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Relation of Amos Bronson Alcott and Louisa May Alcott
to some of their South Carolina Relatives.


This chart shows the relation of Amos Bronson Alcott and his daughter, Louisa May Alcott, to some of their South Carolina relatives. On the top are the common progenitors; to the left are the successive South Carolina generations as they proceed down from the common progenitor. To the right are the successive New England generations as they proceed down from the common progenitor. Those in the first generation down are siblings. The next generation are first cousins, the next generation are second cousins and so on.

Common Progenitors

John Brownson (1602-1680, immigrant)

(Francis Hills)


John Brownson (1642-1711)                                                                Isaac Brounson (1645-1719)

(Hannah Scott, Farmington, Ct.)                                                           (Mary Roote, Hartford-Waterbury, Ct.)

(Dorchester SC)


First Cousins

Isaac Brownson, Sr. (1680-1733)                                                        John Bronson (1678-1746)

(Margaret)                                                                                            (Mary Hickok, Farmington, Waterbury)


Second Cousins

Isaac Brownson (1706-1770)                                                               John Bronson (1701-1785)

(Mary Neilson)                                                                                     (Comfort Baldwin, Northbury, Ct)


Third Cousins

David Brunson (1729-1784)                                                                 Capt. Amos Bronson (1729-1819)

(Elizabeth Cantey)                                                                    (Anna Blakeslee, Plymouth, Ct., Waterbury, Ct.)


Fourth Cousins

Margaret Brunson (b. 1766)                                                                 Anna Bronson (1773-1863)

(Isaac David)                                                                                        (Joseph C. Alcott, Jerico, New London)


Fifth Cousins

George B. David (1793-1849)                                                             Amos Bronson Alcott (1799-1888)

                                                                                                            (Abigail May)


Sixth Cousins

Elizabeth Margaret “Lizzie” David (1831-1887)                                    Louise May Alcott (1832-1888)

(Charles H. Jones)



Seventh Cousins

Francis Ellen Jones (1858-1931)

(Robert F. “Bob” Jones)


Eighth Cousins

Annie M. Jones (1884-1950)

(Claude Hogan)


Hazel Hogan

(Edward Terrar)