Older Reviews of the "DOOM TOWN" CD-R Demo
"Hailing from Philadelphia, this unusual grind trio aims to destroy ear drums and tantalize the tender brain mush inside with their volatile aural assault. This 4 song e.p. is probably one of the most unique release I have ever reviewed. Two of the four tracks are instrumental, but that does not detract from the overall ferocity of the music. Created with only a drummer, a violinist, and a bassplayer/vocalist, the wild mix of trancey melodic passages contrast sharply with the full-on speed and cacaphonic onslaught of the thunderous breakdowns . Myles' vocals are a nice blend of melodic crooning and distorted howling. Audrey's violin remains clean and pristine throughout, leaving only the bass and vocals with ample amounts of distortion, while Tony's drums crash and slam throughout the mix. I can't wait to hear more from this destructive power trio." -INVISIBLE MISSILE MAGAZINE
"Heavy tones with violin accompaniment are all over this CD. Myles of Destruction have a backbone of slow, metal bass and drums. They don't need a guitar to create the somber mood, that is done by these 2 instruments alone. The violin comes in to add melody and move pieces doward with an intense sound that isn't necessarily heavy. It is a mix of beauty and tempestousness, as these forces converge in the four songs on this cd." -HEARTATTACK MAGAZINE
"Coming across at first glance at the cover art (and quality) I thought it was some crusty punks with a CD burner, but when I listened I was more than pleasantly surprised.
The first song kicks in with an instrumental Middle Eastern sound that reminds me of Jimi the Piper playing his Arabic pipes, or Amber Asylum. Great orchestrated stuff written into songs with violins and drums- bass and absolutely no guitars...
The next song sounds similar with a little more aggressiveness in the form of vocals...now it is starting to remind me a little like Neurosis "Enemy of the Sun"...plus a little over the top hardcore thrown in. It gets very fast and aggressive…
This is a musician’s band, but if you are into the crusty punk rock stuff, Man is the Bastard and early Neurosis…Amber Asylum crossover sound, man it really works for me and is very impressed with the tight changes and weird tempo time changes that take place…
Great stuff and a very unique sound...I will listen to this little gem often enough:) You might also check this out if happen to like the Desert Sessions 7&8 as much as I do. " -STONERROCK.COM
"Just reading the name of this band and the title of this CD I assumed I was
in for some molasses laden doom metal. I totally blew that call. This is
experimental music that uses a violin, bass, drums and growling vocals to
create a sound that is not really like anything I have ever heard before.
In spite of the vocals and the obvious metal/hardcore influences of the
music, the violin keeps this from ever getting very heavy. I can’t decide
if that is a good thing or a band thing..." -CRASS MENAGERIE EXTREME MUSIC ZINE
“A really interesting idea for a band... no guitars. In fact, the liner notes even say "No Guitars Used. Fuck Them." Instead we get a well played violin to accompany the bass and drums. In this way, I can't help but be reminded of The Intima (who of course have a guitar, but I mean if they didn't...) It's nice. Still rocking, but not super noisy. That is, not instrumentally.
The vocals are weird! Super weird. Many of them consist of loud roars as if the singer were a lion or one of Satan's "little friends". This combines with some rather melodic singing and high pitched squeals. I'm really not sure if I like the vocals or not. They are definitely different. In conjunction with the drums, it sounds pretty good.” –SINCERE BRUTALITY ONLINE ZINE
“There is something enormously spooky about this CD. I can't tell if it's the lack of guitars or the eerily beautiful violin or just Myles' voice doing what it does best. In short, Myles of Destruction is an amazingly talented band that can be compared to no other. There's four tracks here, 2 of which are instrumentals (the last track ending with a soundbyte of a Philadelphia news station reporting on a cop that took a 30 ft. fall from a balcony). Definitely for fans of dirgy, sludgy grind/hardcore. Very highly recommended.”
"Myles of Destruction this time around has a strong violin presence, along with it's gloomy vocals, bass and drums. It's hypnotic in a good way, and then goes chaotic to bring you out of it. The flow is great, well, actually the whole thing is great." -MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL #230
“On 'Doom Town' Myles and his troupe spit out a crazy doom metal/gypsy folk hybrid sounding a bit like a metal Amps For Christ but with the occasional Ruins part, the occasional post rock part and even some sort-of-grindcore, complete with grunting vocals. Sounds like a mess. And sometimes it is. But it's super original, super strange, and really great. “ –AQUARIUS RECORDS ONLINE
"Reviewing records can be a blessing or a curse. The feeling when you get the new record from your favorite band in the mail, for free, a month before its release date is irreplaceable; however, the trade-off is that mountains of records that you could care less about arrive constantly on your doorstep, and it is your responsibility to give them the same kind of attention you give to a first listen of the new album by that aforementioned favourite band.
In addition to these two categories of music (ie music you like and music you don't like) there is a third type: music so bizarre, so off-the-wall, that you never could have imagined its existence any more than you could do a character sketch of the person who created it. Myles of Destruction fall into this category." -DEEPFRYBONANZA.COM
“Myles has the kind of scream that would make a rabid dog stop in his tracks and contemplate his actions. It’s deep, piercing, and probably quite fulfilling to let out." –THE TRIANGLE
"Myles of Destruction have a creepy fucked up violin winding in and out of scraping hardcore screaming. I'm really into violins in music, it's great to hear people using instruments in different ways instead of always doing the same sort of guitar-cock-rock thing."
" I really don't know how to describe this one. There's sort of a moody artsy or gothic feeling at times, but it's far worse than you could ever imagine..." -SLUG & LETTUCE
"i guess if you like masturbating with sandpaper you'll probably like this.." -SILLY RABBIT WEBZINE
"Myles of Destruction..a reaffirming nod that all extreme metal need not follow convention and
dresscode. Truly twisted."
-WFMU 91.1 FM