Demons 2 title

AKA Demoni 2

Tag Line : The Nightmare Continues.

Demons 2 More action, violence, mayhem and horror unfold in this worthy sequel to the earlier Demons film, which once again teams director Lamberto Bava with producer Dario Argento.

This time its the tenants of an urban tower block who find themselves under siege from the demon menace, as the demons re-enter the real world through a TV set in one of the rooms in the building (eh?).

A film crew has gone inside the walled-off area of the city to show a live documentary about the demon creatures from the first film, who are now contained in specially cordoned off areas in order to prevent their plague from spreading again.

This proves not to be such a good idea, as they are attacked by a dormant demon who re-awakes upon their arrival. After killing the rest of the crew, he then turns his attentions to the cameraman and after bumping him off disappears, only to emerge through the TV screen in the bedroom of young Sally who's having her 16th birthday party.

Sally becomes the first victim and quickly massacres the other party guests, spreading the infection to them in one of the most excellent and gruesome scene's in the whole film. All done to the tune of "Rain" by the rock band "The Cult".

They then go out and proceed to start killing and spreading the infection to other tennants in the building, who find themselves locked in when the power fails. One woman has her dog turn into a demon which then attacks her, another has to fend off a demon baby and the people in the gym end up battling the creatures in the downstairs garage (look out for some familiar faces from the first movie in different roles).

Overall, this is another excellent film much like the first. The 80's style songs also feature prominently, from diverse pop groups like Art of Noise to Heavy Rock bands like Dead can Dance and The Cult, which add to the fun feel of the film. Again, if you can get hold of a copy of this film (I haven't seen it about in a while) go and view it!

Overall Marks 7/10.

Other Information.

  • Alternate tag lines "Lets Party", "The Nightmare Returns", "The Ultimate Horror Experience".

  • Dario Argento's young daughter Asia makes an appearance in the film, listed in the credits as Ingrid. She also starred in the Argento pic "The Church".

  • The Gym instructor was played by Bobby Rhodes, a regular in Italian films. He also played the pimp character in the first Demons movie.

  • The part of Sally's father was played by the director, Lamberto Bava.

  • The incidental music was composed this time by Simon Boswell, who also scored the music for "Demons 3 : The Ogre", sci-fi pic "Hardware" and Clive Barkers "Lord of Illusions", as well as the 1999 BBC TV drama "The Lakes".

  • Virginia Bryant, who plays Mary the hooker, went onto appear in Deodato's "The Barbarians" and Lamberto Bava's "Demons 3 : The Ogre"

  • The original US release was cut by about 3 minutes for an "R" rating. The UK release was the full uncut version. The unrated US DVD by Anchor Bay was of the full uncut version.

Extra Info.

Cast & Crew.

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Demons Demons 3 : The Ogre

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