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                             political debate 2000


political debate 2000


all that's missing from this picture is a goat.....

all of us will remember the election of 2000, bush and gore, florida, "chads". but we won't remember it for the presidency, no, we'll remember it for how damn long it took to count from one to ten. touché florida, touché.

it was the second time in american history that we have had a president we didn't elect. gore may have won the popular vote, and while he was trying to recount every stupid ballot in florida, bush and the electoral college were out partying inside the congress building for clinton's farewell bash. (it was much fun -- a record was set for the number of times the game "grab-ass" was played ^.^)

but aside from the election itself, there were the debates. the seemingly endless debates. the two-angled debates. the striped-tied, pressed-suited, tight-ass debates. the only difference between the two were what states they are from (and we chose Texas). they were so much alike that was impossible to tell the two appart from their views. the entire election was based on the same opinions and random insults of character.

Gore: I believe in improving public education!
Bush: I agree!
Gore: I believe in helping the American people!
Bush: I agree!
Gore: I believe in cutting government spending!
Bush: All the more for booze!!
Gore: I believe in a strong Cabinet!
Bush: I sure as hell agree!!
Gore: I believe in genetic engineering and splicing!
Bush: All right!!
Gore: And I believe that "Weird Al" Yankovic is the greatest comedic musical talent of all time!!
Bush: Long live rock and roll!!!

but seriously, folks, this debate was incredibly irritating, and entirely too easy to make fun of. In ten years, we'll be looking back on this, and some teenager will come up and say "those stupid monkeys! they didn't even know where to start counting!!" then one of us who experienced this momentous occasion will turn to them and say, "you don't even know the half of it.... now get the hell off my property! I've got a shotgun in my pants!"

or something like that.



note: i never said i was any good at drawing real people


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