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Chiller Theatre
Oct 19th, 1999

on-site links: main michelle
off-site links: Denice Duff Chiller Theatre

Hey there, this weekend I went to the Chiller Theatre convention held in New Jersey. I'm not big on conventions, actually never been to one before, but Denice Duff was going to be there..and because of was I ;)

Of course when you plan things, the only time anything can go wrong is at the last minute. This time it was my friend's car. It's been giving him trouble so he took it to get looked at early in the afternoon, ended up being an all day thing, he had to leave his car there, and he couldn't get back until about 6pm. That was the time the doors opened, which ruined plans to be early just in case. We went anyway, hoping that there would be tickets left.

Despite the website saying you should be there an hour early to ensure you get in, there didn't seem to be any sign of them turning people away even an hour after it opened, so we were there, and inside.

We started out just looking around at the venders, really having no clue what we were doing. It was all crowded, you could barely see what the people were selling. I just happened to turn around at one point and a nice Radu figurine was looking me in the face. It didn't look EXACTLY like him, but a very nice figure anyway. Would have looked great on my desk, except for the $250 price tag ;) So I moved on.

We heard them mention Denice's name (along with all the other guests) on the intercom or whatever, but missed where they said she was, so we just kept walking. Eventually came to a hall that had the word "Celebraties" and an arrow written on a piece of paper. So we followed it, went in all the rooms, looked around, no Denice! We went up to the third floor, walked around an even narrower hallway, went into an anime room where they were playing these insanely over the top (violence wise) Japanese movies. I actually saw the head crush they used to play on Mtv's Headbanger's Ball all the time..pretty cool..but still not Denice. We finally asked someone, they didn't know, so they asked someone, that person had it written down so he looked it up. To the tent!

So we get to the tent, and walk around, but we couldn't see who was sitting where because of other fans standing around. So we keep walking until I see the Subspecies 4 hanging above one of the tables. So I knew either that's where Denice was, or this was all just a big joke on me :) So I wait on line while the people before me are talking to her. Then finally it's my turn, I introduce myself and everything, and she's so nice and sweet. She came out from behind the table so I could get a picture with her. Once with her camera, then two with my camera (one with her fangs in). Hopefully they come out..will put them up if they are decent.

After she went back behind the table, I asked her to sign my Subspecies 2 box, which she was glad to do. Then with all the pictures she was offering, I couldn't resist, so I bought one with Radu looking at Michelle from Subspecies 3 and she signed that. Then she told me I could pick out another one if I wanted, so I got one with Mummy's hand around her neck, and she signed that.

Overall, it was a great evening. I had lots of fun, and can't wait until January when she comes around again ;)

Denice and I
Denice (with fangs) and I
my Denice collection ;)

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