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Fangoria's Weekend of Horror
January 15th, 2000

on-site links: main Radu Michelle
off-site links: Denice Duff Creation Entertainment Anders Hove

OK, the day of the convention, I had my alarm clock set for 7am, I woke up at 6:55, beating my alarm clock just didn't seem right to me so I allowed myself an extra half hour of sleep, which turned into me getting up at 7:45. I get up, dressed and all that stuff, quick stop at the ATM machine, and off to my friends house who I was going to go into the city with. We get to the city, part our seperate ways, and I load up The Gathering on my headphones, and begin my search for the New Yorker Hotel. After a slight wrong turn, and trying to keep myself from the temptation of the music stores, I arrive at the hotel with an hour and a half to go. Went inside and warmed up a bit, but couldn't see myself standing around for that long, so went back out and walked around for a while.

Around 10am or so, I decide to finally get on line, which is a good thing, because I believe shortly after that the line ended up outside. So anyway, I'm standing on line for about 30 minutes, nothing to do, I'm practically falling asleep standing up. All of a sudden someone is tapping me on the shoulder, I turn around, and it's Denice saying hello. Hehe..couldn't believe she remembered me ;) But then it was back to waiting, and waiting.

Finally, 11 comes, and we get to be hearded upstairs to the convention. I was supposed to be meeting 2 (possibly 3) of my online friends there, but of course I couldn't remember exactly where we said we'll meet, so I just walked around for a bit. Nothing exciting was happening, so I walked back to where we came up, figured I'd try to catch them when they came in. Saw someone that looked like they could possible fit Susan's description, so I went over to see. Sure enough, it was her. We introduced ourselves to eachother, talked for awhile, and stayed on the lookout for Lori (from the Anders Hove website). After about 45 minutes or so, we met up with another friend, who we actually didn't know if she was going to meet us or not, so that was cool. We talked some more, kept looking out for Lori, but then I looked across the room and happened to notice Denice and Anders leaning up against the railing. I asked the others if they wanted to go say hi, no one seemed to object to it, so we said forget Lori and made our way over ;)

We went over, said hi, introduced ourselves, etc. Talked for a bit, Susan and Cejah got their picture taken with Anders, then it was about time for them to take the stage, so we found our way to the auditorium thingy room. Just as we were entering, I hear someone calling, Lori had finally made it..just at the last second, her and her big entrances ;) So we go in, find some seats and sit.

Denice and Anders had a question/answer type thing for a about a half hour (give or take). Some of what was discussed was the plot of the new movie, the filming conditions in Romania, the Radu make-up and voice, stuff like that. Nothing really new and exciting, but was fun to hear it from them in person. Then they went to the side for autographs.

We went and waited on line, very bad setup, there was another presentation going on at this point, so the room was dark and loud, we could barely carry a conversation at times. But we eventually made it to the table. I had them both sign my Subspecies 3 box (so now I have 1 signature on part 2, and 2 on part 3, I just need to somehow get both of them and Ted to sign part 4 just to finish up the pattern ;) I also got a picture of the both of them together which they signed..just to add to my ever growing pile of Denice pictures. Finally Lori took a picture of us other 3 with them, and then Lori had one of herself taken.

At this point, Lori had to go, and Susan wanted to check some stuff out, so we said goodbye and split up. I went around to the tables to see what people were selling. It was really crowded, and there wasn't really anything that interested me much, so I started thinking about the upcoming presentations, realized I really didn't care for them that much, so with the Subspecies stuff over, I'd just head home.

So that's basically that. I had brought a camera, even gotten it ready after I was settled in, but for some reason I just didn't feel like snapping any. I'll see if I can get a hold of some scans of the pics Susan and Lori took and either post them or tell where you can find them..we'll see what happens.

Cejah, Susan, and Me with Anders and Denice (kind of)
go here for more pictures.
or here for another fan's description/pictures.

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