her shack, head towards the Hive Caves and find Shalla.

Hive Caves
Do everything as you would if you were 'good.'

Huline Village
Now that Shalla is safe, you are welcomed into the village. There are a few things you need to do here, but mostly, this is a chance to advance the plot and collect reward. Travel through the village by heading left of the entrance. Follow the edge of the village until you meet a huline in a back alley. He’ll give you a password: "aikman". Then travel to the southern edge and enter the cantina (the shop in the middle of the fixed screen). Inside, you’ll meet Baccata. He’ll tell you that Dawn is also in the southern continent doing research about Ancient Magic. He lets you go on your word that you’ll return. You can make friend or enemy with him here. If you attack him now, it will only be harder on you later, but then, that's the fun- the Savage Jungle is a better time to 'change sides.'

Next, head across town to the magician’s house, just to the north of the entrance gate. When you ask him about ancient magic, he’ll suck all your magical energy out of you, but allow you to take his items. You can get three fire crystals, a manafoil, a war cluster, and a Speaking Stone which shows the sinking of the ancient city. If you give him Thoan's Broken Sword, he can magically repair it- it's a nice weapon! He will want a power orb though. Head just west and visit the King of the Huline village. He seems very unconcerned with what is happening and ignores your concerns. Head further west until you reach an abandoned building. Click on the cellar and then on the door. With the password, you will be admitted to a thieves guild. The buisnessman there will get the sword Firestorm for you if you go and kill Kelsrick, the king's guard. While you’re down here, you can get poisonpaint (which can be used on weapons to poison them) and a skull key. Go and kill Kelsrick. You can also flip the switch behind him and go kill the King he has ancient magic stones in his tent. OR you can go outside the gates and behind the village- smash a large bolder and some oil will spill out and flow beneath the city gates. Ignite the oil with spark spell- and watch! Go back to the city, and you'll find six Ancient Magic stones in the burnt tent. Now, return to the guild and pick up your sword. Here, you will also get a safe exit from the village.

Your next goal is to visit the Monestary. Out behind the monestary is General in charge of vegetables. He’s a waste of your time- kill him. In the library to the left is Dawn. She suggests you go see Brother Julian, who is behind the closed doors in the center of the first Monestary screen. Here is where you can show here who is boss- attack her. Then go see Julia- he will be amazed by your tales of the Draracle, but require you to get a wax copy of runes hidden deep in the caves. He gives you a flute which operates the lift. Should you kill him, get the power orb and flute from his body. You MUST get a wax copy of the ruins and either give it to Dawn or Julian for the game to progress- but not cooperating with Dawn will make things just a bit harder; again, it's all in fun.

Ancient Huline Ruins
Do everything as you would if you were 'good.'
If you attacked Dawn in the library, she will show up in the Hive Caves; Dawn will grab the rune from you when you show up from the hole. She's very angry and threatens you not to interfere her investigation. Attack her once more to get some respect. Before she flees, quickly take the Dampen Necklace from her body.
If you return to the monestary, you can talk with Brother Julian and give him the other wax copy of the runes (unless you already killed him). He will give you a Power Orb in return. You can kill him here if you wish. Head towards the Bane River. Along the way, you will meet Kit’yara, who will give you a gift for her brother in the Savage Jungle so you will be accepted there. You can kill her at any point and take Daniel's sword from corpse. Now, get to the other side of the river- when you get to the bridge, an army of spider creatures will take the bridge away. Use this opportunity to sneak into the Savage Jungle- you will have to fight off the guards if you have been fighting with Baccata..

Savage Jungle
When you enter the jungle, you meet the “wild ones” that Kit’yara mentioned, and specifically, you meet Daniel. Either attack them, or give the gift to him, if so, when they run to the trees, he drops the blade. Pick the blade up and take it with you. Head into the forest to the east and bear south. You will find the Huline Temple that you are looking for. Unfortunately, nobody is home, at least nobody that you want to meet, and the temple is sealed shut. Now head generally north, heading towards the Wild Ones village. When you meet the guard who tells you to begone- kill him. There is a key on his body, used to open the entrance to the village. Go to Daniel and attack him. By attacking the Wild Ones, you will find yourself inside their arena. They are a tough buch. You will fight three at a time. Once you defeat them, exit the arena and look for the shaman in his hut. You will ahve to attack him and challange three more Wild Ones in the arena. After defeating them in this difficult fight, go to the Shaman's body and collect a green shard (used to open a door to the west, in a hollow tree) and the seal used to open the Dracoid Cemetery. Go to the West and find that hollow tree with five torches on a platform. Lighting the torches will reveal steps- use the shard to open the door on inside the room you will find a curse control spell (a necklace- right click it onto yourself), shaman's potion (which needs to be mixed with Silver Leaf to put the larkhorn to sleep), and the Dagger of the Empty Hand. Head to the Cemetary to get the Silver Leaf, or go explore the Ruins accecced by the pit in the forest..

