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Erik! Angel Of Music

Angel Of Music

This is a site all about our beloved 'Erik',
the tragic hero of the novel by Gaston Leroux...

"Phantom of the Opera"!

(About Erik)

Erik's Gallery

*    *    *

"Erik's Labyrinth" Trilogy
(My stories about Erik!)

London Trip
('Phantom' and 'Cats')

Music Of The Night
(Gothic Page)

*    *    *

Erik's Links

Erik's Guest Room

Copyright © Janie 2001



Here is my page dedicated to Erik.

There is not much that Erik phans will not know,
so I will not presume to analise (or inform).
However, I did want to share my own thoughts.
(Presuming that anyone is interested - if so then read on...)

My first encounter with Erik was not so long ago at the "Opera House" in Manchester - where I now work! Apart from loving the music - which I already knew most of - I was so overwhelmed by Erik's story that I rushed out and bought the book, "The phantom Of The Opera" by Gaston Leroux. I was not surprised that Mr. Leroux claimed the story to be true, as I already felt this to be the case myself in my heart! I have since aquired copies of Susan Kay's "Phantom" and Brigitta D'Arcy's "Le Fantome".

Anyone who has been outcast themselves can surely relate to Erik's situation - (even if it is not quite to the same degree). Similarly, anyone who has made another person feel outcast may have a thought to themselves after reading the books, or seeing the musical... or one of the films that have been made over the years.

Is it any wonder that Erik did not feel beholding to the human race - when all they ever showed him was contempt!! I dont think I would feel so obliged to live by someone's rules if they treated me in that way...

Erik's story also has a great message for anyone that ever judges another person by appearance. I have always tried not to, but this story really makes you think about the effects of this on the individual at the recieving end.

I feel that Erik was far ahead of his time. When I think of Erik I see the man behind the face - and his face is beautiful to me...because it belongs to him; a beautiful person, so talented and gifted - and a pure soul! It was not he that was ugly - but society that was ugly towards him, forcing him to commit crimes in order just to survive! He did not go looking for trouble - in fact, he wanted to be left alone.
Had he lived in our century he may well have been celebrated for his genius, and perhaps a little more accepted - no matter WHAT he looked like (?)

Well, I would hope that to be the case in these days of "civilised society"...

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Copyright © Janie 2001

Erik's Gallery

Mirror POTO Sing
Dream Song Throne
Stranger Angel GO!!!!

Back To Erik! Angel Of Music

Copyright © Janie 2001

"Look at your face in the mirror
I am there inside!"

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Top Of Gallery Part One

"In all your fantasies
you always knew
that man and mystery"
"Were both in you"

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Top Of Gallery Part One

"Sing for me!"

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Top Of Gallery Part One

"Let the dream begin
let your darker side give in"

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"You alone can make my song take flight
help me make the music of the night"

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Top Of Gallery Part One

I have brought you
to the seat of sweet music's throne

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Top Of Gallery Part One

Stranger than you dreamt it

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Top Of Gallery Part One

"I gave you my music
made your song take wing
and now how you repayed me
denied me and betrayed me!"

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Top Of Gallery Part One


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Copyright © Janie 2001

*  *  *

Erik's Gallery Part Two
Back To Gallery Part One

Faces Red Death Child PONR Pity!
Sir Kiss Tiki Love Over

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Copyright © Janie 2001

"Masquerade, paper faces on parade, Masquerade,
hide your face so the world will never find you"

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Top Of Gallery Part Two

"Why so silent?"

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"Wandering child so lost - so helpless
Yearning for my guidance"

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Top Of Gallery Part Two

"We're past the point of no return"

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"Pity comes too late, turn around
and face your fate"

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"Sir, this is indeed an unparallelled delight!
I had rather hoped that you would come..."

"And, now my wish comes true - you have truly made my night!!"

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Top Of Gallery Part Two

"Pitiful creature of darkness, what kind of life have you known,
God give me courage to show you - you are not alone"

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Top Of Gallery Part Two

"Masquerade, hide your face
so the world will never find you."

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"Christine! I love you!"

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"It's over now
The Music Of The Night!"

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Gallery Part One
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Copyright © Janie 2001

*  *  *


Pictures supplied by Allan Hardman,
Shadowsong and POTO

Gallery Part One
Gallery Part Two
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Copyright © Janie 2001

Trip To London

Tuesday 17th July 2001

Train left Piccadilly Station in Manchester on time at 11.23 am. I have to say that all of the staff for both journeys were extremely nice and helpful on this Virgin train... A nice day to travel, although by the time we reached London Euston at 2 pm it was colder and wet!

No matter!

I bought a disposable camera and made my way by taxi without delay to the New London Theatre to catch the 3 pm performance of 'Cats'...

Pure Magic!

I was in the circle, on the side, I had a terrific view! The 'cats' were coming up to us and singing at us even on the circle!! I kept looking around to see yet another cat nearby - at one point Macavity was right beside me!!

