OMG! I actually got presents from other people for this site! *sniff* wI feel so loved! :) LoL. well this part is dedicated to all the gifts this site gets from other site owners or fans. Oh and if you sent me a gift thank you so much! Sadly all the ones linked off of mediaminer i took off because doesn't seem to work anymore :(

Xshiny's Request- It's sortof a gift and request from my friend and new affiliate! Thanks Mary!

Birthday Wishes to Blink-chan- Thank you so much SSJ Girl for the lovely gift! And i do agree. Blink182 does rule :)

Happy B-day Xshiny- Wow! i got a b-day gift from SSJ Girl thanks! I feel so loved :.)

Birthday Wishes for Xshiny- LoL. i got a belated gift from ~Lil_Dragon~. Thank you so much!

A gift and an entry- a gift from SSJ Girl that was really a contest entry. LoL. its kinda cute and funny! Thank you so much!

Happy Birthday Xshiny!-eep. i forgot to post this gift up by Atlantisangel who gave it to me on my b-day. Er.. so here it is! and thanks Mary ^.^

Merry Xmas!- Given to me by SSJ Girl. Thank you so much ^.^

Happy Birthday xshiny!- A birthday pressie from Tomcat! thank you so much ^.^

B-dayWishes X-chan- another b-day gift from rach! thanks rach-chan ^.^