{Posted 8/31 by Sage}
I was banned from computer use until today (sorry everyone), but I caught up on the updating today. All of the tourney entrees are closed. If you are entered, then be here 7:00 PM Eastern time sharp, because we will go ahead if you're not here. Go to the site's chat room. Leeeeetttt's geetttt rrrrreaddy to rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrummmmbllllleeeeee!
{Posted 8/25 by Sage}
I put up the Sacred Items page and modified the training chart today. The tournament is just around the corner so everyone participate. It will have the same rules as the July tournament. The time will be 7:00 PM on 8/31.
{Posted 8/24 by Sage}
The site is going through some major member changes. Starting today (Friday the 24th) you must e-mail the site with an update or an e-mail saying "Keep me on!" least once between now and September 2nd. If you don't your character WILL BE DELETED. There are a lot people who have been idle for months so I'm giving a chance for people who participate to join. I fixed the chat link for those who couldn't load it.
{Posted 8/16 by Future Trunks}
Yes, Sage's and my school has started and we don't have much time everyday so don't get mad at us for not updating you the next day. We are very busy(if your in high school you'll know). Also, only email us your updates and joining on our site email address. If you email our email address for those things, they will be deleted. Its that simple. We will update as much as we can. The site's email address is at the bottom.
{Posted 8/14 by Sage}
School has started and has ended my free time ~_~. Anyway, I won't be able to update everyday so it might be several days before you're updated, so I would sugest you check everyday to see if I've updated and keep some sort of schedule for the week if I haven't. Also, ALL updates are to be sent to dbprpg@hotmail.com, and ALL updates must have you character's name in the subject or they WILL BE DELETED. Updates are only to be sent to that e-mail; if you send an update an individual updater, then they will be deleted.
{Posted 8/11 by Sage}
I've added some more members in last fews days. Anyway, I'm going to let some of you be on the DB Planet staff. Go to the Staff Page. You must be a member. Also, the jobs go to the first two people that ask me, except the "updater" job.
{Posted 8/8 by Sage}
Wow, we're getting a lot of new people to join lately it seems. Anyway, start calling me Sage because someone joined as Brolly, and we need keep confusion to a minimum ^_^*. I'm adding some links to the site and will probably have a "Vote for me" page for different places. I'm also going to add some polls and a few new things. Keep your updates coming!
{Posted 8/4 by Brolly}
Well, it seems we'll have to cancel July's tournament. If you see your oppenant on AIM or something, ask if you can battle him. If it's the way an official battle is, I'll accept it (you must go in turns, you get 4 base blocks and 2 base dodges). Please vote for my site on Trunks Palace Topsites!
{Posted 7/31 by Brolly}
Ok, we're going to try the tournament again at 7:30 Eastern time. If you can't make it, e-mail me! If I'm not in the chat at that time, then I couldn't come and we'll have to post pone, but I think I can make it.
{Posted 7/30 by Brolly}
The time for the tournament is 7:30 PM EST. I added a new rule for the planets, look at the "Planets" page for more info. E-mail me if you can't make it to the tourney, and I don't know if I can be there, but for now the official time is 7:30.
{Posted 7/29 by Brolly (a.k.a. Sage)}
Since no one e-mailed me, I'll say the tournament will be sometime around 6:00-9:00 (e-mail me if u can't make it). I'll announce the official time tomorrow. You can check out who you're fighting on the tournaments page.
{Posted 7/28 by Brolly (a.k.a. Sage)}
I added some new things today, like the joining form, chat, and contact me pages. Please read the rules for the chat. Anyone can use it for training, sparring, battling, etc., but you must paste what you did on an e-mail to me. If you want to join, I prefer the Join Form. The time for the tournament will be when every entree can come. Please e-mail me a time on 7/31 that you can be here for the tournament! I also changed the rules for the Dragon Balls, like the time it takes to find them. If you were already seraching for them or wishing before today, this doesn't apply.
{Posted 7/22 by Brolly (a.k.a. Sage)}
It's been a while since I added a new page because I've been busy updating everyone. I put up the frames
on the site and re-did the planets page. I'll try to make stuff (i.e. sagas, special moves, etc.) soon. I hope everyone likes the new frames. The tournament is coming soon so enter soon if you want to participate.
(Posted 7/10 by Brolly)
A new rule about battles: there MUST be a ref there to battle someone in a chat-battle or it doesn't count! Also, for updates you have to e-mail me, because sometimes I forget when I'm on IM ^_^. I'm thinking about two new things to add: scenarios and special moves. Everyone send me some feedback! The new pic you see here was by Goku on our RPG. I'm going to add "ref" as a new job. After you've chat battled, you must paste the battle on an e-mail to me.
{Posted 7/9 by Brolly}
Okay, the RPG officially opens tonight!!! I've done a few changes here and there like the Message board. Anyway, now you can train, battle, etc. just remember to e-mail me. Also, if you're idle for 10 days, you will be deleted so someone else may choose your character.
{Posted 7/7 by Brolly)
I'm trying to spice up the Planets page by giving a desciption of each one, and I added a Tournaments page.
I've also updated the characters page to show the characters availiable instead of the ones taken. I'm currently working to get frames up on the page, and I am going to wait until we get three more members to join to start so we'll have 10 members in all.
{Posted 7/6 by Brolly}
Im almost done updating, and the RPG should be ready to open soon (I'd say about 3 to 4 days)! I added a Jobs page to spice up the RPG a little. I put the rules now in HTML instead of the .DOC file. I changed the money u get in battle because I added the jobs.
{Posted 7/4 by Brolly}
I've started to update the old pages and everything to prepare for the re-opening. Ill e-mail everyone when the RPG starts up again! Don't forget to reserve your character!!!