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~* Site Info *~

Site was established on January 30th 2001.

The current layout is "Hikari", inspired by Kingdom Hearts and Utada Hikaru's song, Hikari, from her 2002 album, Deep River. The background is three different pictures blended. The bottom layer was a printscreen of Windows Media Player's visual effects, and the two top layers are transparent screen shots from part of the Simba summoning in Kingdom Hearts. The top banner was created using MS Paint. I used one of my favourite anthro pics for it, as well as a font I thought would look cool with the whole idea for the site.

This website was created using FrontPage Express ver. 2.0.

Special Thanks:

All my old friends at the Dragon Arena 2 and at my site's message board, Town Square, for inspiring me to create this site. If it weren't for you guys it wouldn't have ever been put together. Thanks!


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