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Lands of Lore: Guardians Of Destiny image gallery

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Screen Captures: (read the synopsis over the pictures)

Remember Scotia? Meet her son: you! (Luther). You are thrown into the Gladstone Dungeons because... spontaneously turn into a lizard... ...and a horrible beast, no thanks to your mother! You escape and find your way to the Draracle... hopes to find answers about this 'gift' from your mother Dawn and Bacatta also seek the Draracle for answers about some other issue you are sent to the Southern continent in search of your answers in an ancient Huline monastary... meet Dawn, and she helps you as best she can but it is up to you to search the continent for anwers... ...and you meet some strange people along the way And during your travels you learn about Belial...
...and come face to face with strange spider creatures you  learn that Belial is the cause of the spider creature problem that Dawn is trying to address Belial, an Ancient God, was put to death long ago by the Draracle... ...because of his dealings with the Dracoid people
Belial taught them the art of destruction; The Dracoids' dealing with Belial embarassed them so much... ...they sunk thier city underground in hopes the world would forget about the destruction they caused Before his death, Belial made a creature that would ressurect him Now that he's reborn, you need to venture all over the lands... dispel of your curse and to defeat this Ancient God on the way, you'll visit the Dracoid cemetary and catacombs... ...the Claw Mountians... ...and many strange creaturs. You'll be up to your head in adventure and exploration.

Four Endings (no one ever said you had to be a good boy...):

You can help Dawn and let her aid you in your quest to defeat Belial. Dawn can't wait to get her hands on your- eh... well, she'll try to seduce you to get an artifact. If you fight Dawn and Bacata throughout the game, you can TAKE Belial's place as an Ancient God... which includes his destructive powers. Otherwise, if you take too long in getting to Belial, he will assume you've chickened out and destroy the world. Or you can be a good boy and get the girl in the end. It's funny how the all-knowing Draracle walks in at the wrong moment...

Computer Backgrounds:

Menu and Maps:

main menu Completed map of the Huline Jungle Completed map of the Dracoid Ruins

Game Packaging Contents:

Box cover Box back Left inside cover Right inside cover
CD I & II disc casing CD III & IV disc casing

Hint Guides and Soundtrack:

Unofficial Guide cover Soundtrack front cover Soundtrack back cover

German Packaging Contents:

Box cover CD cover
CD 1 CD 2 CD 3 CD 4

More at Packaging Images

Box Text: