and we're off....
myles would like to apologize for whatever the hell came out of his bass amp at the church of divine energy show. hope there's no hard feelings...
two new SHOWS added to the tour section, although at this point we still have open dates on Wednesday, August 4th and Friday, August 6th . any help would really be appreciated.
2:30 AM ...what can i say? you update when you have time..
so myles has returned from his rite of passage journey in iceland, husband-less and heartbroken from having to leave one of the most beautiful places in the world. now he's busy fighting a union/healthcare battle with his fellow pornography shippers.
moving on to actual BAND news,
thanks so much to all the kids who danced, tore it up and set off fireworks on us for the fourth of july show. we had a fantastic time. what else? *rubs eyes* we recieved an incredible portrait of our band this week, which is hanging up in the HISTORY section for you to look at. our ultra talented friend Ghalib Elkhalid from hawaii drew it, and we're proud to know him. some new July and August
SHOWS are up as well. ***our tour still needs help in a few places***
just added: new PHOTOS from this winter's SHOWS . also a number of new REVIEWS and ARTICLES .
audrey is in france!
myles is going to iceland!
tony is still tony!
this website is still ugly!
things have been characteristicly chaotic, but we've managed to write a few new songs that we really like, and we'll be playing them at both of our upcoming SHOWS , which we are all looking forward to!
expect more regular performances once all 3 of us are in town for more than a month at a time.
we swear.
we miss playing.
what a schizophrenic year it's been..
thanks to all the people who came to the shows we played this winter!
there is so much band news to report at this point i don't even want to bother trying here.
just know that this website is going to undergo a massive revamping very soon courteousy of our new label, COUNTERPOLE RECORDS
so stay tuned!
they're heeere...
the split 7" with ABIKU is out now!! ..Click here to listen to "Castrati" by Myles Of Destruction! ..Click here to listen to "New Day Rock" by Abiku!
Ordering information can be found on the MUSIC section, or you can just purchase it directly from us at our UPCOMING RECORD RELEASE SHOW.
a new INTERVIEW was just added with Neo-zine .
apologies for the lack of updates...
the band is currently on hiatus writing new material, but this next thursday we'll be playing a special rare show in philly to (hopefully) mark the release of our split 7" with ABIKU.
ordering information will be posted here later on.
information has been posted in the SHOWS section.
we hope to see you there.
thanks so much to everyone who offered us shows these past few months.
we're very sorry we had to turn them down!
A new interview was done for BUSHMADO Webzine .
you can read it HERE . Please come to the Living Jarboe show on August 21st.
7/23/03 Show News
We're sharing a bill with with THE LIVING JARBOE (x-SWANS vocalist) on August 21st , and the WORMWOOD show has been moved from the Pontiac Grill to SPACE in West Philly. The IMPRACTICAL COCKPIT show on the 28th of July is cancelled. Also, apologies to anyone who came to see us at the STRIPMALL SEIZURES show this past Monday Night. We opted not to perform, due to time constraints and the number of out of town bands squeezed onto the flyer. Anyone who left early because of this missed great music and a truly fantastic time, though. As always, see the SHOWS section for more information.
Recording News
Recording the ABIKU/MYLES OF DESTRUCTION 7" has been a bit of a nightmare, but we're all still determined and hammering away at it. As of tonight, ABIKU's side is complete, and all of the MoD instrument tracks are down and the artwork is assembled. We'll keep you posted as everything else developes...
6/23/03 Myles has a new bass.
we also have a handful of new SHOWS coming up. recording very soon.
A couple of new REVIEWS have been added, including a really surprising one from Metal Maniacs!
So..we're back from our second tour.
It was another thoroughly enjoyable experience. We had a great time, played a series of very chaotic fun shows with incredible bands, saw old friends, made quite a few new ones, walked on the beach, pedaled a dragonhead boat through the murky disgusting waters of baltimore, drank too much, ate well, barely slept, fought laryngitis, adopted a stray kitten hiding on a car muffler, broke some equipment and managed sell a decent amount of merchandise somewhere along the line.
