NOTICE: Everything here, including the basics and beyond docs are for Series 1 DTiVo’s (Sony Sat-T60, Phillips DSR6000, or Hughes GXCEBOT)
Everything above I would consider mandatory to getting your DTiVo to the point of using it to watch tv.
Everything below are optional usage enhancements.
Links - Useful WWW links and other information
Hacks I recommend
Be aware of line wrap. Some lines may be too long to be displayed all on one line in this document and may wrap to a second line. When in doubt, copy and paste to notepad, or change the width of your web browser.
- Safe Reboot
- Season Pass Backup
- 51Killer
- Noads
- SendKey: This wasn't on my DTiVo after following this doc and I use it for various scripts
- Permanent 30 Second Skip
- TiVoWeb Plus
- UniversalEditTitle
- TiVoTitle
- ChangeFont
- TyShow
- VServer
Coming Soon (maybe): 3.1.0b update, bufferhack, LBA48 Support
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please pm me at DealDatabase, or find me on IRC (see credits for where).
Notes: Due to 2.5 DTiVo's loosing local channels, it is now necessary to update to 2.5.2 or 3.1 to get your local channels. I figured as long as we're upgrading, may as well go to 3.1. If you have issues with the new tier (see below) then stick to 2.5 (sans locals) or 2.5.2 (search DealDatabase for info on Superzap's 2.5.2 upgrade).
Back to Top
Must-Read Information About DTiVo Version 3.1
There is one HUGE draw back to using 3.1 that is not otherwise addressed by the process presented here, and that is the TiVo tier. Discussion about modification to cards is beyond the scope of this document, please make sure you subscribe to the DVR service from DTV to get this tier on your access card or make other arrangements. Other arrangements include adding this tier yourself, or using a 3m which can cope with the DTiVo checking for this tier (ins 30 handler). Updgrading to 3.1 without this tier or other arrangement will result service disruption, you will see "Account Closed" in the System Information Screen even though the Daily Call shows succeeded.
Another problem plaguing 3.1 is that the event switcher dies. The event switcher is like a scheduler, running programs at appointed times. There is currently no way to restart the event switcher except to reboot the DTiVo. You can schedule a daily or weekly automatic reboot at a time when you know that there will be no recording, (ie 2:00am). To do this, see the Safe Reboot section. How often you must reboot depends on what hacks you run and how often. If you don't run TiVoWeb or any looping programs, you probably don't need to do this. I've had a DTiVo running over 3 weeks even with TiVoWeb and everything configured per this doc and the event switcher is still ok.
Rule 1. Use at your own risk. These instructions are provided for educational use only, not for free TV or free DTiVo.
Rule 2. Make a backup of your original hard drive before applying Extreme 2.5 or any hacks. Power up your DTiVo (set to channel 100 when it finishes booting) and let it heat up to assure the DTiVo is not defective before cracking the case. If you're going to backup your hard drive, do not record any shows or actually use your DTiVo as this will make your backup HUGE. Note, this is not such a big deal anymore, you can find virgin hard drive images on the internet and the serial number is not stored on the hard drive.
Rule 3. Test your backup. Most people skip this step, but if you want to be really sure your backup is good, restore your backup to another hard drive and test it in your DTiVo. Again, not such a big deal.
Rule 4. NEVER connect the phone line...NEVER. Did I mention NEVER? NEVER. At least until you know the ramifications of doing this.
Rule 5. To safely perform a complete power off of your DTiVo, Press your TiVo Button on your remote, select Messages and Setup then System Reset then Restart the Receiver after the screen goes black and starts booting, pull the plug. Simply unplugging your unit, without this procedure, may cause mfs filesystem corruption, in which case you'll see the dreaded GSOD (Green Screen Of Death). Your DTiVo will probably recover from this, but it could take many hours (and possibly rebuild the /var partition).
Tip 1. If you edit a file on your PC, it is no longer considered to be a Linux file and will not function properly on your DTiVo. Either edit files on your DTiVo with Joe, or use Textpad to edit on your pc and save as UNIX file format. If you edit a file on your DTiVo and you see underlined M's (M) at the end of each line, then it's been 'corrupted', delete all of these characters to correct.
Tip 2. Most scripts have information at the beginning or throughout the file. Be sure to read this information.
Tip 3. In Linux, which DTiVo runs, files are case sensitive ThisFile is different from thisfile.
Tip 4. Use the <tab> key to complete the name of files in bash. Simply type the first character or two and press tab. If there is more than one file with the same beginning characters, it will complete the name up to the point where there is a unique character. You can type the next character for the file you want and hit tab again.
Notes: If you're DTiVo is already running Extreme 2.5 or 2.5.2 you can skip this step.
Create the two cd-rom boot disks you'll need (Extreme 2.5 image for your brand of DTiVo and Kazymyr's Utility Disk). Use CDRWin or Easy CD Creator to burn the .iso images. Note: Experience says do not use Nero
Link to dsboyce8624's Sony Sat-T60 2.5 Extreme Image (at
Link to surgeon's Phillips DSR6000 2.5 Extreme Image (at
For Hughes GXCEBOT, use the Phillips Image. The menus will say Phillips, but otherwise is identicle.
Obtain the necessary Torx Bits: T-10 and T-15
Carefully open your DTiVo and remove the hard drive(s), label them Drive A and B for future reference (Drive A is the one set to Master, or the last one on the cable) (most DTiVos only have one hard drive)
Install your hard drive(s) in a pc (capable of seeing the full size of the drives) according to Hinsdale's How-To
Backup up your DTiVo drive(s) with Mfs Tools Option #1 or #2 depending on whether your DTiVo had one or two hard drives
Perform restore on a different hard drive according to Hinsdale How-To, place this drive in your DTiVo and see if it boots
Installs many hacks and is the starting point for all hacks in this document
Notes: If you're DTiVo is already running Extreme 2.5 or 2.5.2 you can skip this step.
Connect your new A drive to the secondary master of your pc (hdc) and your new B drive (if you use one) to your secondary slave (hdd) and your cd-rom drive to primary master
Boot with your Extreme 2.5 cd
Press <enter> at each of the two # login prompts
Finally type 25xtreme and follow onscreen prompts
If your hard drive is larger than 30 or 40 GB, be sure to answer yes to run TiVoMad after Extreme2.5 finishes with the restore process
If you have two hard drives, be sure to answer yes to the question about having two drives, and yes to having both connected
Finally, if both your drives together total more than 140GB, be sure to answer yes to that question. It will create a larger swap partition so it can recover from the GSOD (green screen of death) should that occur later
Place new hard drive(s) in your DTiVo (don't forget to plug in the fan) and let it boot (it will do this twice)
If you're watching TV, great, now let's upgrade to 3.1 software.
Hack by Kraven
This will upgrade your DTiVo to version 3.1 (also includes setting bash 115200, turbonet with dhcp, vi, joe, mc, and noscramble module)
File(s) Needed: 31Update.cpio.gz and Update.tcl
Notes: If you're upgrading a DTiVo that's been in use for a while, you should know that the noscramble module in this update will affect any current recordings you may have. If you're not familiar with noscramble, then you're probably not running it. With this module running, you will not be able to play any previously saved, scrambled recordings (DTiVo scrambles saved programs by default). You have two choices, disable the noscramble module before recording any new shows, or delete all old recordings. There is really a third option, but I don't recommend it, that is to load and unload the module to view old scrambled recordings, then reload to record new. If you should happen to do this in the middle of a recording, very strange things can happen.
This update also write protects the / (root) partition, if you try to alter files or add files to this partition, you'll get errors. To make the partition read/write temporarily type mount -o remount,rw / After BlissTerPopper is run, a alias called rmrw is installed making it easy to issue this command.
Download and unzip (at to a directory you can find
Connect Serial Cable from DTiVo to a free com port on your computer. See below on constructing a cable
Install TeraTerm, then configure:
Click on Setup, Serial Port and select the com port you connected the serial cable to, set baud rate to 9600 and flow control to none
Click Setup, Terminal and change size from 80x24 to 80x25
Click Setup, Save Setup and overwrite your teraterm.ini in the directory you installed teraterm to
Press <enter> and you should get a bash-2.02# prompt. If you don't, you've got the wrong com port, or a bad cable
Let's speed up the baud rate so the file will transfer faster. At Bash prompt enter:
stty 115200
On the TeraTerm menu, click Setup, then Serial Port. Change the Baud rate to 115200 and click "OK" (You should save this to the teraterm.ini file just as you did in step 3c since after the 3.1 update, your DTiVo will run at 115200 baud by default)
Press <enter> and you should get a bash-2.02# prompt again
Transfer 31Update.cpio.gz and Update.tcl to the /var/hack/ directory
Mark Update.tcl executable
cd /var/hack
chmod +x Update.tcl
Finally, run the update:
./Update.tcl /var/hack ntsc
The update will take about an hour when you get TV (or more likely a 752 error on the TV) you can proceed to Blissterpopper
ADDENDUM 1: If you'd like to hard code your ip address (the update enables DHCP), do the following:
At Bash prompt enter:
mount -o remount,rw /
mv /sbin/dhclient /sbin/dhclient.bak
cd /etc/rc.d
joe rc.remote-login
At the start of the file, just after #!/bin/bash add the following lines (Set the IP address appropriate to your network):
ifconfig eth0 netmask
route del default > /dev/null
route add default gw netmask dev eth0 (note: or if you want to give your DTiVo Internet access, change the first to your actual gateway)
Save and exit Joe (ctrl-k then x)
Reboot your DTiVo
Installs several hacks (allows use of old "hu" card in DTiVo, cron, disables phone call requirement and sets up some bash aliases, disables logging)
File(s) Needed: BlissTerPopper.cpio.gz and
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
Enable read/write mode on the DTiVo hard drive. At Bash prompt enter:
mount -o remount,rw /
Transfer BlissTerPopper.cpio.gz and to the / directory
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /
chmod +x
After it completes you can delete the install files. At Bash prompt enter:
rm BlissTerPopper.cpio
When the reboot completes you should have TV
Hack by Juppers
Sets the market ID on your DTiVo and after a reset, fixes the 2.5 locals problem
Files(s) Needed: midupdate.tcl
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
Transfer midupdate.tcl to the /var/hack/ directory
At Bash prompt enter:
chmod +x midupdate.tcl
./midupdate.tcl xxx (where xxx is your market ID from this list or this file)
Now we're going to clear the program data, to do list, and season passes. This is going to take 1-4 hours.
On your remote, press the TiVo Button, select Messages and Setup, then System Reset, then Clear Program Data & To Do List and follow the on screen prompts.
Wait for TV to come back and you should now have the local market you selected (assuming your card is setup properly as well, which is outside the scope of this document).
Fix some minor bugs
cd /etc/rc.d
joe rc.remote-login
if [ -e /bin/tivoftpd ]; then (note: looks for tivoftpd in the correct directory now)
if [ -e /tvbin/fixsub31.tcl ]; then
echo "Running Fixsub"
/tvbin/fixsub31.tcl &
echo "Remounting / ReadOnly"
mount -o remount,ro /
joe rc.sysinit
cd /
joe .profile
# Original 3.1 Tivolater .bashrc
##############stty sane
stty 115200becomes this:
# Original 3.1 Tivolater .bashrc
stty sane
stty 115200
cd /etc/root
joe .bashrc
# Original 3.1 Tivolater .bashrc
##############stty sane
stty 115200becomes this:
# Original 3.1 Tivolater .bashrc
stty sane
stty 115200
cd /etc
joe crontab
01 4 * * * /tvbin/logsNull &
If you can get two sat hookups to your DTiVo, enable this feature! When enabled you can a) record two programs at the same time, or b) record two programs and watch a recorded program, or c) record one program and watch another program live
File(s) Needed: n/a
First, hook up two satellite connections to your DTiVo (this requires both connections of a dual lnb, or two 'output' connections of an approved dss media switch)
On your remote, press the TiVo Button, select Messages and Setup then Receiver and Phone Setup then Satellite Dish Setup and finally Repeat Satellite Dish Guided Setup
Follow the onscreen directions, and you're done
Required for 30 Second Skip, mplay and msave (see these links for usage)
File(s) Needed: SendKey
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /tvbin
Transfer SendKey to the /tvbin/ directory
chmod +x /tvbin/SendKey
Change your 'advance' button on your remote to skip ahead 30secs
File(s) Needed: n/a
Notes: You must repeat this procedure whenever you reset or powercycle your DTiVo
Watch any recorded program
On your remote, press select, play, select, 30, select
Test: your Advance >| button should now skip ahead 30 seconds
Reboot or Repeat this procedure to undo
ADDENDUM 1: Automating 30SecSkip - I created a simple executable called t to run the above commands, so that after a reboot I can telnet in, type t and have it renew the 30sec skip feature. Just make sure that you're at LiveTV or watching a recorded show before you execute t.
File(s) needed: t
Notes: Requires SendKey.
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
Transfer t to the /var/hack/ directory
chmod +x t
Hack by MuscleNerd, Compiled by Alphawolf and SuperZap
Same as above but no need to run a script on startup
File(s) Needed: T301310sz
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /tvbin
Transfer T301310sz to the /tvbin/ directory
switcherstart -k (Note: wait for command prompt to return, may take as long as 10mins)
cp /tvbin/tivoapp /tvbin/tivoapp.bak
chmod +x /tvbin/T301310sz
Script by _Formula
This enables DTiVo to record PPV channels like regular channels (only useful if you order PPV on DTV's website and some other situations)
This will NOT enable you to view free PPV
File(s) needed: noppv.tcl
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
Transfer noppv.tcl to the /var/hack/ directory
At Bash prompt enter:
chmod +x noppv.tcl
./noppv.tcl dump
./noppv.tcl -x & (Where x is your time zone offset from GMT, defaults to -6 Central, -8 Pacific, etc)
If all runs fine, then we'll add the last command to the file that gets executed during the daily call
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /etc
joe crontab
Add the following line to the end of the crontab file (VERY IMPORTANT, be sure to leave a blank line between each command in /etc/crontab, and at least two blank lines at the end of the file):
09,24,39,54 * * * * /var/hack/noppv.tcl -x > /dev/null (where x is your time zone offset from GMT)
Save and exit Joe (ctrl-k then x)
Script by rc3105, modified by JJBliss
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
Transfer safereboot.tcl to the /var/hack/ directory
At Bash prompt enter:
chmod +x /var/hack/safereboot.tcl
cd /etc
joe crontab
Add the following line to the end of the crontab file (VERY IMPORTANT, be sure to leave a blank line between each command in /etc/crontab, and at least two blank lines at the end of the file):
00 7 */2 * * /var/hack/safereboot.tcl & (Note: This will schedule the reboot for every other day at 2:00am Eastern. Change the 7 to 8 for central, 9 for mountain, and 10 for pacific)
Save and exit Joe (ctrl-k then x)
Web Server for your DTiVo, requires TurboNet or other means of TCP/IP communication
File(s) Needed: tivoweb-tcl-1.9.4.tar.gz, httpd-tt.tcl, tivoweb, util.itcl, 0ui.itcl, logos.itcl
Notes: Since TiVoWeb wasn't designed to run on DTiVo, many people have trouble with it, not the least of which is the code purposefully written into the software by it's authors to thwart its use on "extremed" DTiVos. Below are the steps I took, and modified files necessary, for TiVoWeb to work on my DTiVo. Your results may vary. Also, when I upgraded a 2.5 DTiVo to 3.1, that's been in service for some time, TiVoWeb would not run properly. When I re-ran Extreme2.5 on this DTiVo and then upgraded to 3.1 immediately (following exactly the instructions in this doc), TiVoWeb did run fine. So if it doesn't work for you, consider re-running extreme 2.5. YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary).
Download tivoweb-tcl-1.9.4.tar.gz to a directory you can find on your pc
Download and unzip to a directory you can find on your pc
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
Transfer tivoweb-tcl-1.9.4.tar.gz to the /var/hack/ directory on your DTiVo
At Bash prompt enter:
gzip -d tivoweb-tcl-1.9.4.tar.gz
cpio -H tar -i < tivoweb-tcl-1.9.4.tar
rm tivoweb-tcl-1.9.4.tar
rm /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/httpd-tt.tcl
rm /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/tivoweb
rm /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/util.itcl
rm /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/modules/ui.itcl
rm /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/modules/logos.itcl
Transfer httpd-tt.tcl, tivoweb and util.itcl to the /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/ directory from the fixed files rar
Transfer 0ui.itcl and logos.itcl to the /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/modules/ directory from the fixed files rar
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl
chmod 775 httpd-tt.tcl tivoweb
chmod 664 util.itcl
cd /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/modules
chmod 664 0ui.itcl logos.itcl
/var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/tivoweb console
Wait for the message Accepting Connections
Point your web browser at the ip address of your DTiVo ( for example) and you should get a menu.
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /etc/rc.d
joe rc.remote-login
Add the following lines to the end of the rc.remote-login file:
if [ -e /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/tivoweb ]; then
echo "Staring TivoWeb"
/var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/tivoweb &
ADDENDUM 1: TiVoCommunity TiVoWEB Theme - By Steve Jenkins (aka TiVo sTeVo-o): Colors and graphic to make TiVoWEB more "attactive"
WARNING: the html.itcl file linked here is for TiVoWEB version 1.9.4 ONLY, it will kill other versions.
File(s) needed: html.itcl, tivocomm.css, and tivoweb_banner.png
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl
mv html.itcl html.itcl.original
Transfer tivocomm.css to the /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/ directory
Transfer html.itcl to the /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/ directory
Transfer tivoweb_banner.png to the /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/images/ directory
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl
chmod 775 html.itcl
joe tivoweb.cfg
Theme = tivocomm
Reboot your DTiVo
File(s) needed: tivowebplus-1.0-pre8.tar.gz
Notes: If you currently have a previous version of TiVoWeb or TiVoWeb Plus running, you'll need to go to it's restart page and select "Quit" ( on my DTiVo). Then rename the current directory:
mv /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl.bak
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
Transfer tivowebplus-1.0-pre8.tar.gz to the /var/hack/ directory
At Bash prompt enter:
gzip -d tivowebplus-1.0-pre8.tar.gz
cpio -H tar -i < tivowebplus-1.0-pre8.tar
rm tivowebplus-1.0-pre8.tar
/var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/tivoweb console
Wait for the message Accepting Connections
Point your web browser at the ip address of your DTiVo ( for example) and you should get a menu.
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /etc/rc.d
joe rc.remote-login
Add the following lines to the end of the rc.remote-login file (but before the mount command):
if [ -e /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/tivoweb ]; then
echo "Staring TivoWeb"
/var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/tivoweb &
ADDENDUM 1: TiVoCommunity TiVoWEB Plus Theme - By Steve Jenkins (aka TiVo sTeVo-o): Colors and graphic to make TiVoWEB more "attactive"
WARNING: the html.itcl file linked here is for TiVoWEB Plus version 1.0 pre8 ONLY, it will kill other versions.
File(s) needed: html.itcl, tivocomm.css, and tivoweb_banner.png
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl
mv html.itcl html.itcl.original
Transfer tivocomm.css to the /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/ directory
Transfer html.itcl to the /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/ directory
Transfer tivoweb_banner.png to the /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/images/ directory
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl
chmod 775 html.itcl
joe tivoweb.cfg
Theme = tivocomm
Reboot your DTiVo
Hack by Andrew Whewell
Plug-in module for TiVoWeb and TiVoWeb Plus which lets you backup and restore Season Passes and Wishlists
File(s) Needed: tivoweb-backup-1_00_0010.tar.gz
Download but DO NOT unzip tivoweb-backup-1_00_0010.tar.gz to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
Transfer tivoweb-backup-1_00_0010.tar.gz to the /var/hack/ directory
At Bash prompt enter:
gzip -d tivoweb-backup-1_00_0010.tar.gz
cpio -H tar -i < tivoweb-backup-1_00_0010.tar
chmod 755 backup.itcl
rm tivoweb-backup-1_00_0010.tar
rm tivoweb-backup-readme.htm
mv backup.itcl /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/modules
Reboot your DTiVo
You will now have an added item on your TiVoWeb main page named backup
Script By Netboy, see file for enhancement credits
Change titles and other information on recorded shows, remove the Manual: tag, even undelete.
File(s) Needed: UniversalEditTitle.tcl
cd /var/hack
Transfer UniversalEditTitle.tcl to the /var/hack/ directory
At Bash prompt enter:
chmod +x UniversalEditTitle.tcl
To run, at Bash prompt enter:
Follow the prompts
To change a title type r to get the FSID of the show you want to change. Then, back at the main menu, press c and enter the FSID you got from the listing.
Everything else is self explanatory
Script by Eric2048 see file for enhancement credits
Automatically renames recorded shows in Now Showing for descriptive titles
File(s) Needed: TivoTitle_0.94.tcl
Notes: These are only install instructions, read inside TivoTitle_0.94.tcl for usage instructions.
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
Transfer TivoTitle_0.94.tcl to the /var/hack/ directory
At Bash prompt enter:
chmod +x TivoTitle_0.94.tcl
To run it manually, enter the following at the bash prompt (read usage information before running!):
cd /var/hack
./TivoTitle_0.94.tcl -c
If you want to schedule TiVoTitle to run at 1 and 31 minutes past the hour, add the following to the /etc/crontab file:
01,31 * * * * /var/hack/TivoTitle_0.94.tcl -c
Change to a narrower font to display more information (especially useful for TivoTitle)
Files(s) Needed: futura.ttf and
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At bash prompt enter
Transfer futura.ttf and to the / directory
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /
chmod +x
Gives you the ability to transfer .ty files directly from/to your DTiVo
Files(s) Needed: mfs_ftp.tar
Note(s): MFS_FTP listens on port 3105, so setup your ftp program to attach to the ip address of your DTiVo and port 3105. The .ty files will be in the /ty/ directory, you can transfer files in and out of /ty/
Also, turn off passive (PASV) file transfer in your ftp program, otherwise transfers will be REALLY slow.
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
Transfer mfs_ftp.tar to the /var/hack/ directory
cpio -H tar -i < mfs_ftp.tar
rm mfs_ftp.tar
cd /etc/rc.d
joe rc.remote-login
Add the following lines to the end of the rc.remote-login file (but before the mount command):
if [ -e /var/hack/mfs_ftp/mfs_ftp.tcl ]; then
echo "Starting MFS_FTP"
/var/hack/mfs_ftp/mfs_ftp.tcl &
Allows you to play .ty files in Windows Media Player
Files(s) Needed: TyShow-BETA-0.14.exe
Note(s): MFS_FTP listens on port 3105, so setup your ftp program to attach to the ip address of your DTiVo and port 3105. The .ty files will be in the /ty/ directory, you can transfer files in and out of /ty/
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
Double-click TyShow-BETA-0.14.exe in windows to install
Now when you double-click on a .ty file, it should launch and play in Windows Media Player.
Video server for DTiVo, Allows your DTiVo to stream .ty files to your pc for viewing
Files(s) Needed: vserver-1.2.tar.gz
Note(s): Requires TiVoWeb Plus and TYShow to use as illustrated here.
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
gzip -d vserver-1.2.tar.gz
cpio -H tar -i < vserver-1.2.tar
rm vserver-1.2.tar
d /etc/rc.djoe rc.remote-login
Add the following lines to the end of the rc.remote-login file (but before the mount command):
if [ -e /var/hack/vserver/vserver ]; then
echo "Starting vserver"
/var/hack/vserver/vserver &
Save and exit Joe (ctrl-k then x)
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl
joe tivoweb.cfg
Change the TyShowLinks setting from 0 to 1:
TyShowLinks = 1
Now when you go to Now Showing list in TiVoWebPlus ( on my DTiVo), you will see an extra column on the far right, click 'view' to auto launch Windows Media Player and begin streaming that show to your pc.
You're now watching your TiVo'd program via ethernet.
Program by jdiner
DTiVo side, and Windows side software to allow downloading of recorded programs (includes VSplit)
File(s) Needed for DTiVo: tserver_mfs7, NowShowing.tcl
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
Transfer tserver_mfs7 and NowShowing.tcl to the /var/hack/ directory (these files are in your unzip directory in /TIVO Side/)
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
chmod +x tserver_mfs7
chmod +x NowShowing.tcl
cd /etc/rc.d
joe rc.remote-login
Add the following to the end of the /etc/rc.d/rc.remote-login file (but before the remount command):
if [ -e /var/hack/tserver_mfs7 ]; then
echo "Starting TyTool Server"
/var/hack/tserver_mfs7 > /dev/null &
On your PC, move the /WINDOWS Side/ directory from your unzip directory to C:\Program Files\TyTool\
Create a shortcut to the executable TyTool8r4.exe on your desktop
Run your new icon and set the ip address of your DTiVo, the directory to which you want to download saved videos to, and from the File menu, select whether you want to split the streams during download, or just save the raw .ty file (for demux with TyTool or TyStudio, or for viewing with TyShow later)
Click Refresh to get a list of shows, highlight one and click Get
Enjoy the wait :)
Removes advertisements from the DirecTV Central Screen
File(s) Needed for DTiVo: noads.tcl
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
Transfer noads.tcl to the /var/hack/ directory
At Bash prompt enter:
chmod +x noads.tcl
To run it manually, enter the following at the bash prompt:
If you want to schedule noads.tcl to run once a week, add the following to the /etc/crontab file:
01 4 * * * /var/hack/noads.tcl &
Script by AlphaWolf (See file for further credits)
Will clear the #51 error when moving hard drives between DTiVos
File(s) Needed for DTiVo: 51killer.tcl
Notes (From the file): This script will clear the error #51 nag from a hard drive that was transferred from one DTiVo to another.
WARNING: Because the key generated for this nag is also used as part of the encryption process for tystreams, any encrypted (scrambled) streams that you currently have on the disk will be rendered useless!
My Notes: If you've followed this document, scrambling was disabled when installing TiVolator31 so this script is safe to use.
