Part 390

"Jesus, Bec, are you having trouble walking today? That's the third time you've done that in the last two hours," Sarah complained.

"Clothes! What am I going to wear?" she whined.

"Oh dear god, here we go with the whining again." Sarah rolled her eyes, but spotted Lisa down the hall. "Yo, Lisa! Wait up!" Grabbing Becca's hand, she pulled her off toward who she hoped was her savior for the moment.

"Hey you two," Lisa grinned. "Bec, that was great! They're going to love you tonight!"

"Lisa, you feel like playing dress-up?" Sarah asked.

"Umm … okay, I guess. Why?"

"We need to find Becca something to wear tonight besides jeans and skimpy t-shirts."

Becca grinned. "Nick likes my jeans and skimpy t-shirts."

"Girlfriend, I hate you. You're too new a mom to be able to fit into that tight shit. Come on, we're going to frump you down for the evening so Nick's fans won't hate you any more." She shook her head as she laughed. "You won't wear my tight stuff on stage, but you'll wear it for Nick?"

Becca giggled. "Yes, and your point is?"

"Nothing, as usual. No point. Geez..." The three of them laughed as they headed off toward the dancers' dressing room.

Lisa and Becca giggled like schoolgirls as they tried on outfit after outfit, turning this way and that to look in the large mirror that flanked one wall. Finally they'd settled on something that would do Becca's figure justice, but not expose more than she was comfortable with.

"Sarah?" Becca looked over to see Sarah slumped in her chair, staring off blankly into space. She didn't answer immediately, and Becca quickly crossed to her. Bending closer, she called her name again. "Sarah?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I was just …"

"Sis, you look exhausted. Why don't you get out of here, go back out to the bus and rest?"

"I am tired," she agreed. She started to stand, but her knees were wobbly and she sank back into her chair with a sigh.

"Dammit, you're overdoing it. You know this isn’t good for you or the babies. You probably shouldn't even sing tonight."

With a straight face, Sarah agreed. "You're right. So you'll do my set for me tonight?" The look on Becca's face was classic, and Sarah couldn't help but laugh. "Relax Bec. I'll take a nap and then I'll be fine. But I do need your help."

"Name it. What's wrong?" Becca sat next to Sarah, a look of concern on her face.

"It's not a big deal, really! It's just that I need to borrow your blood pressure stuff."

Becca folded her arms and frowned. "How high was it?"

"It's not, I promise," Sarah laughed. "But Dr. Johnson wants me to keep an eye on it. He called this morning and talked to Howie."

"Okay, that's fair enough. I can help." She brightened. "This is great! I get to harass you for a change!"

Sarah groaned. "Wonderful. Just freakin' wonderful. Well, Florence Nightingale, if you're finished with your wardrobe fitting, let’s go out to the bus and get this over with."

Pushing slowly up out of the chair she waved at Lisa. "See you later."

"Later, Sarah. Bec, I'll help you with your makeup tonight before the show, too, okay?"

"That'd be great. Thank you!"

The shoe on the other foot for a change, Becca wrapped her arm around Sarah's shoulders and walked her out of the venue.

Part 391        Index