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These are some of my poems, they are all my own personal hard work and copyrighted in my name so please don't go stealing them!!!

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left to right: Hannah | Me | Julie


Here in emptiness all alone
Wondering why I’m here
What’s the meaning of it all?
Sitting and waiting, searching for the answer
Maybe deep in my heart I know
Or maybe there is no reason….
Could it be a meaningless journey through eternity??
Searching for something which isn’t there
Yet still I search and travel on the endless road!!
Going where?! I don’t know.


Stuck in a room, with no place to run
Although I try…I find no place to hide
Hiding my sadness, hiding my fears.
I just want it to end, I just want to leave
I feel like crying, I don’t want to be here
The more I run and try to hide,
The more the walls hold me in
I want to be free, I want to be ME!!!!
Not long now, I see the end
I’m reaching for the light – the light of freedom, the light of happiness,
Slowly moving closer…but then I fall
But I work and once more reach the light
Now it’s the end, Now I’m free
Now’s my chance to just be ME!!!


Should I go, or should I stay?
Do I simply walk away?
Or do I stay to work it out??
Pray he doesn’t scream and shout…
Do I simple turn my head??
Never return to this life I’ve lead…
Do I face his violent side??
Or walk away with no need to hide??
Can I let go of the man I love?
Forget my feelings, forget our past?
But if I stay, never walk away,
Never ask the question, never ask why…
Take his abuse, take the pain
I’ll have his love, my heart will live…
Despite the fact my soul will die…
I’ll never have to say goodbye!!


I feel his warm breathe on my skin
His scent encircles me like a cloud
His gentle hand…his soft touch
Gentle as a butterfly…swift as a tiger
His every touch sets my body on fire
His every word sets my heart alight
His hot lips full of passion full of love
My cares melt, he takes me over
I am his, I have no control
My fears, my worries escape me as his gentle touch embraces me
How I yearn for this moment to last for all time
Our souls combine we become one,
For a moment I’m in heaven…his arms
Then reality strikes and he leaves…


I wish I knew a way to stop your pain
A way to make you smile
I want to make you laugh and joke
And make your life worthwhile

I want to hold you in my arms
And soothe away your fears
I want to stop the pain inside
And wipe away your tears

To see you hurt breaks my heart
It makes me want to cry
If only I could find a way
To make you not wanna die

The thought of tears
Falling from your face
Makes me down and sad
I want to see you smile…so free and full of grace

You make my world so bright
I want to do the same
I want to lead you back up the path
To happiness from where you came

Let me into your life
Let me share my love
I want to make you happier
Than anyone else could

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