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Our fearless president-------------->
So upon reading my daily CNN news bit, I stumbled upon this statistic..: "Bush's overall job approval is at 43 percent, a low point for his presidency, down from 56 percent in mid-January. In the new poll, 47 percent disapproved of Bush's job performance. Bush's job approval soared to 90 percent after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and remained in the 70s for almost a year after that."

Wow.. who would've thought that his idea of a government, and keeping our soldiers in senseless danger would have people disliking him? It seems as though, while people supported him in rushing off to war after the events of September 11th, they're starting to question his form of militant aggression. As I have been saying repeatedly, it's a shame that so many people equate patriotism with blindly following our leader. I understand that in times of necessary war, we have to support our leader to keep the strength of the nation together; however is this necessary? 99 US soldiers have been killed in this post-war chaos in APRIL alone.... (only 18 days). Sure I may not be a political genius, but I hope that we can at least learn from this situation a bit and choose Kerry over him in the upcoming elections. Hell, it seems all that Bush has got against Kerry is a bit more taxes, but on a scale of importance, those tax increases < our FUBAR'd international relations.

Who's up for a plane ticket to the other side of the world, if this guy ever gets re-elected?
