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Samoflange Bio

Samoflange are:

Dom and Dave have known each other from school and have been good friends for years. Dom met Nick at College while studying music. Nick and Dom found they have the same taste in music (slipknot, slayer, Fear Factory) and on one of their many fag breaks, they decided to form the band which is now known as samoflange. As for dave's joining of the band, we found him in a wheelie bin. Well dave basically messeed around so we decide 'l8rs dave'. Then we discovered our good friend James Edwards. He is now filling in for Samoflange until we discover the whereabouts of Talena. (ex bassist from Kittie). right then. James quit (cause me and nick werent gay). Jay (sylosis drummer) is now our drummer. Nick is playin rhythm guitar and vocals. Dom is playin lead (as always) and backing vocals . We are still currently looking for a bassist.

SaMoFlAnGe - 2002 AD
