1. Brothers Blood
The vampire may heal non-aggravated damage done to another
vampire with Sanguinus, by spending blood, as if she was
healing a wound done to herself. This may be done at any
2. Borrow
The vampire may, at any distance, take organs from other
willing vampires with Sanguinus, gaining extra eyes, limbs,
or other body parts. To do this, the vampire wishing to
gain the body part must concentrate, and she and the donor
must each spend a blood point. How this affects their attributes
is up to the Storyteller. The organ will disappear on one,
and reappear on the other. The vampire may return the body
part later.
3. Coordinate
By spending a blood point, the vampire can interact empathically
with all other vampires with Sanguinus who have also spent
a blood point in this fashion, for purposes of combat. This
has the following benefits:
A communal pool of bonus dice is established, with one die
added for each participant. Each may take dice from this
pool as needed, and this pool is replenished each turn.
Trying to gain the element of surprise is a lost cause.
Once one of the brood sees someone sneaking up on them,
all of them know. If in doubt, reduce all Perception rolls
involving surprise in combat by 3. By concentrating on a
brood-mate, the vampire may loan any of her abilities to
her. She may take no other action while doing this. This
does not apply to disciplines. If another vampire wishes
to use mental disciplines on a brood-member, the difficulty
is determined with the highest Willpower, Virtue, etc, in
the brood, and must score one additional success for each
member of the brood. If successful, the brood automatically
disconnects from the targeted vampire, leaving only that
vampire affected. Fighting maneuvers that normally require
very detailed choreography, such as acrobatics, can be done
with no planning at all. If a vampire with Sanguinus does
not have this power, she may still participate in such a
bond, but may not establish it, and benefits less from it;
she may not take all of the communal dice-pool, the Perception-roll
difficulty is reduced only by two, and she loses one die
on all actions due to the extra sensory input, to which
she is not accustomed.
4. Concentrate
The vampire may take a generation from another willing vampire
with Sanguinus, causing herself to become one generation
lower, and the other vampire to become one generation higher.
She may return the borrowed generation later.
5. Coagulate
The vampire may hold hands with any number of other willing
vampires with Saunginus, and with an expenditure of three
blood points by each, they may unite into a big, ugly, horrid
monster. The monsters traits are described below:
Dexterity, Intelligence, Wits, Abilities, and Disciplines
are each determined by the highest scores of the participants.
Strength, Stamina, and Perception are each determined by
the highest scores of the participants, plus one point for
each additional participant. The monsters Generation
is the lowest of the participants, minus one for each participant.
All social traits are at zero. All physical actions gain
one extra die for each participant, usually in the form
of extra appendages. If any of the participants do not have
this power, their will is subdued by those who do. Only
one of the participants needs to have this power to use