666 Foreshadow

If George W. Bush had thought that Mubarak and Gaddafi were as evil as antisemitic-terrorists-sheltering Saddam Hussein, why did not Bush oust them during the eight years he was in office?

Why did not Bill Clinton do similar when he was in office during the 90s?

IF islamic women, emigrating from somewhat-oppressive Middle-Eastern home countries, are now free from some admittedly-abusive inadequacies of rigid-islamic-fundamentalist sharia law to now live and dress as they want in the free-for-all liberty of generally-Christianity-tolerating America, why do they continue to wear their very-modest-in-general-public-view burkas and hijab styles and fashions? Have critics condemning such women ever thought of the possibility that such women LIKE being dressed that way they have freely chosen? And those who do not like it, do they not have ample recourse to Christianity-accomodating United-States law enforcement and courts on all levels nationwide to protect them against both male and female tyrants of any cultic religion who would attempt to force them to dress in any way which was against their will?

The divisive and biased american news media reported that the Mubarak regime in Egypt temporarily "killed the internet" (as much as they could) without Obama and his military overtly or obviously interfering one way or the other, and (as of this writing) Gaddafi of Libya has not yet pulled the same "Internet Kill Switch."

It is perfectly understandable that the dictators of Egypt and Libya, ruling with law and order many of the non-reported-by-divisive-news-media citizens within both Egypt and Libya more or less content under those dictators, would want to maintain traditional strict obedient-expected-and-required law and order - rather than letting insubordinate insurrectionist-traitor rebels cause complete anarchy, chaos, and destruction.

And what kind of coup government would take over? Another basically-antisemitic islamic-constitution "democracy" of perpetually and irreconcilable division as is now existent in Coalition-conquered Iraq?

It is also understandable that both previously-long-term dictators in Egypt and Libya have a muslim mindset which in some ways is oppressive in disallowing all sorts of legitimate liberties and opportunities which those in somewhat-Christian America enjoy and take for granted.

But why is it that admitted-muslim and pseudo-"christian" Barack HUSSEIN Obama (explore the hotlinks within http://computerarium.tripod.com/gop2lose) - now that he and his demoncrats saw that the GOP took control of the House in the Election of 2010 and the general voting public does NOT support forced Obamascare - is presently trying to play both sides of the public-opinion fence by hypocritically attempting to please antiwar-activist doves in shifting his anti-Mubarak and anti-Gaddafi military-crusade efforts to NATO, while hypocritically trying to imitate the courage of George W. Bush, by demanding that Mubarak and Gaddafi "have to go," trying to please pro-war hawks ... all for the devious and non-admitted purpose of bolstering his chances to get re-elected in 2012?

Have not Obama and his demoncrat ilk been indirectly responsible for the murder of FAR more helpless human beings that Mubarak and Gaddafi ever were, by Obama's quite-public support of Planned Parentlessness (a.k.a. Planned Promiscuity), and his selecting of two abortion-choice feminist judges to the High Court?

"Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it" (Rev. chapter 13)

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