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Vampire Journals Subspecies IV

Ash is THE vampire in Vampire Journals. Cool..calm..and has everything under control. We first meet Ash at the symphony that the lovely Sofia is performing at. Which makes sense since he is often talked about as Ash the music lover. From the comments Zachery has to say about him, Ash is a very powerful being, and can only be taken down when his bloodlust is at it's maximum.

Ash lives his life in a very civilized manner. All the money he could need is made through the casino/brothel that is run with his human partner Iris, and for the most part, the hunger of him and his fellow vampires is satisfied with the use of willing partners. In fact, besides the legal and moral questions that could be raised, you might say that Ash and company are pretty much normal, everyday citizens.

Well, until Ash gets bored or wants something that is. The prize he decides to claim in the movie is the pianist Sofia that he saw perform at the beginning of the movie. With a little convincing, Ash gets her to visit his place of business, and without warning, turns her into a vampire. Despite doing this against her will, Ash does seem to care for her. He takes it very slow, giving her a chance to willfully accept him as her master. But as Zachery called it at the beginning of the movie, it is his lust that becomes his downfall. As he is busy making Sofia become his loyal vampiress, Zach has the chance to attack him. The blow is not fatal, but does slow Ash down enough for the job to eventually be done.

Ash is one of the Vampire Journals characters to make it into the Subspecies series with Subspecies IV. It is not really clear whether Subspecies IV takes place before or after Vampire Journals (although I'm leaning towards before), but either way, we see a very different Ash. Now that Radu is back in town and Ash is no longer the head honcho of the stronghold, he does not seem as cool and demanding as he once was (or will be in the future..your choice). Not only does he quickly agree to everything Radu tells him to do, but also seems to take orders quite readily from his protege Serena.

Ash doesn't really do much in this movie, just says yes to Radu a few times, attempts to obtain the Bloodstone, and then exits out the back. It is actually left open for a nice sequel since he's alive and well..or you can just assume after Radu dies he takes back control of all his stuff and Vampire Journals happens. Maybe we'll find out in the future.

What can I say about Jonathan Morris II, the man behind Ash? Not much really. He's from England. I think he's cool, played his role very well. Was really ROCK!!-ing in Vampire Journals. And according to his co-star Kirsten Cerre (Sofia) is really funny when not on camera.

According to E! Online he was in a movie called Raining Stones in 1993.
**I have been told that Jonathan Morris is not in Raining Stone afterall. There is a Jonathon Morris involved, but he's not in the movie and I'm not positive if it's the same guy. Sorry for the previous misonformation. (and thanks LadyValek for correcting me)

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