Running order of the films

This info was reproduced from Unearthed Films "Guinea Pig" sub-site in order to help dispel some of the confusion surrounding the series running order. Please note that not all the films were released with its number on the video box or on the print. Some films were also released out of sequence in some countries and the print, or sleeves, bear the title of the film as it was released in that country.

For example, "Android of Notre Dame", which was the fifth film in the series, bears the title "part 2" on the print used by Unearthed films for their DVD release, and to really confuse people they released it as a double bill with the actual first Guinea Pig film "Devil's Experiment". However, the actual second film was of course "Flowers of Flesh..."

All told, there have been 6 films, 2 making-of specials and a compilation special. The true running order is as follows...

The films.

1) Devils' Experiment (1985)

2) Flowers of Flesh and Blood (1985)

3) He Never Dies (1986)

Making of Guinea Pig (1986)
Not actually a film in the series, but a look at the making of the first 3.

4) Mermaid in a Manhole (1988)

5) Android of Notre Dame (1988)

6) Devil Doctor Woman (1990)

Making of Devil Doctor Woman (1990)
Another making of special, looking at the last film, released in the same year.

Guinea Pig's Greatest Cuts (1991) [AKA Slaughter Special]
Not actually another film, but rather a compilation of the goriest scenes from the 6 movies


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The Devil's Experiment  Flowers of Flesh and Blood  He Never Dies
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