Author's Note:
Ni Hao?
I'm such a bum! I totally forgot to
wish everyone happy holidays... so Happy
LATE Easter/April Fools day/ spring Vacation
and anything else that people celebrate! ^ - ^
::Place a peace sign with my hands::
::Carmera zooms down and sees litoxmonkey under Ren's feet::
*Hehehe* That's what you get for not giving me
credit! *humph*
::cross arms and walk away::
Just kidding, it's cooLies!
- Ren ^ - ^

does anyone know
How I can make my size font smaller?
i suck at these HP/htmls stuff

Disclaimer: Dragon Ball is not mines, but the non-Dragon Ball characters are mines... *heh*


Last Time:
Kakarott landed on earth!
Chichi's in trouble!


Forbidden Love Chapter Four: The Plan...


Kakarott stood there and watched the young man struggle with the young female’s shirt.

Two... Three... buttons was off and he started to untie her belt.

'Was he checking to see if she was ok...?' Kakarott thought.

Tai opened her shirt and started to fondle with her breast threw her bra.

When Kakarott realized that she was about to get raped he ran forward and kicked Tai into a tree.

Tai hit the tree, not knowing what happened.

Bulma dropped a giant stick, ran out and grabbed Chichi close to her.

Bulma knew she couldn’t take Tai on by herself but she also wasn't going to let her friend get raped. So she went to find a stick so she could knock him out when he least expected it.

Kakarott stood there watching Bulma rebutton Chichi's shirt. "Chichi..." Bulma whispered.

Out of no where Tai came from the back and tried to jump kick Kakarott on his head.

Bulma saw and shouted "watch out!" as she pointed behind him.

Kakarott didn't do anything and when Tai was close he moved aside letting him fly past him.

In Saiyajin speed Kakarott caught Tai by the neck and held him in the air.

Yamacha and Tien noticed Kakarott's ki go up a little. So they decided to go and follow his ki, to see if everything was ok.

When they reached there they saw Kakarott holding up someone by the neck and a girl on the floor who was holding another girl.

"Kakarott! what are you doing?" Tien asked as he watched the young man's face turn slightly blue.

Kakarott glanced over at Tien and threw the young man on the floor, giving Yamacha and Tien a big grin. "Hey Yamacha, Tien, what are you guys doing here?"

Yamacha shook his head as he went to go check on the young man's pulse. "Weird, they look like us but without tails..." Tien said as he glanced over at a blue hair girl sitting down holding her friend.

Kakarott glanced over at Bulma and crouched down in front of her.

"Are you guys ok?" Kakarott asked gently.

Bulma nodded her head and glanced down when Chichi started to stir.

"Chichi!! Chichi!!" Bulma started to yell as she shook Chichi hard.

Chichi awoken and glanced up at Bulma. "Ugh, Bulma what are you doing here?" Chichi said as she tried to sit up. "Ouch... My head!" she cried as she rubbed the back of her head. "What the happened?" She asked as she looked around.

Bulma explained what happened to Chichi and she glanced over at Tai who was still on the floor. "That hentai! (pervert) He tried to rape me!" Chichi shouted, as she got up and kicked Tai in the stomach. Tai let out a painful moan as Chichi kicked him again.

Bulma had gotten up and tried to stop her but Kakarott got there first.

Kakarott grabbed Chichi's arm and tried to pull her away gently, but she wouldn't budge. Chichi had kicked him so hard that she broke two of his ribs, and was still going!

"Whoa, look at her go!" Yamacha said to Tien as he elbowed him. "She's almost like a Saiyajin without a tail!" Yamacha continued to speak.

Yamacha then glanced over at Bulma and gave her a warm smile.

Kakarott couldn't watch the beating anymore so he grabbed Chichi by the waist and lifted her up, tossing her gently on his shoulders. "That's enough, woman." He spoke softly to her.

Chichi started to kick and punch Kakarott yelling for release. "Put me down!! Get the fuck off of me!!"

When Kakarott placed Chichi back onto her feet she ran and cried onto Bulma's shoulder. Now that she had gotten all her anger out she could do nothing but cry. (Chichi is not crying because she's sad or anything, she's crying because she was so scared and helpless, I mean rape isn't a thing you can forget so easily. Even if it was a close call.)

Kakarott, Tien and Yamacha watched in awe at Chichi's mood swings. They didn't want to say a word to upset her any further so they waited until she clamed down.

