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Pictures of Bruton Parish Church
Williamsburg, Virginia

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Gideon Macon (1648-1702), "The Immigrant", was a member of Bruton parish church in Williamsburg, Virginia when it was being built in 1674. He served as one of its five vestrymen.
Bruton parish church To the left is a view of the inside of Bruton parish church where Gideon Macon was a vestryman. (d-16b.jpg)The picture is borrowed from Rusty Webber's "Macon Connections" web page.
Bruton parish church To the left is another view of the inside of Bruton parish church. (d-16a.jpg). Gideon and his family sat in pew number 4. The pews had doors. As can be seen in the picture (if you have better vision me), there is a bronze plaque with Gideon's name on the door.

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