Thanks so much to everyone who helped make it happen!
There will be a massive amount of updating soon..
Until then, we've got another two SHOWS coming up (one matinee in DC and one bar show in PA), followed by a short break to write new material..then who knows what..
Oh yeah. Hovering in the photo on the left is our brand new logo. Our friend the amazing Tim Garside drew it and he did a fantastic job. You have our permission to go tattoo it onto your forehead now!
Myles of Destruction were just added as the opening band for WKDU's AUDIO ENTROPY FEST on Thursday, April 24th. The Show is FREE , the bands are awesome, please come check it out!
Two New Shows and Additional Tour information are up in the SHOWS section.
The Split 7" with Abiku isn't going to be available until after tour. At this point, we're looking more realistically at the end of the summer as a release date. but fear not, dear fans, it is on it's way...
Look for new MoD tracks (from our short winter recording session) on a couple of different compilations this summer. "King of Broken Things" will be on DEEP SIX RECORDS' "Reality Part 5" Compilation, "Veterans of The Spider Wars" will be on VD RECORDS' next release and a revamped version of the old one man band era song "Ghost" will be on Andee from TUMULT RECORDS' Wedding Compilation!
On a final somewhat random note, a Swedish underground hardcore label called CRUST O HARDCORE is re-releasing a couple of MoD songs as part of a 6 way International Split Cassette . Other bands on the Mini Compilation include
XSANGRE JOVENX (Guatemala), NESHAMAH (South Africa), KURWA APARATA (Austria),and
DEMURE (US). For those interested, it's available now for $3.00 off of their
WOW...allot of stuff to fill you in on.. UPCOMING SPLIT 7" WITH ABIKU
YEEEEAH!!! Much to our complete surprise and joy, a label finally gave us the time of day and offered to release a record for us! WORLDEATER RECORDS is a new Metal/Punk Label from West Philly and they'll be in charge of our next release, hopefully to be available at shows on our May tour. The record will be a vinyl 7" and MOD will be joining forces with ABIKU , an abrasive coed two piece darkwave band that transformed a recent Upper Darby bar rock show into a violent smoke filled rave! This will definitely be an odd, disturbing and strange listen..not to mention 100% guitar free!
We've had a real lucky streak going lately, and in that spirit our friends NINJA DEATH SQUAD from Vermont offered to take us with them on a week of their tour!
See SHOWS for the dates!
PHOTOS FROM THE OUTDOOR HALLOWEEN SHOW have been added. Also a live shot and short writeup from the benefit put on by the Rotundra. Take a look at them HERE
New reviews of "Running Only Makes The Fire Worse" have also been added HERE .
Happy New Year.
We record again this weekend for some compilations.
Some new SHOWS are also coming up. Much more on it's way...
12/13/02 Apologies for the lack of updates.. If you've been wondering what we've been up to all this time,
the entire band just did an INTERVIEW for Alarming Echo Beats Webzine to fill you in on what's happenng with us. Also, ordering information for "Running Only Makes The Fire Worse" CDS has been added to the MUSIC section.
More to come soon..
10/22/02 The first official pressing of the new cd "Running Only Makes The Fire Worse" arrived in our hands this morning. They will be available at all of our upcoming SHOWS . Distributors, please get in touch!
10/7/02 This site is moving soon. be on the look out for the soon-to-be-unveiled mylesofdestruction.com .
Important: Our record release show has changed date! It is now on October 26th at the same location. see the SHOWS section for more information!
9/27/02 Important SHOWS comming up. At long last, our full length cd is seeing it's first pressing. After a long summer of waiting and grinding our teeth in anticipation, copies of "Running Only Makes The Fire Worse" will finally be available at our October 19th OutDoor Show/Halloween Costume Party @FDR Skatepark in Philadelphia. Please come and don't forget your costume.
