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The Gallery


                                  P1 teaser


P1 teaser


Player1 is a series I am working on. P1 will involve all sorts of video game related humor and banter, along with very opinionated characters. the two characters shown above will be the stars. i haven't worked out all of the kinks yet, but everything will get straightened out soon enough. to me, video games are too important to leave alone; they are sacred. we are the Nintendo generation. there are too many evils in the video game world to leave unscathed (or to just leave it up to piro and largo at MegaTokyo).

the picture is basically just silhouettes of the main characters of P1 (and amazingly they have names!! buuuut, i won't tell what they are yet ;P). the guns are of some significance and are worth mentioning. of course following the video game theme, both guns are modeled after the light guns used in the classic nintendo game Duck Hunt. i have a little logo i made in there too. this is in the style of an anime/manga, shown both by the characters anatomically and by the big hair - that's what makes anime so great. ^_^




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Creator: Yami