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Holiday Message from the 24th Navajo Nation Council (In Navajo/Diné Bizaad)
Holiday Message from the 24th Navajo Nation Council
Written by Speaker Seth Damon

The following is the Navajo translation of the Holiday Message from the 24th Navajo Nation Council released as a Press Release on 12/20/21 & aired on KTNN on 12/21/21 during the local news segment. The Navajo language portion is the transcription of the radio broadcast presented on KTNN.

Yá’át’ééh Késhmish,

This season, we rejoice in the blessings provided to us and reflect upon the long journey we traveled this year. During this time, we are reminded of our strength as one Navajo Nation to overcome this pandemic. We have seen unprecedented levels of community support for one another through our food distribution drives, wood hauling events, and all of us simply working together to help our neighbors.

Nighéí nááhai dóó wóshdé̜é̜’ da shí̜í̜ áníłtsogo éiyá díidí yéego éiyá nihich’i̜’ nidahwii’náa ndi kó̜o̜dí naałniihígíí biniinaa t’áadoo át’áo bee bikáá’ háádiikahígíí éiyá át’é. Háálá éiyá ts’ídá t’áá ałtsoní éiyá bich’i̜’ nihidziil díidí diné nihidi’nínígíí. Éí bee éiyá nihaa nitséskeesgo t’áadoo át’éhígóó éiyá bee éiyá bikáá’ háádiikahígíí éiyá át’é nisin. Áhót’éego éiyá ba̜a̜ nitsídeikees. Áhódí ádahwiis’á̜á̜góó la̜’ígóó éiyá ch’iyáán nilínígíí da éiyá bee biká’iijéé’ nihidiné’é. Índída nighéí chizh ádaat’éii da áhót’éego éiyá bee ałká’anéijahgo éiyá hoolzhish.

It is through our traditional songs, ceremonies, and our protection prayers that sustains us as the largest Sovereign Nation in the United States. Our compassion and devoted faith is the shining strength and beauty of the Navajo people. We treasure the lessons the last two years have taught us and that is to remain resilient.

Áádóó índída binahji̜’ nihidziilígíí éiyá áhódí nighéí nihiyiin ádaat’éii áádóó índída nihee’ ó’ool’i̜i̜ł índída nihihatáál danilíinii da éiyá áhót’éego bee éiyá nihidziil. Áádóó índída nááts’íilid nihinázt’i̜’ígíí binahji̜’ nilíigo éiyá ts’ídá yá’át’éehgo éiyá nihił haz’á̜a̜go áhót’éego éiyá ádaa nitsídeikees díidí Diné Bináhásdzoh Bikéyah bikáa’gi.

We came safely together as family and friends during the Christmas holiday to share appreciation for those we love and care for. Use this time hugging our elders, holding our children in love, enjoying mutton stew, playing Navajo Ten card games, and gathering safely in fellowship with your loved ones.

Áko éiyá díí Késhmish bich’i̜’ hoolzhishíí binahji̜’ nilíigo ałhidiníłnáago éiyá ałhidíínółzin dooleeł dóó ayóó’áhíínóh’nóo áhót’éego éí áájí̜ éiyá Késhmish nilínígíí éiyá da’diidleeł índída ch’iyáán yá’át’ééhígíí áádóó índída t’áá nighéí hooghandi nihane’ nilínígíí índída éiyá ahódí dá’áka’ nilínígíí daashí̜í̜ éiyá áhót’éego éí nihinaanish ádaahłéeh dooleeł t’áá nihighan nahaz’á̜a̜di. Áádóó sodizin da shí̜í̜ éí dei’aah. Éí biniinaago éiyá éí binahji̜’ niló̜o̜ éiyá nihidziil.

The Navajo Nation Council is sending military care packages with essential items to be delivered to our active duty service members who cannot return home for Christmas. We send prayers of peace to all our warriors around the word. It is through the distinguished service of our men and women in uniform serving overseas today that allows us to have our freedoms. Let it be remembered for generations the contributions of our warriors to all foreign conflicts and to honor our Navajo Code Takers bring to the history of this country.

Navajo Nation Council éí díidí niha’áłchíní siláołtsooídi nidaakaiígíí ła’ shí̜í̜ éiyá doo náhákáah da díí Késhmish bii’ hoolzhishígíí góne’. Índída nighéí náhááh góne’ éí da shí̜í̜ áníłtsogo éí áájí̜ éiyá áhódí t’áadoo le’é t’áá bóhoniyázhí ndi éiyá bich’i̜’ hódeilne’ dooleeł. Áko ts’ídá nitsaago éiyá baa ahééh niidzin díidí nihisiláołtsooí nilínígíí nihitséłkéí dóó nihich’ikéí danilí. Índída éiyá nihahastóí daniló̜o̜ da áhót’éego éiyá áájí̜ éiyá binaanish ádayiilaa díidí Siláołtsooí nilínígíí Navajo Code Talkers bidi’nínígíí nighéí hoolzhishdé̜é̜’ ts’ídá yéego éiyá baa ákohniidzin dóó baa ahééh niidzingo éiyá hoolzhiizh.

We now give thanks to the Holy People for safeguarding our land, the air, water, and all living beings during the wintertime on Mother Earth – Nihimá Nahasdzáán.

Diyin Dine’é nilínígíí dó’ éiyá bich’i̜’ éiyá ahééh nohsin dooleeł nihikéyah nilínígíí áádóó índída níłch’i bee náhidiidziihígíí índída tó nahasdzáán bii’ hólónígíí éí ts’ídá t’áá ákwíí jí̜ éiyá ahót’éego éiyá choiniil’í̜i̜go éiyá nihini’ji̜’ éiyá hoolzhish. Áko yá’át’éehgo éiyá baa nitsííkees nihimá nahasdzáán.

May the Creator provide us guidance and blessings into the next year, and protect us as one Navajo family. We wish you a blessed Merry Christmas and a more prosperous New Year.

Áko Diyin Dine’é nilíinii shí̜í̜ éiyá nihaa anáádahalyá̜a̜go kodó̜ó̜ éiyá nighéí hai ániidíi bii’ji̜’ éiyá anáádeiyidiikah. T’áá áhót’éego éiyá ahool’áa dooleeł áádóó índída éí nizhónígo éiyá Késhmish da’doohłeeł dóó nizhónígo éiyá nihináádadooha̜h.


The information presented here is for educational purposes & to promote the learning of the Navajo language. No copyright infringement is intended.

To see the original press release, feel free to click here.

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