Psycho ch.8
By: Firefly

Note: Last time I left off The Mystery host had finally revealed his identity,
To be CHOW-SU! By reading some of your reviews I could tell that I had accomplished my mission into shocking you all. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! *cough* Er… never mind. Thank you for reviewing it! This is the last and final chapter of the trilogy, hope you enjoy it, and please review this one for those of you who DO read but DON’T review. Thank you.

Twist of fate

“See you in hell.” Chow-su said as he brought the dagger down.
Goku closed his eyes for the finishing blow but they snapped open when he heard Chow-su suddenly cry out.
ChiChi’s eyes widened as she saw a small blast knock Chow-su down, causing the dagger to go flying out of his hands.
She looked in the direction in which it came from.
Lightning illuminated Vegeta as he lay on the ground with his arm outstretched, his hand smoking from the blast.

Vegeta let out a sigh of defeat as his arm fell to the ground, and his head lolled over onto the mud.
Krillan had a look of absolute shock on his face.
‘Vegeta… saved Goku…? He thought as the rain pelted Vegeta’s still body.

Suddenly a scream of rage was heard from Chow-su as he hurled himself off the ground and grabbed the mud-covered dagger.

The fall had caused the gash on his head to split open again leaving a trail of blood slowly making its way down his head.

“FINE! YOU WANT TO DIE FIRST! BE MY GUEST!!!” Chow-su screamed as he ran at Vegeta. He raised the dagger above his head as he stood in front of Vegeta’s unconscious figure.

“DIE!!!” He screamed as he swung it down.


Everyone froze, including Chow-su’s dagger that was just a millimeter from Vegeta’s back.
“T-Tien…?” Chow-su whispered.
Bulma cried out in joy. A look of hope sprang into Krillan and Yamcha’s eyes.
A small smile spread across Goku’s face as his life hung on by a thread.

ChiChi had tears flowing down her face as she clutched Goku and stared at the shadowed figure that stood in the darkness.

“Chow-su… put it down…” Tien said stepping forward as calmly as he could.
“Tien…?” Chow-su murmured the dagger still at pointed at Vegeta’s back.

“Chow-su, its okay… just put the dagger down.” Tien said sounding like a hostage negotiator as he took another step forward, just a few feet away from Chow-su.

Chow-su’s face seemed to hold a mixed set of emotions as the dagger quivered in his hands.
“I-I can’t do that Tien… they all deserve to die…after what they’ve put me through.”
Chow-su mumbled seemingly to himself.

‘This is just like a horror film…’ ChiChi thought completely delirious. ‘There’s lightning, a big haunted castle, and an insane party host…’

Lightning crackled as Chow-su struggled with himself.
Tien shook his head taking another step towards his long time friend.

“You’re wrong Chow-su, we all care about you, I’m your friend aren’t I? You can’t undo what’s been done just by killing all our friends. Now just put, the knife, down.” Tien said calmly taking another step.

“N-no Tien. You don’t count. They do deserve to die… they have to…”
Chow-su whispered as he stared at the dagger he clutched in his hands.
‘Poor Chow-su…’ Krillan thought. ‘He really has lost it…’
“Chow-su please,” Tien said holding out his hands and stopping..

“Please put it down, don’t ruin your life like this. Everything will be all right if you JUST give ME the KNIFE.” Chow-su’s hands lowered as a solemn look appeared across his small features.

Everything was silent for a moment, only the sound of soft drips was heard as the rain continued to drown the sound out of everything else. ‘How could this happen?’ Chow-su wondered. ‘It was all so perfect before, so perfect.’

Bulma looked on waiting to see what would happen. ‘Oh Chow-su, how could this happen to you of all people, we never hated you…’ Bulma thought as tears appeared in her eyes.

Krillan held his breath in fear. ‘Please don’t do this Chow-su. We’re all your friends, no matter how worse things get.’

Goku managed to stay conscience and watch. ‘Please let him be okay, oh Kami please…’ Goku thought as blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Yamcha struggled to keep himself together. ‘This can’t be real… how can Chow-su be capable… of this much pain and suffering…?’

Piccolo was the only one who wasn’t shocked at Chow-su. ‘It doesn’t matter how powerful you are, your mind will always overcome you.’ He thought with a hint of sadness.

Tien took another step forward ready to take the dagger from Chow-su when Chow-su suddenly screamed with fury.

“NOOO!!! THEY ALL MUST DIE!!!!!!” He screamed as he swung the blade over his head again and brought it down.

“Chow-su! STOP!!!” Krillan, Bulma, Yamcha, Piccolo and Tien screamed.

“MASENKO!!!” Chow-su whirled around his eyes blazing with insane anger.

“They suddenly widened and were filled with fear as a white light flew directly at him. He threw his hands in front of him as the blast collided with his hands. It pushed him farther and farther to the end of the cliff. Large veins started to pop out above his skin as he grit his teeth. The sudden scent of burning flesh filled the air. Chow-su could feel the skin on his hands start to peel as the his blood met the blast hissing as it evaporated into nothing. ‘THIS CAN’T HAPPEN!!!!’ chow-su thought insanely. The blast finally pushed him off the cliff and flew from his hands.

“NOOOOO!!!!!!” Chow-su shrieked as it engulfed him. His body writhed and turned like a squirming worm as it shocked him with intense pain.

Everyone covered their heads as the blast made contact. ChiChi threw herself over Goku shielding him from the flying rocks.

