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~* Spyro: Moon Star Cast Profiles *~

~* AYAME *~

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Full Name: Ayame Lakanta

Age: 12 (7 in dragon years)

Breed: 80% Egyptopian, 20% Magic Crafter

Home World: Lost City (Moon)

Father: Lazarius Lakanta (deceased)

Mother: Kim Lakanta (deceased)

Background: Ayame's parents were killed in a Blood Fang raid. He remembers very little of his parents. He was only 2 years old when it happened. He always asks his uncle (King Draco) and aunt (Queen Kara) about what his mom and dad were like.

Ayame knows very little in combat, but he's pretty smart when you get down to it. He's always off exploring, and has an incredible interest in the history of his home world. He also hopes that one day he'd be able to travel and see the sights. Interest in history seems to run in his family.

Personality: Ayame is an interesting character who is generally not your typical boy. He's very… proper most of the time, but he's not stuck-up either. He's got a cocky attitude and sometimes thinks he's invincible. He may come off as an annoying little brother, but he's actually reasonable to get along with.

Relations: He is still a little too young to even cross that white line into mature, teenage-hood, but he's slowly getting there. Maybe in 10 or so years! He has no interest in dragonesses except as friends and nothing else.

~*~Fiction~*~ profile - self explanatory.

Spyro: Moon Star - my unfinished Spyro fanfic. (PG 13)

Spyro: Moon Star extras - extra stuff not included in the original/final. (G)

Spyro: Moon Star Outakes! - outakes I did of my Spyro fanfic. (R)

Gijinkas Explained - My explanation on what a gijinka is and the different levels. (G)

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