Download and unzip to a directory you can find
At Bash prompt enter:
cd /var/hack
Transfer 51killer.tcl to the /var/hack/ directory
At Bash prompt enter:
chmod +x /var/hack/51killer.tcl
TeraTerm Pro:
Kazymyr's Utility Boot Disk:
xtreme25 iso images:
All others can be found by searching DealDatabase or at
Hinsdale's How-To Upgrade/Backup TiVo Drives:
TiVo Hacking FAQ:
Backdoor and P-S-P Codes and more:
DealDatabase (No DTV hacking info allowed):
TiVo Community (absolutely no illegal hacks to be discussed here):
DB9 1/8" Plug
pin 2 = tip
pin 3 = middle (aka ring)
pin 5 = base (aka sleeve)
Serial Communication:
Install TeraTerm Pro
Run TeraTerm Pro
Click on Setup, Serial Port and select the com port you connected the serial cable to
Click Setup, Terminal and change size from 80x24 to 80x25
Click Setup, Save Setup and overwrite your teraterm.ini in the directory you installed TeraTerm
Ethernet Communication (requires TurboNet):
Install TeraTerm Pro
Run TeraTerm Pro
Click Setup, Terminal and change size from 80x24 to 80x25
Click Setup, Save Setup and overwrite your teraterm.ini in the directory you installed TeraTerm
Close TeraTerm Pro
Right-click on the TeraTerm Pro Icon and choose Properties
Edit the Target to (including the quotes, change the ip address to match your DTiVo and the path to the .exe to it's actual location)
"C:\Program Files\ttermpro\ttermpro.exe"
Click OK
Directory listing: ls (Dos equiv DIR)
ls -lart List files in current directory also show file details
ls /etc -lart List files in /etc directory and show file details
Change directory: cd (Dos equivalent: CD)
cd / Change to the root directory
cd .. Change to the parent directory "up"
cd /etc Change to the absolute directory /etc
cd hack Change to the relative directory hack under the current sub (example, if you're currently in /var, you'll end up in /var/hack)
Check current directory: pwd (Dos equivalent: CD)
pwd Print Working Directory, displays the directory you're currently in
Copy a file: cp (Dos equivalent: COPY)
cp file file2 creates a copy of file called file2
cp /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit rc.sysinit Copies rc.sysint from the /etc/rc.d directory to the current directory)
Move or Rename a file: mv (Dos equivalent: MOVE/REN)
mv file file2 Renames file to file2
mv file /etc Moves file to the /etc directory
mv file /var/hack/file2 Renames file to file2 and puts it in the /var/hack/ directory
Erase/remove file: rm (Dos equivalent: DEL/ERASE)
rm tempfile Deletes the file tempfile
rm -rf /var/hack Deletes all files in /var/hack/ and removes the directory
Make a directory: mkdir (Dos equivalent: MD)
mkdir /hack Creates a folder/directory in the root called hack
mkdir tivoweb Creates a folder/directory in current directory called tivoweb
Erase/remove a directory: rmdir (dos equivalent: RD)
rmdir /hack Removes the directory hack from the root (directory must be empty of files first)
rmdir temp Removes the directory temp from the current directory
Make a file executable: chmod (Dos equivalent: n/a)
chmod +x file Makes file executable so that it can be run, like a .exe or .bat file in Dos
chmod 755 file Makes file executable and readable but not writable, this is the setting that TiVo uses on their executable files so it is the setting that I use.
chmod 755 file1 file2 file3 Chmod several files at once
Find a file: find (Dos equivalent: n/a)
find / -name <filename> This will search for matches to <filename> from the root / directory down
This is for serial transfers only. TeraTerm or the DTiVo do not behave well when attempting to transfer a file via Ethernet/turbonet with this method. For Ethernet transfers, use ftp)
- Start TeraTerm and press <enter> for a #bash prompt
- Change to the directory where you want the file to go (ex: cd /var/hack)
- Delete or rename any existing file(s) that have the same name as the file(s) you're going to upload or the transfer will fail.
- On the TeraTerm menu, click File, then Transfer, then Zmodem, then Send (Note: typing rz at the #bash prompt first is not necessary since TeraTerm will automatically issue that command)
- Locate and highlight the file(s) you wish to transfer and click Open (you can send multiple files by holding the CTRL key and highlighting all the files that you wish to send)
- If this is a executable file (a program or script) make sure to mark it executable
Info compiled by DarkWing, credit for all hacks and other useful information go to others...I merely put it all in one place.
This is a work in progress, use at your own risk. When in doubt, search the DealDatabase archives and learn what the hack does and it's possible side effects.
For help or to contact me I can be reached via IRC at channel #dreams4all or #PVR
Revised: 03/05/04.