Chow-su’s scream suddenly changed into a maniacal laugh as the blast exploded causing a wave of light and energy to erupt across the landscape.

As soon as the light cleared the familiar gloom of the night returned followed by the steady falling rain. Chow-su was nowhere in sight.

Gohan suddenly flew down and ran towards his parents.
“Gohan!” Krillan cried out in joy.
“Gohan…?” ChiChi whispered as he crouched down in front of the near-dead Goku.

“Shhh… its okay mom.” Gohan whispered. He pulled out a single senzu bean and opened his father’s mouth. He carefully placed it inside and closed Goku’s mouth, slowly cocking his head back causing him to swallow the small bean. A few seconds’ later Goku’s eyes opened. Gohan and ChiChi cried out in joy and embraced him. Goku sat there with a confused smile on his face as he embraced his family.

The rain died down to a few drops as the hazy glow of twilight appeared in the sky.
Tien grabbed the mud-covered remote control from the ground and turned the dial all the way around. Krillan, Piccolo, Bulma, and Yamcha felt their energy return as they stood up and embraced each other, crying. Bulma grabbed Yamcha and cried on his shoulder.

Vegeta’s eyes slowly opened as felt a jolt through his body. He lifted his head off the ground and looked around in confusion.

“What the hell happened!? Where’s that little freak who tried to kill me!?” He yelled getting up.
Everyone turned to look at Vegeta.
“He’s gone Vegeta.” Goku said sadly as he stared at the sky.
Tien crushed the remote control in his hand, his face blank of any emotion.
Krillan, Yamcha, Piccolo, and Goku went over to him.
“We appreciate what you did Tien,” Goku said putting his hand on his friend’s shoulder.

Vegeta stood there covered in mud, his arms crossed over his chest. ChiChi limped over to him and touched his arm. He turned around in surprise.

“Thank you for saving my Goku.” She said softly with a smile of warmth on her face.

Vegeta looked at her.

Her eyes held only thanks and happiness. Her face tired and pale from the trauma.

He decided to let this one pass and slightly nodded turning away again.

ChiChi smiled, leaned over and kissed his cheek walking back to meet her family.

Vegeta didn’t move as he stared at the sun rising with a blush creeping onto his face.


ChiChi smiled at everyone who passed her. It had been a week since the horrible and insane night that had nearly claimed her Goku.

She walked into the living room where everyone else sat, except for Vegeta who stood in the corner with his usual scowl. Her Band-Aid wrapped hands settled into her lap as she took a place next to Goku. Everyone stopped talking and stared at Tien, waiting to hear his story.

“Well Tien, how did it happen?” Goku asked softly.
Tien sighed and shifted on the couch.
“Well, you know how Chow-su and I are telepathically linked right?” Krillan, Yamcha and Goku nodded.

He sighed again at the memories of his friend. There had been no trace of Chow-su ever since Gohan had threw his Masenko at him.

“Well, when I left, I could sense something was wrong with him. I-I couldn’t understand what it was.” He paused trying to keep himself together.

“It.. it was like a totally alien feeling to me. When I was in Paris and was visiting Lunch, I guess that’s when you guys went to the ‘party,’ I felt it. It was so great that I almost panicked. I got here as fast as I could, but I visited Roshi’s first, and saw that Gohan was there. I told him to grab a senzu from his house and come with me. I followed Chow-su’s ki until I reached the castle. I told Gohan to wait and hide, he was only supposed to come out if things got out of control, which they did!” He said giving a little laugh. “You guys know the rest.” He said sighing.

Nobody said anything for a while as the events of that fateful night came flying back.
“What about the time I couldn’t sense anyone in the house?” Goku asked quietly.
Bulma spoke up.
“Chow-su also had one of my father’s devices that altered senses, that’s why you couldn’t feel Chow-su sneak up behind you.”
Tien suddenly pulled out a box from behind him.
“This… was Chow-su’s.” He said quietly.
He opened it to reveal several notes and letters.
Mostly copies of the invitations. ChiChi shuddered as she caught a glimpse of them.
“This…” Tien whispered picking up a paper.
“Was his last entry.”
Bulma held onto Yamcha and ChiChi held Goku’s hands. Vegeta even turned around.
Tien held it and read aloud.
‘ You call me strong, you call me weak,
your feelings I will seek,
I have no name, it’s all the same
Just forget that I am here, take
What’s mine and call it dear,
I’m worthless and I’m waste,
Thoughts through and through I’ve
Nothing fills the emptiness that grows
Inside, you better take cover and hide,
For this one unborn child’s fun,
He will undo what’s all been done.

Tien’s hands shook as the paper fell from his hands.
Everyone else stared in shock. Krillan got up without a word and went over to comfort his friend.
Yamcha and Bulma followed suit.
Vegeta stood silently in the corner.
‘One’s body cannot stay alive without one’s mind.’ He thought to himself.
Goku looked out the window as rain pelted the glass.
“Rest in peace Chow-su.” He whispered.


Somewhere in the large castle a figure wandered around aimlessly.
His clothes stained with blood and mud.
Tears of failure ran down his face as he limped through the halls.
“It’s not over yet,” The figure whispered hoarsely. “It’s not over.”
“It’s my party and I’ll die if I want to… die if I want to…”


note: So how was it? Please review. I was in kinda weird mood when I wrote this final chapter.
I’d like to thank all those who reviewed the previous chapters. My next fic will be coming out soon.
It might be humor, it might be mystery, it might be drama… you be the judge.

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