Once Chichi clamed down Bulma didn't let go of the embrace. She held onto Chichi tightly and waited until she did the first move.

Yamacha was still watching them and Bulma gave him a small smile. She then whispered 'Thank you' to Kakarott.

Chichi then lifted up her head and glanced over at Tai. Kakarott noticed the pain and hatred look on her face and attempted to comfort her.

When Chichi saw him approach she took a few steps back. Right now wasn't the best time for her to get close to anyone besides Bulma, especially a young man.

Kakarott stopped as he noticed what was happening, 'Why would she be afraid of me? I just helped her...' Kakarott thought.

Tien the approached Bulma and asked, "What race are you? and what planet is this?"

Bulma glanced at him funny and answered "Human... and Earth... what are you? an alien?" Bulma said sarcastically.

Yamacha and Tien nodded their heads as Bulma was about to faint.

"I always knew there were other living beings out there... but to see one in person..." Bulma said in a whisper.

Kakarott, Tien and Yamacha started to laugh as Bulma gave them a deadly glare.

Tien explained what happened in space and asked her if she had any tools he could possibly use. He described what he needed and Bulma nodded her head. "Yea, I left some of my tools at Chichi's house, so I can pick those up when I drop her off."

Tien, Kakarott, Yamacha, and Bulma walked Chichi home as the guys stared, awe at her castle.

You... you're a princess?" Yamacha blurted out as he pointed at her castle.

Bulma nodded her head as she told the men to wait outside. She walked Chichi into her house, then her room and said she'll be back later that night. (why does Bulma trust these aliens? because it's how the story goes! *heh* and + they helped save Chichi so she owes them one!)


Outside the Castle

Kakarott, Tien and Yamacha stood outside waiting for Bulma to return.

"What do you think?" Yamacha asked Tien and Kakarott.

Tien nodded his head left and right and said "Not my type, The black hair one is to violent, and the blue hair one got the scariest death glares! luckily looks can't kill..."

Yamacha smirked and looked over at Kakarott, "What about you?"

Kakarott was in a daze and Yamacha waved his hands in front of his face. "Hello? Kakarott? are you there?"

He then snapped out of his daze and looked at Yamacha, "Oh sorry did you say something?" Yamacha sighed and repeated his question, which caused Kakarott to slightly blush. "Oh... I thought the girl named Chichi was kind of cute... but she's just an alien... and she's already have a boyfriend..." Kakarott replied.

If just in qui, Bulma had just walked out and handed Tien the tools. "Do you think I can come and watch? I mean I never seen Alien technology before..."

Tien glanced at her funny then nodded his head. The group walked down towards the ship, which wasn't to far from the lake.

"So how old are you?" Yamacha asked Bulma, which caused her to blush.

"I'm 19... and you?"

Yamacha smiled and said he was only 20.

They finally reached the ship and Tien started to work on it while Yamacha was talking to Bulma. Kakarott decided to go for a short walk and look around, that was the whole reason why he joined the elites, to travel and explore different worlds.

He stumbled his way back towards the lake and watched the sun slowly set, from the refection of the water.

'Wow this is beautiful! We don't have a sunset like these in Vegetasai. I’m sort of glad we got hit by the meteor, if not I wouldn’t have been able to see this beautiful sunset, or have met Chichi.' Kakarott thought as he sat down, leaning on a tree.

'Chichi, I wonder how she's doing... I didn't have a chance to talk to her, and I probably won't... we're leaving in about an hour... when Tien's done with the ship...' Kakarott let out a sigh and glanced around.

This placed look familiar, so he glanced around more carefully. There on the grass, across the lake, was a piece of Chichi's dress, and some bloodstains. The only thing that was missing was Tai.


At The Castle...

Chichi sat on her bed thinking about what happened. Right now wasn't the perfect time for her to be with any male company except her father. When she heard the door knocked she ran and hid in her closet. After a few knocks a maid opened the door and glanced inside to see an empty room.

Tai had gotten up and slowly made it back to the castle, which was hard because he had a few broken ribs, a bloody nose, and his body was sore. When he entered many maids started to run around looking for a way to help him. They brought him into an empty room, and carefully placed him down.

"Sir, Lord Tai came back hurt, and we haven't seen Chichi." A maid said.