8/16/02 We now have an MP3.COM site. see HERE . Also, allot of SHOWS are coming up (two of which will be outdoors!)
More MP3 soundfiles from the new record have been added to the SOUND FILES section. please give them a listen! Also, more PHOTOS have been added from tour.
after completing our seperate travels, we are all back in town..and now we may even have a label to release and press the new recording through! more on that later. in the meantime, tide yourself over by checking out the recent updates to the MERCHANDISE,
PHOTOS , REVIEWS and CONTACT sections...
as always, more to come..
information on ordering the new advance release edition of "Running Only Makes The Fire Worse" has been added to the MUSIC section.
the new version of the song "MOTH CURIOSITY" is now available for download on the SOUNDS page. thanks to jon from the bureaubrats for putting it up for us! allot more to come..
just added some SHOWS . note the change of location on the 27th with the phantom limbs.
recording news we are pleased to announce that copies of our 9 song full length, "Running Only Makes The Fire Worse" will be available for purchase at all the upcoming shows. unfortunetly , due to some financial problems (us being generally broke, myles getting kicked out of his house and everyone's assorted july travel plans) , we are releasing it for now as just a cd-r with liner notes. we are still planning on getting this pressed and assembling the forementioned artwork,ect, but for now there is too much in the way and we like this record too much to just sit on it until the appropriate money and time roll around...
hopefully the ones we sell will raise some funds to make this happen alittle faster.
(information on ordering this release will be posted soon.)
this weekend we recorded a live performance on WFMU 91.1 FM . extreme thanks goes out to terre for being such a great host and having us. for those interested, our somewhat chaotic, sound problem ridden but otherwise fun set and interview will broadcast and become available for download on June 28th...enjoy?
also, some new SHOWS have been added.
recording news
we completed the mixing for our new cd last week. we are all amazed with the sound of it. this is by far the greatest recording we've completed to date and it will definitely turn some heads. the title we've settled on is "Running Only Makes The Fire Worse" and artwork is currently being put together for it. now all we just have to figure out how to afford to get this thing pressed..help?
take note: our contact info has changed. from now on, please direct all non-email to:
we just found out we were kicked off the PURE HELL benefit at the balcony tomorrow night, so if you were going to see us, don't bother. we're not entirely sure why we were dropped, but from what we can piece together,it was the resulting combination of an over crowded bill and the promoter suspecting that our weird little band is out to inflict literal damage on the place.
who knows where they got that idea from..
*blink, blink*
at any rate, we have a bunch of other dates coming up, so check out the SHOWS section for info there..
finally added some photos HERE please let us know if you've taken any yourself. we came back from tour with out any live shots..
5/2/02 1" buttons are now available HERE.
3 shows added for MAY ! see HERE.
upcoming radio performance
on June 8th , the band will perform a live set on WFMU to be recorded as part of the Cherry Blossom Clinic Show hosted by Terre T . The exact broadcast date of this performance is not yet know, so check the website for information as it surfaces. WFMU is an independent freeform radio station broadcasting at 91.1 fm in the New York City area, at 90.1 fm in the Hudson Valley, and live on the web in Realaudio.
recording news
so recording got pushed back some, courteousy of 8th Street music lieing to us/not bothering to order our reels when we asked them to. (fuck that place. we should have known better than to patronize the one music store most of philadelphia hates for a good reason..)
at any rate, this past weekend we completed all the instrumental tracks and we're already proud and impressed as hell with the results. as always, check back here for more updates...
new shows are coming up. see here for info.
the "DOOM TOWN 2002" tour was a huge success. we spent 10 days playing shows, sold out of merchandise, met some really fantastic human beings, had an insane amount of fun and became a much more powerful unit ourselves.
thanks so much to everyone who helped make it possible.
recording news
during the first week of april, the band will go back into the studio to record a full length with darren of
more to come...
Email: myles@mylesofdestruction.com