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anatéa is another character i created for my unnamed fantasy series. she is an angel of good, appointed archangel and guardian for mortals in peril or at evil's desire by the lord of the chaste heights [unnamed] of the other realm. the city of Chastária (cha-stair-ee-ah) was once at peace, no evil source disturbed it. after the separation of the [unnamed] orb, anatéa was entrusted with a piece of the orb; the [unnamed].

anatéa is a powerful archangel of surpassing goodness and beauty. when she is seen by mortals, she appears to show a blinding ambient aura. she is kind and gentle and tries to see past the naivete of humans when aiding them. however, she is not entirely ignorant of corrupt natures temptating them. she has a side possessing great magnitudes of frightening power; an angel of death. at most times she is her angelic self and uses her power to protect life.

her costume stays relatively the same: it's light in color and respectable. anatéa has no weapon, she prefers to battle (when she does battle) at a distance, by projecting powerful spells and enchantments.




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Creator: Yami