Wow! You mean you really want to know about lil ol'me? Well i'm touched ^.^ Here's the basics:

Real Name: Ashley Farinha
Age: 16
Nationality: I am Canadian (and i'm very proud to be one!)
DoB: June 22, 1987
Food: Seafood! or curry/teriyaki...
Likes: Anime! friends, shopping, sleeping, playing Dance Dance Revolution, Movies (esp Horror and comedy) and Conventions (Anime North yay!) and Music ^.^
Dislikes: dishonesty, being stared at.... it's freaky!, being stared at when eating..., posers, preps, the crowd that thinks their hot and they're not, people who follow you like in horror movies (it's happened before...), yellow gummy bears...
Famous Lines:

"I will take over the world with Green Jello!"
"Just cause I have this flame thrower in my hand doesn't mean i torched the school..."
"Oh shucks"
"There, There no da."
"No da?"
"Twinkle Twinkle little Star...Ah forget this--Just go to sleep you little brat!"

Anime *not in order*: Dragonball, Sailor Moon, Card Captors, Fushigi Yugi, X, Evangelion, Chobits, Love Hina, Fruits Basket (Rach got me into it... same with FY!), Escaflowne, Utena, Hack sign (only seen one episode but still cool!), Ranma 1/2, and Kenshin.
My close friends Online: AtlantisAngel (Hey Maru!), Rachel (tsk tsk. too much yaoi ^.^), Kes (Meilin is the best!), Piotr (lol our thread finally has plot!), Pebblez (lol, hot van...), Tomcat (i love your art!), and Jen (lol gotta love those chestnuts ^.^)
Favourite Drink: Coca Cola (sorry pepsi fans)
Favourite Anime Guys: Gotenks!, Nuriko/Tasuki, Dilandau/Folken, Haru (haha rach..), Miki (Utena), Ryouga/Mousse, Kenshin, and Spinner
Favourite Anime Girls: Marron/Chi Chi, Miaka, Meilin, Merle, Utena, and Chi