"Did you check her room?" The Ox King asked worried. The maid nodded her head and relied, "Yes sir, but no one was in there..."

The Ox King quickly gotten up and ran towards the room Tai was in.

"Tai are you alright? Where's Chichi? What happened?" The Ox King blurted out all at once.

Tai was laying down in the bed and he slowly sat up.

"Sorry, Ox King, I tired to save her... but... but..." Tai said as he faked tears down his eyes. "but these bandits came out of no where and tried to kidnap Chichi... I fought them to protect her but there was to many of them. Before I got knocked out... the last thing I saw was Chichi struggling to break free from their grasp."

The Ox King listened in shock as he urged Tai to continue.

Tai let out a sigh and gave a face of disappointment and sadness, "I guess they must have drugged her... because... when I found her... her clothes was off and her body bruised. They have took her innocence away..."

The Ox King's eyes widen as he heard those words. 'My Chichi was raped?!?!?!?'

Tai continued to speak which broke The Ox King's thoughts, "I was putting her clothes back on and when she awoken, she had thought I was the one who raped her. I told I didn’t, and I would never think to do something... so... wrong but she didn't believe me... she grabbed her clothes and ran off... and that's when I made my way back here..."

The Ox King listened in disbelief. His daughter's innocence had been taken from her, and the one man who tired to help her, she accused him of the rape.

He couldn't take anymore of this so he decided to go search for Chichi himself. The first thing he wanted to make sure of, was that she was safe and at home.

Before he left Tai took a deep breath and spoke to the Ox King once again. "I know your daughter lost her innocence, but I’m still willing to marry her. It will be hard for her to find a good husband after what happened, and it's also my fault for not protecting her. Just don't tell my father before he calls her a disgrace of the family."

The Ox King nodded his head and gave Tai a smile, "Thank you..." he said as he turned towards the maids. "Prepare for the wedding! I want it to be ready by next week!" With that he took off to search for his daughter.

Tai laid back down and allowed himself to fall asleep, his first plan didn't work, but this plan will.

Chichi had decided to wash herself and get rid of the nasty feeling she felt. She hated Tai so much, and she could still feel where his hands touched her. She ran into the shower and quickly started to rub her body with soap. Even though Bulma had told her he didn't get to far, it was still close. He touched her body, and desired her, which made her feel dirty. She grabbed her face towel and started to rub her arms hard, trying to rid the feelings she felt. The skin was pealing off and her arms turned red and she still continued. Finally she stopped hurting herself and fell onto her knees crying. 'How could I have been so stupid...' Chichi thought as she continued to cry.

Right when the Ox King was about to leave his castle a maid called after him. She told him that Chichi was back in her room and she was taking a shower. The Ox King let out a sigh of relief, and headed towards his daughter’s room.

Once Chichi was done with the shower she wore her black silk shirt with matching pants. Even though she was clean, with the smooth fabric of silk touching her skin, she couldn’t help but feel dirty and used. Suddenly she heard a knock on her door. She didn't answer until she heard her father's voice. She got up and ran towards the door to allow her father in.


In The Forest...

Tien had just finished up the ship, and the only thing he needed was one more tool, which Bulma had forgotten. Bulma had been working on a project and left it at Chichi's house along with a few tools. On her first trip, when she had dropped off Chichi, she had grabbed only the tools and not her capsules.

Yamacha had offered to walk Bulma there, which made her blush. She nodded her head and they headed off towards Chichi's castle.

Tien had decided to go look for Kakarott, since they'll be leaving right after Bulma comes back. All he had to do was tighten the door, and off to space they go.

Kakarott was still sitting on the same spot he sat before. The sun has long set, and now he was just enjoying the starry night sky.

Tien found Kakarott and sat down next to him. "Looks like the night sky at home huh?" Tien stated, more the a question.

Kakarott nodded his head and asked, "Is the ship done?"

Tien nodded his head and glanced back up the night sky, as Kakarott let out a sigh.

He was going to return back home, leaving behind Chichi, the sunset and this beautiful world. Going back to Vegetasai, where he would be laughed at for failing their first mission. He might even get kicked out of the elites, but none of this bothered him, he didn't care anymore. The only thing he cared about was the black hair girl, which Bulma had called Chichi.

'Chichi... Kakarott thought.