We had John Partridge as 'Tugger' (He was very interactive with the audience), Jacob Brent as 'Mistoffelees' and Dave Willetts as 'Deuteronomy' - all we were missing was Elaine Paige! Chrissy Hammond did a great job with Grizzabella though.

I cried during both renditions of 'Memory' and even the bit Jemima sings before the song 'Gus the Theatre cat' (nothing changes).

My favourite Cats are still Mistoffelees, Jemima, Tugger and Munkustrap. Waited at the stage door, but, there were two large school parties who were rather roudy, and I think most of the actors were frightened away! I did get one autograph, Andrew Wright - one of the swings, a very pleasant man - he even took the time to sign for all those school children!

Walked (in the rain) down to Haymarket via Leicester Square - I liked Leicester Square :-) Arrived at Her Majesty's Theatre at 7.15 pm in time for the doors to open...

Phantom - Magic Again!

What can I say?!

Debbie Dutcher was her usual excellent self as Christine and Scott Davies really put himself into the part of our darling Erik!

Of course I cried during the usual bits; Music of The night, The Final Lair - AND - I always cry when Meg pulls the cloak off the throne to reveal Erik's mask - don't ask me why, but, that always gets to me!
I could not fault any of the actors, they were all superb! :-)

I waited at stage door hoping to have more luck than I did at Cats... Donald Francke, (Buquet), was the first to appear and give his autograph, followed by Jeremy Secomb (Piangi), Debbie Dutcher and Scott Davies. I had a nice chat with Debbie, (I met her before when she played Christine in the 2000 Manchester touring company), and Scott is such a nice man. They were both really sweet to me and all of them seemed more than happy to get pictures taken, sign autographs, etc - not just for me but for Rose, too!

Got taxi to B+B and watched TV (Braveheart was on) before finally winding down after the most perfect day and sleeping!

Wednesday 18th July

Went to Covent Garden and for one last look at 'theatre land', before making my way to Euston - two hours early!

Wandered about Euston aimlessly trying to kill the two hours I had to spare! Found a nice park to sit in for a while and then, on the way back, outside the Euston Plaza Hotel was a sign saying - "ERIKS BAR"!! If I had thought a bit quicker I would have photographed it! I did think about going in though, but, since I was not a guest of this hotel - I thought better of it...

This seemed to make my "Two-hours-to-kill" time more worth while, especially since Euston seems to be one of the less interesting parts of London!

Train was on time, and two and a half hours later I was home again.... still reflecting on a perfect trip that I will never ever forget!

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Copyright © Janie 2001

Of The Night

I can think of few things more gothic than "The Phantom of the Opera",, to me it sums it all up - I could not write a gothic page for my site without a mention for my favourite story of my favourite person!!
The phantom, Erik, is outwardly disfigured, and yet has a soul that is capable of intense love and tenderness, (when he feels it is justified)... Outcast because of his appearance, he is abused and shunned - just because he looks different , (and his intellegence and genius are not what people are expecting when they see him).

(A feeling many goths/gothics may recognise, as people often do not understand how we look/act/are).

Although Erik is, in fact, a murderer (although he never went looking for trouble...) the storyline cleverly brings us around to seeing why he is the way he is - and sympathising with him.  I would challenge anyone to go and see the musical, (or read the book, or watch one of the films), and not end up understanding, empathising - even liking Erik.
I think a person would have to be extremely lucky to have never had the experience of being "outcast" or picked on for being - different!! 
I think in that way most of us can relate to Erik - even in some small way - I know I can...

(Many people - especially the music press, believe that "Gothic" music began with bands like "Siouxsie and the banshees", "Bauhaus", and "the Damned", in the late 70's - (who actually never said they were gothic at all, it was the music press that labelled them as such).  However, my personal opinion on this is that it was bands like "Ultravox" who began with this introspective, dark music - much earlier in the mid 70's. These days gothism seems to have become a fashion statement for some people.  Wether you consider this to be a good or a bad thing is a matter of individual point of view...

Finally... we don't all - in fact very few of us, conform to the stereotype that some people insist on saddling us with...

There are alot of gothic things I like - and some which I don't.  There are also a few things I happen to like that are not "considered" gothic, but, that doesn't stop me liking them - or freely admitting I like them - and neither should it!

I don't consider myself "A Goth"....
I consider myself "Gothic".... 

Erik! Angel Of Music

Copyright © Janie 2001

Erik's Links

The Phantom Of The Opera
Really Useful Group
Phantom Of The Opera Nexus
Opera Ghost
Whispering Shadows From The Darkside
Chris Corcoran - Voice Of An Angel
Scott Davies UK
Phantom Of The Opera
Shadow Song
Phantom Of The Opera (unofficial)
Erik's World
Devoted to the Phantom of the Opera

Back To Erik! Angel Of Music

Copyright © Janie 2001