This page is under con-FUCKING-struction. PERMANENTLY
Here's a site about potatoes, corn, dead babies, good stuff that isn't good, and pain, yes, skull-crushing pain...
"Homepage?... This is a motherfucking Rampage!"
so it's been like a year and a half or two since i've updated... suck my ass you fucking pussy, i was busy with all that php messageboard bullshit... by the way i got shut down by not one but two different sites. I'm so proud... anyways, don't ever get a page on polarhome or .... i don't know the name of the other shitty place, but who cares it wasn't worth remembering anyways... the funny thing is that no matter how long i leave this shitsite to rot or how much fucked up retarded shit i put on here, i have yet to have angelfire cry about it... i'm assuming it's either because they don't know, or that they're (fingers crossed) awesomely rad and don't give a fuck if some crippled pussy from wisconsin can't take a joke, and gets all offended by something on here, who gives a shit about that one sissy anyways? I'll tell you what if any cripple people out there don't like it i'll challenge them to a race and if i win, they shut up, but if i lose... i'll slaughter them with a chainsaw and feed my dogs a cripple smoothie.