Dracoid Ruins
Do everything as you would if you were 'good.'

Dracoid Cemetary
Do everything as you would if you were 'good.'

Savage Jungle (again)
After destroying the ruins, once back on the surface, you will meet Dawn again. She want's your Bracers of the Dead. If you didn't attack her before, you can do so now or just simply not give her your Bracers- she'll then attack you. Return to the cemetary. If you didn't fight with Baccata earlier, you'll find him caught in a Wild One trap. You can leave him there, or rescue him and then attack him. Return to the mosulaum where the Ancient Dracoid was and he will thank you and turn all of the mandrake root plants in the cemetary into silverleaf plants so you can collect some- you need at least two, one for the potion and one for later in the game. There is also an icey Mist of Doom scroll waiting for you. Now you can create the Lharkon Vapors.

You won't receive the Lizard amulet from the Shaman (you've killed him, remember) or the Control Token from Dawn (you attaced her). You'll get them with another way: Find the Shaman Hut, South West of the village. Watch out for the guard (if you haven't kill them all). Light all of five torches to raise the stairs. Insert the green crystal shard into the keyhole to open the door. There's a Shaman's potion on the left shelf. Combine it with the silver leaf to make Lharkon Vapors. Insert the shard again into the keyhole to open the chest. Inside this chest you'll find Dagger of the Empty Hand, Lizard amulet, and Kieran's Circlet. AS for the other locked building, in the ancient building North West of the Huline Temple you can get some Guardian Orbs, Control Token, and Ancient's Stones. Enter the building through the small hole at the back of the building (using lizard form)- if you were accepted as the member of the tribe, a man from the Wild One tribe will let you in to the hut through the front door, but if you're the enemy, the guard will attack you.

Go to the Claw Mountains and put the Lharkon to sleep (click the vapors onto the beast). You can then walk past it and into the Claw Mountains.

Claw Mountains
Do everything as you would if you were 'good.' Dawn will confront you as soon as you arrive. Later on, when entering the core of the circular river, you’ll meet Baccata. He’ll tell you that Dawn was captured in the Citadel, and tells you to go rescue her. He is very weak, so attacking him will be easy. Head across the ice bridge beyond and enter the Citadel.

The Citadel
Do everything as you would if you were 'good,' except: you dont' have to free the imprisoned women, which will save you grief of killing all the Ruloi, and you you can simply leave Dawn in her cell- talk to her, but you don't have to free her. She'll be pissed and have to find her own way out. Leave the citadel and the mountains and head towards the Huline Temple. Use the Dreamstone to gain entrance.

Anceint Huline Temple
One of the main advantage of being EVIL Luther is that you don't have to go through the quest of finding a green shard because you already have one! Just take the other green crystal (past the second altar) and go to the room with big bowls in it. You can find the flute (in the lower level), but you don't really need it. Head for the crystal-balance room and place a crystal in each learge balance and the wall will open up. Use your dreamstone to get through- this will create a spiral stair caise going up. Climb the stairs (you can descend the stairs and get a Storm Crystal from within the spider chamber if you wish).

In the upper level, there are three archways leading to three “extradimensional” areas: Do everything in these three areas as you would if you were 'good.'

Once you have all three idols. Walk around the archways and go down the passageway behind the center arch. You will get to an area where the floor is black. Does this look familiar? It is the same as the first trap from the Hive Cave, except that this time around, the traps are much more deadly. Anyway, to your right is another receptable for a flute. If you didn't get it, use a level 2 heal spell for some protection and run your butt down that hall. Your goal is to get to the next faux Belial, kill it, then enter the Hall of Voices (Check the automap to the direction). Use the Dreamstone here and the City of the Ancients will be raised from the water. You will be taken to the City of the Ancients.

City of the Ancients
Do everything as you would if you were 'good.' Immidiately after fighting the clone of Belial, Baccata will try to stop you from getting to the mantle of the ancients. You can get the Serpant staff from his corpse, but it's not a great melee weapon.

Underground Caverns
Do everything as you would if you were 'good.'

Belial’s Laboratory
Do everything as you would if you were 'good.' If you killed Baccata, you will not see him here. Therefore, you'll have to fight the statute of Belial and take Belial's Horn from its body. If you've been fighting with Dawn, she will try to seduce you in order to disarm and murder you so she can destroy Belial herself. Unless you kill her, she will kill you (but, let her seduce you so you can see what happens! Then reload.)

Birthing Chamber
Do everything as you would if you were 'good.' Instead of fighting a faux Scotia, you will fight three imps, and instead of fighting a faux Draracle, you will fight a faux Scotia. The faster you get through the Chamber, the easier and weaker Belial will be (if you wait around too long, he will become too powerful, and you may not even get the OPPORTUNITY to kill him!). After killing Belial, the Draracle will show up and try to kill you. If he succeeds, a clip sceen of you drowning in acid will show. If you succeed, you become the King of the Lands and you get to savor your reward!