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  • How to play

    To start a fight/battle, you need to IM the person you want to fight and ask them if they would like to battle with you, the person you ask to battle with can decline your offer if they wish to do so.

    The RPG chat where you can talk to other members of this RPG is at the bottom of the "Battles" page. You can fight in that chat if you want to but you don't have to, you could fight in an AIM Private Chat if you would prefer to fight there.


    When the fight/battle is declared over the following things will happen: The winner of the fight/battle will receive 10% of the loser's stats. The winner will also get his choice of the loser's one item or all of his/her money. He/she may only take one item. If you choose to take your opponents money then you will no longer be able to take one of his/her items. The winner also has the opportunity to take his/her opponent's dragon balls. The winner has the right to take as many dragon balls as he/she wants. The loser of the fight/battle will receive 5% of their opponent's new stats. The loser will also be sent immediately to the Next Dimension or Hell. You may stay in the Next Dimension for a minimum of seven days and a maximum of 25 days. Staying in the Next Dimension for more than 25 days can result in removal from the RPG. While in the Next Dimension you may execute any tasks that you could perform if you were still alive although you may NOT build any items. Once a person has been killed a total of ten times then they must be wished out of the Next Dimension. If a character flees from a battle then both of the fighters will receive 50 units added to there Power Level and Hit Points.


    I will explain how the battles should take place. First you need to go to the RPG chat (that is where you will fight), or you could go to an AIM private chat with a witness to prove you fought. The person with the most speed goes first. You start by using an attack for damage, then your opponent has an opprotunity to block it with a defense move. this goes on until one person doesn't have any more HP. You may only use each defense move you have once!

    When you are sparing with some one,you both get 30 hp and pl and 10 speed and ki a day,if you spar over two weeks,you lose 15 pl and hp 5 speed and ki a day.

    To get stronger with out doing anything.
    You just need to email me and say you would like to train for stats. If you do this you won't be learning a move but will be getting the training stats from the planet's master that you are on.

    You may only know a maximum of 12 moves! You may however get rid of your attacks to learn new ones.

    If you don't do anything for one week,you lose 20hp and pl,5 ki and speed a day!.

    Oh,and one thing....if you see a copier that copied my RPG, email me there rpg's address and you'll get 300 pl and hp free.