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{IMG - Tate's Michelle}Laura Tate
Main Subspecies

I've been thinking, I think it's safe to assume that when most people hear Subspecies they think of Anders Hove and Denice Duff. In other words, Michelle IS Denice Duff, and why not, she is the wonderful actress that developed the character and made her into what we know today. But let us not forget the woman that started it all, Laura Tate.

I must admit, even though I think Laura was a great human Michelle, I really cannot picture her in any of the other Subspecies, but who's to say I wouldn't think differently if Laura decided to stick around? Whatever the outcome would have been, she's still human Michelle, and that can't be taken away and I think that makes her entitled to atleast a little part of this giant web.

So Laura, wherever you are, whatever you're doing, we still love you!

{IMG - Dead Space, 1991}{IMG - Diggstown, 1992}

As far as I know, Laura has only done two other movies, One is a Sci-Fi movie that is supposedly similar to Aliens, the other appears to be some kind of boxing movie (oh did you come to that conclusion ACiDiC? ;) I really don't know what her roles are in the movies, but I think she has a starring role in Dead Space, and am willing to bet a fairly small role in Diggstown. Apparently she was also in an episode of "Matlock", though is listed just as Student, which would normally tell me it's a very quick part, except the episode's name is "The Student", so who knows.

Most of the information came from The IMDb and the box covers came from

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