He had been attracted to Chichi since the first time he met her. He had never felt this way about anyone before. The way she moved, spoke, even screams and kicked, made him fall for her more and more. It even hurt him deep inside to see her scared and back away from him. Why did he feel this way? When he had only known her for a short period of time. It just made no sense.

Tien then told Kakarott that he's returning back to the ship and for him to follow. Once Bulma and Yamacha come back their returning home.


Castle, Chichi's room

Chichi allowed her father to come in but she hid her bruised arms away from him. She didn't want her father to know what she had done to herself in the showers, and what had happened outside. Chichi thought she would be able to just tell her father she wasn't interested in him anymore and that will be that.

"Dad, um... look, sorry to tell you this but..." Chichi started but her father cut her off.

"Chichi i know what had happened, Tai had told me everything..." The Ox King started to say as he explained everything to her.

Chichi was furious! That wasn't what happened and she tried to explain it to her father, but he wouldn’t listen. He would keep saying it was the drugs that made her think that way.

Suddenly Chichi stopped her crying, and she heard someone called her name...


Chichi looked around her room and noticed it was only her and her father. The Ox King nodded his head as he watched his daughter look around. 'The drug still haven't disappeared...'

The Ox King then gotten up and took a deep breath. This was going to be hard for him to do, but there was no other choice.

"Chichi" He started off in a deep and calm tone.

"Your wedding with Tai is next week, until then you are not allowed to leave this room." With that the Ox King left his angry daughter behind. "why don't you believe me?!?!?!?!?" Chichi cried and yelled. Her father had left the room and locked it inside out. Only the person with the key can go in, and Chichi couldn’t come out.


Castle Entrance

Bulma was wondering what the hell was happening, they told her no visitor’s was allowed in at this hour.

"What's going on?" Yamacha asked the worried looking Bulma.

"I don't know... they won't allow me in there, and they know me by face!" Bulma said as she looked at the castle.

Then an idea came to her, "Can you sense Chichi's ki?" Bulma asked.

Yamacha nodded his head and concentrated on Chichi's ki, when he located it he pointed at her balcony, and said "She's in there..."

"Now how are we going to get in there..." Bulma thought out loud.

Yamacha lifted Bulma and held her close as he shot out into the sky towards Chichi's room.

They landed at her balcony and Bulma asked, "Why didn't you just fly us over here in the first place?"

Yamacha then nodded his head left and right, "We was raised not to fly around unless necessary." Yamacha explained.

Bulma nodded her head and lightly tapped on to Chichi's window.

Chichi was crying on her bed as she heard a tapping noise, she jumped up and wiped away her tears. She glanced over and noticed Bulma and Yamacha was standing outside her window.

She opened the window and asked "How did you guys get up here?"

Bulma explained and Chichi was shocked. She had forgotten they were aliens.

Bulma then asked what was going on and Chichi burst into tears, she explained what happened and how she had to marry Tai.

"Then why don't you move into my house, we have plenty of room, and my parents won't mind!" Bulma offered.

Chichi nodded her head and declined her invitation, "My father will find me sooner or later, and i don't want you guys to get in trouble. He can press charges on kidnapping. I'm still only 17!"

Then Yamacha spoken up. "Why don't you come with us for a while? I mean you can stay with us until your 18 and we'll bring you back. I mean it won't be any trouble." This was perfect, now that Chichi was staying with them, he won't lose contact with Bulma.

Chichi hesitated for a second before she spoke up...

"Ok... i made my mind up..."


Quick Note:
So, what'cha think?
First off, i would like to say...
even though Chichi didn't get raped. she was CLOSE to it, and
it's still a scary feeling. As for the Ox King,
he's just worried about his daughter's future. i mean
I don't hate him or anything and i know
He's OCC, but its just going to be in this story.
As some of you know, who read Only You,
I didn't make him an ass, like this one...
yes, me, I’m the person with the plots! and
is the person writing it.
And when Chichi heard her name, it was because
Kakarott thought it.
anyhoo, please tell me
what you think of this story so far, and just like Only You, it takes time for my plots to start rolling,
i like to take my time and explain everything threw
so you won't be confused at the end
Sorry for the long notes, ^ - ~ i get carried away
sometimes, well Ja'ne!

thank you for all the reviews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a little preview:
Chichi had made her decision,
Is it a yes or a no?
how will it effect everyone?

Chapter Five: A Sad Goodbye

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