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Sickly Pleasures

An azure sky turns dark and obsolete.
Sparks blasting towards the supernatural light.
Evaporating as fast as it came
Back into the brightly shining star that has begun to fall.
Spherical balls of fire hurtle towards the earth at unruley speeds.
Death in the air, smoke engulfing the atmosphere.
Slowly dying cattle nearby errupt in stomach breaking screams.
Sadness of the young sow watching its mother disappear into the blackened grass.
Ashes of all arise into the air to unite as one up above the stars.
Fire licks at them as they rise so high off into infinite space.
Gentle rain you do come to kill the fire which brings steam.
Half of a house, none of a barn, but all seems at peace.
Sing rain for you have brought joy.
Quiet is all we hear, for nothing is left.
No life form, nor plant stands except the black rose.
Emerging from the ashes peeking above the soot.
Survived all , the worlds end, it stands strong and alone.
Tis poisoned the ground and killed all that doesn't exist.
For its beauty is above all the rest and because of that, she stands noticed.
