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These are some poems by my amazing friend Laney Smith, these are all her own work and all copyrighted in her name...Please don't go stealing her works!!!!

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left to right: Hannah | Me | Julie


If I said I loved you,
Would you stay forever after?
If I said I needed you,
Could I be your Snow White, your Cinderella?
If I felt the way I do,
Would you hold me; love me?
If you ever did,
I think that I would die.
But the thought of life without loving,
Would be my life denied.


I hate the way you walk around,
I hate the way you stare,
I hate it when you’re not around,
I hate it more when you are there.

I hate that soulful look in your eyes,
I hate the way you cut your hair,
I hate the feeling you leave inside,
I hate you, you’re so unfair.

I hate the way you flirt with me,
And then act like you don’t care,
I hate it when you walk behind me,
And start playing with my hair.

I hate that I can’t say the things I really want to say,
But I think that I’d hate it more if you ever went away.
I hate the way you ignore me,
Then play with my heart and mind,
How you treat me like hell,
Then act so kind.

I hate the way they mistreat you,
And the way you let them do it,
I just don’t see how you could endure it.

I hate the way your life is,
I hate that you won’t let me help.
I hate that you fumble in the dark,
Too afraid to ask for assistance.

I hate that you bug me,
But I don’t know what I’d do without you,
I wish you feel anything for me,
I’d do anything to love you.

But if you don’t need my love,
Then I’ll just go on hating you.


Love burns through my soul,
Yet nothing in it leaves me whole.
Something betrays you, a word, a glance,
I can feel the hole in our romance.
You say you love me, but somehow it’s a lie
I think you want to use me,
A big fat hit and run.

You drop me like a broken doll
And like a fool I take the fall.
I can’t cry but I feel the loss
You strangled me with dental floss.
The marks plainly still they show,
You hurt me but I can’t let you go.

Kill me now, kill me later,
Whoever she is you can bet I’ll hate her
When she fulfills your fantasies,
I wonder if you see me in your dreams.
I know I’ve live a long time without,
I still love you there’s no doubt.

If I’m stupid I don’t care
Run my fingers through my hair
And turn the radio way up loud,
Drift away on a cloud to a place of far-off bliss
There’s something about you I just can’t resist
I wanna touch your hands, your face,
Feeling warm in your embrace,
Soft and deft you kiss my mouth…

OH Shit! There’s someone at the door
That good dream is gone, but there’s always more.
Till then I’ll be feelin’ down,
Your friends all think that I’m a clown
But I’ll say screw them and you too,
Monkeys always belong in the zoo.
So hop along and find your cage
While I try and turn my page.
Write this story all anew,
Find a new and better truth.

Hope to God that I don’t die
Every time that you walk by
I pop the top on my beer,
See Sugar Ray and start to smile
Think I’ll party here for a while
“Aren’t you glad that he’s not here?”
Sweet you don’t know the half.

Someone grabs me by the arm,
And there he is to my alarm he wants to talk
If I want to, “Can we take a walk?”
All right, say what I know you’ll say,
How wrong you were to let me go
Ok, Ok, I know, I know

But if you think I’ll take you back,
You’ve just been stabbed straight in the back
You can go and take a hike,
Or better yet go kiss Annie Pike,
She’s had it in for you all year.

There there now don’t you cry,
It’s all your fault I’m not around
I’m lost to you so go away, and most definitely
Don’t come back any other day.


I know what I feel,
I know that you care,
But somehow I see that life is unfair

I fall for you in this life and the one after,
Somehow the one before doesn’t matter
I find a missing piece of my soul in your laughter

You fill me with joy,
And I wish I could repay the gifts you’ve given
All you do is touch my wounds and they heal
I wish I could do the same for you

I would drop everything for your smile,
Throw away all the memories of things that came before
Just a brush of your hand would be enough

I wake up reaching for you
Living without you is driving me insane
All I want,
All I need is affirmation,
To know what and how you feel

The one thing I long for is easy for you to give,
Without you I don’t think I ever really lived


Stirring gently,
Feeling your heartbeat next to mine
Hearing your soft, slow breathing as you sleep by my side,
Taking a breath of my own and catching your scent

I lean forward and push myself up,
To rest on my elbow,
To watch your perfect features while you dream

I feel a chill in the air
So I snuggle down next to your warm side,
Move in so close,
And let my breathing and heartbeat match yours

Laying my head on you chest to feel the gentle rise and fall,
Wrapping my arms around you,
And loving it when you wrap your arms around me

Falling asleep fast,
I feel the soft brush of your lips on my hair.
And awake to find it was only a dream.

Sad but happy,
I close my eyes again,
And I pray mutely,
To dream of you again.


There’s so much I want to say,
But your eyes get in the way.
The way you smell, the way you touch,
You’re everything I need so much.
There are no words to describe,
All the ways I feel inside,
To see your face in dawn’s sweet light,
To be with you from morning all through the night.

Your voice on the telephone line,
Knowing that you’re mine,
All the depth and intensity,
You’re everything that I want to see.
The way that you love me is constant like the sun, but with you the sun shines all night long.
The way you hold me, kiss me, love me,
Everything about you is sweet and giving.
Everything about you is another reason for living.
A lifetime in a few days, no blindfolds, no lies,
I’m happy to live without my disguise
The alter-ego I want to be, falls away when you look at me.
You’re honest to me, you’re true, you opened me to places I never knew
You stand for what you think is right
My beautiful, deep, Prince of the Night


Thoughts carefully collected in a jar,
They’re waiting to see if someone wants to read them.
Who wants to see what’s in my mind?

Words carefully written on a page,
Waiting to see if you want to hear them.
Who wants to hear the truth?
Not me, and not you.

Hearts broken, strewn behind you,
They’re waiting for someone to glue them together.
Who wants to fix you and me?

Who wants to waste time on you and me?
Not the people you needlessly hurt.

Will anyone remember you if you leave?
Not the hearts you threw aside, they’re beyond your reach now.

Who wants to feel beyond what is everyday, and therefore, ‘normal’?
Not your friends; they are locked in their rutted routines.

How will they see you in their mind’s eye?
As someone to love, or did you mess that all up?

Who wants you?
Not anyone around you.
You might be able to make a new start.
Not with me, not with them.
You better change or,
You’ll gonna be all alone in the end.

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