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The Gallery






nefaria is a character i created for my unnamed fantasy series. she is an evil demoness sent by the [unnamed] lord of the underworld from the pits of [hell] in the other realm. she has scorceress powers of evil magic and curses. she doesn't always rely on her power to accomplish her tasks; she is a hellfire temptress and will often trick mortals into doing her deeds for her. nefaria brings new meaning to the saying "beautiful things can be painful." in her case, beautiful things may mean death. nefaria is tempting to the weak souls of mortal men, and a single kiss may mean the end for any who dare to come too close.

nefaria possesses a piece of a powerful orb [unnamed]. she guards the [unnamed] - wearing it close to her heart at all times - hoping neither to rid herself of it nor to witness its catastrophic power. though with a corrupt mind comes senseless choices, and at times she has wished to obtain such a power.

nefaria's costume is subjective, giving me the chance to alter it when i want. it stays consistant in design -- seductive, ellaborate, and darkly colored. her staff is a means of channeling energy, the orb on the top is capable of storing an unncertain amount of energy, signified by its alternating, swirling colors that act in a smoke-like manner.




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Creator: Yami