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3.02.06 Eleventh Generation: Descendants of
Mary Marsena Brunson (Loring) and Lucius Loring

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Mary Marsena Brunson (1820-1898) was the eleventh generation down from the first documented Brunson/Brownson. She was the daughter of William L. Brunson (1789-1868). She married Lucius Loring. Mary Marsena and Lucius Loring lived out their lives in Sumter and had seven children, three of who lived to adulthood. (d-22) The children of Mary Marsena and Lucius Loring were:

1) Fannie Loring (1842-1842). She is buried in the Old Bradford Cemetery, Sumter, S.C.
2) Anna Charlotte Loring (1843-1926). She did not marry and later in life lived with the family of her nephew, Washington L. Lee, Jr.
3) Lucius Pitts Loring (1845-1845). He is buried in the Old Bradford Cemetery, Sumter, S.C.
4) Pauline Matilda Loring (Lee) (1848-1917). She married Timothy William Lee (1848-1922) in 1870 at Sumter. Timothy was the son of Colonel George Washington Lee (1815-1874) and Susannah Ann Dozier (Lee). Colonel George Washington Lee was a Presbyterian and is buried at Mt. Hope cemetery. Pauline and Timothy Lee lived out their lives at Millwood, which was the name of their home in Sumter and are buried in Sumter Cemetery. It was said that Pauline Lee was much loved because of her kindliness and loving thoughtfulness of others. William L. Brunson’s granddaughter, Pauline and Timothy Lee had three children, all born in Sumter. They were:
  • Stella Lee (1872-1880).
  • Anna Lydia Lee (1873-1923). She married George Douglas Jennings (1874-1939). She is buried at Sumter Cemetery. He is buried at Tirzah Presbyterian Cemetery in Dalzell, S.C. They had four children:
    Ruth Jennings (b. 1907), married Lawrence C. Lemmon.
    Lucius Stewart Jennings(b. 1909), married Margarette Barton.
    Esther Jennings (b. 1911), married Jeter Hammond.
    Howard Malcolm Jennings (b. 1914), married May Crawford.
  • Washington Loring Lee, Sr. (1875-1960). He married Harriet Chalmers Fishburne (1873-1957) in 1904 at the Church of the Holy Comforter in Sumter. Harriet Chalmers Fisburne was the daughter of William Henry Fishburne and Johnanna Benjamin. Washington Loring Lee and Harriet Chalmer Lee are buried at Sumter Cemetery. They had three children.
    William Fishburne Lee (1905-1906).
    Pauline Loring Lee (1907-1986). She attended Converse College in Spartanburg, S.C. between 1924 and 1928. She married Francis Marion Dwight (1899-1981) in 1930.
    Washington Loring Lee, Jr. (1908-1990). He married Elizabeth Caldwell Smyth in 1931. One of Washington Loring, Jr.’s children is Brunson family historian, Elizabeth (Bet) Gadsden Lee (Girardeau). She has transcribed many cemetery tombstones and supplied the data, letters and pictures for this web page. Click here to view her work on the Old Bradford Cemetery, which is part of the Sumter County, SCGenWeb Home Page. Her father and brother have also contributed to the historical work. Both served as president of the Sumter Historical Society.
  • 5) George Washington Loring (1852-1920) was the twelfth generation down from the first recorded Brunson/Brownson. He married Nessfield Green (d. 1807) in 1881.
    David Loring To the left is a picture of David Worth Loring, the only child of George Washington Loring to survive to adulthood. This picture was taken while David was sitting on the front porch in about 1916. This was prior to his entry into the military. (Click here) for a listing of the descendants of George Washington Loring, including David Worth Loring’s (1887-1918) letters home from World War I and a newspaper article about his death in that war. (d-21).
    6) Emma Loring (1858-1858) was the sixth child of Lucius and Mary Marsena Brunson Loring. She is buried in the Old Bradford Cemetery, Sumter, S.C.
    7) Mary Wesley Loring (1861-1862). She is buried in the Old Bradford Cemetery, Sumter, S.C.

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