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Lands of Lore: Guardians Of Destiny- Spell Book


- Heal - (Useful for healing and preventing physical damage)
Lesser Heal, Level 1: Cheap and heals a little
Damage Shield, Level 2: Shields you (blue aura) with 50% resistance to physical and marginal attacks.
Poison Shield, Level 3: Shields you (green aura) with resistance to poison for 30 seconds.
Greater Heal, Level 4: Expensive and heals more than one half of the health bar.
Regenerate (Ancient Magic): Heals completely, then shields for a time (red aura) which heals further damage quickly; will bring you back from death if you use it quick enough

- Spark - (Useful for lighting tourches, magical orbs, light poles, and pools of oil, as well as attacking)
Lesser Spark, Level 1: Cheap, limited effectiveness and short ranged- best used for lighting up objects.
Greater Spark, Level 2: Larger spark ball, and travels a bit further.
Chain Spark, Level 3: Creates a chain of spark balls that hop from target to target.
Lightning, Level 4: Short and long ranged, and deals some real damage.
Lightning Storm (Ancient Magic): Creats a lightning storm, creating double or triple damage as Level 4.

- Summon - (Allows Imps to fight for you, good to buy some time)
Lesser Imp, Level 1: Small Imp, stationary and usually is slain quickly.
Great Imp, Level 2: Larger Imp, stationary and attacks harder and has claws.
Ancient Imp, Level 3: An elder Imp that has a great magical attack, you can control where it attacks.
Imp Lord, Level 4: Large Imp Lord that fights hand-to-hand combat.
Banish (Ancient Magic): Banishishes creatures, but not higher level demons.

- Prism - (Not too useful, except to blind or confuse creatures or to buy some time; Trinity is an excellent spell)
Blind, Level 1: Prism may blinds creatures, yet they can still attack, and gives you a chance to attack or flee.
Invisibility, Level 2: Prism makes you invisible- though Luther won't stay invisible when people are around to talk, and spell ends when Luther attacks.
Hologram, Level 3: Prism makes a hologram of yourself, a diversion which creatures may attack- good for escape purposes and works best with invisibility.
Sunray, Level 4: Prism shoots a controllable beam that is somewhat destructive.
Trinity (Ancient Magic): Limited, yet very powerful attack. This spell can eliminate imaginary creatures (at the end of the game).

- Mists of Doom - (Similar to to Summon spells, except this spell is necessary in a level at the end of the game)
Lesser Apparition, Level 1: Smaller apparition that attacks opponents in front of you.
Greater Apparition, Level 2: Larger apparition that attacks opponents in front of you.
Ghost, Level 3: More powerful apparition that can attack opponents at a greater range.
Spectral Phantoms, Level 4: Creates multiple Level 3 attacks.
Lich (Ancient Magic): For a short period of time, your life drains away, several Mists attack your opponents, you are invincible and can attack.

- Control Curse - (Acquired from Dawn and allows you to gain some control over your morphings)
Dampen Change, Level 1: Dampens the curse if used when your morphing/hear the aura sound.
Human, Level 2: Changes the lizard back to human form.
Lizard, Level 3: Changes the human to lizard form- useful to get into small spaces, run fast, or to use stronger magic.
Beast, Level 4: Changes human to beast form- useful for attacking difficult (stationary) foe.
Expel Curse (Ancient Magic): Expels curse- can only be done succesfully at the end of the game- on Belial.

These Ancient's Magic Stones allow free access to Ancient Magic spells- one spell per stone. You can charge yourself up to 9 stones at a time, to save inventory space. Forcepods serve the same purpose. Once you enter the Mantle of the Ancients at the end of the game, you become a god, and can cast Ancient Magic using your own mana.

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