22/12/03- Its been ages since i've updated this site, i guess i barely have the time to convert all the fics i've received and post that fanarts... but i did update the pirate section for my club XD and i have a new fruits basket rpg going on the messageboard for this site, so feel free to join in! This will probably be the last post before the new years so MERRY XMAS AND HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR! so many things to do, yet little time. Planning to change the layout and possibly theme for this site once again in summer. but thats a long way from now isn't it? who knows maybe spring if i'm lucky with no hw XD

10/09/03- I finally saw Ayame in fruit baskets! yay! lol. ok as for updates i really only updated the pirate section... lol. even though i should be adding more to fanart, and fanfics.... hehe but ill have to leave that for the holidays guys , cause i have to convert them to html ^.^ Then i have to beg artists for the pictures :) I'm also thinking of putting a very small Shigure shrine on this site because i love him so! And then a Nuriko one as well, but of course they're going to be small, and i guess they'll kinda be like cliques cause i'll have a part where you guys can join up to show your love for them ^.^ I'll probably make a Sora one too from Hack and a Sasuke one from Naruto... Btw we have 64 members in the Otaku-Pirates club! Oh yes... i just (right now) joined a Fruits Basket Blog as Shigure! So you can find that on my Fruits Basket Blog Page ^.^ Enjoy the Updates!

30/08/03- ok its been a very long time since i've updated. and gomen! i didn't expect my summer to be full of activities. Plus i had planned to update alot during the last two weeks, but sadly i was caught in the major blackout of 2003 and my comp decided to blow a fuse. o.O and its still in repair (im using my bros comp that he got yesterday) :( neways as for updates i'm going to try and add some new sections, one being for the otaku pirates because we have so many members! 61! and other stuff lol. now im off to actually add that section XD

21/07/03- Gomen! tis been awhile since i've updated :( but i added two new artists to the fanart section. I haven't converted any fics though, cause i'm still waiting for some responses and i'm a bit lazy. It may be awhile until i update again too. i have lots of parties to go to and by the end of the month not only do i have Camping with AtlantisAngel but i've got caribana! *starts dancing...* lol anyways the fanart section is the only part i updated. New artists are Crim-chan and Lyschan. I'll go off to ask more artists today as well. Anyways enjoy the art.

10/07/03-Yay! finally the site is opened! lol gomen it took so long! and still it's not even done :( but... I am constantly working on it, and i will have more fics posted up soon! I still have one from Chibi Raye, Atlantisangel and Lady Thundera to add up. As for fanart i have tons to add (i can't name the artists that said yes to my email off the top of my head but theres lots.) Also i finally got the message board and I'm going to add a new section soon, where you guys can suggest a fic that i should look for and ask to place on this site ^.^ for now that's it.

08/07/03- All right I have decided to open up the site on thursday ^.^ even though i haven't finished converting/uploading all the fics and fanarts onto this site. However, atleast you'll be able to take a look around.Some old sections are still here, and as soon as i finish with the basics i will add new stuff onto this site. So far only the Dragonball fanfiction section is up and running. However Escaflowne and Fushigi Yugi will have some soon. I don't have any in Gundam (because i haven't read any fics for Gundam because i've only seen Endless Waltz basically.). So... I'll have to leave that to Gundam fans, who want their fics up on this site ^.^ or maybe people could suggest a fic and i'll see if i can get it on here. Well that's basically it for that. Anyways as for Actual Updates: I added four artists in the fanart section, asked about 4 others in email and awaiting their response. I asked one new author for their fic, and possibly soon to be another. I'm still awaiting for one response by two authors i asked a week ago, i added two new sections to the 'Misc' and i have converted one fic by ChibiRaye and will post the other one up possibly on thursday, but it'll be linked off of ff.net until i get time to convert (it's a biggie). I will also probably put up the Escaflowne Authors up, however I doubt it's going to have the same layout as the dragonball one (because there are more dbz fics out there then escaflowne ones). Well that's all i can think of at the moment. Enjoy ^.^

- Xshiny