
1) Make sure the file is in jpg or gif form. Bmp is too big!
2) you can send in anything you want! (aka. any anime/animals/etc.)
3) hentai is not accepted. Bits of nudity is all right, and i don't mind yaoi.
4) No stealing other artists pictures and sending them in. Be original and send in your own work ^.^
5)if you have a website and you'd like it posted with your art then don't forget to add it in the email
6) when sending the email make sure to have the subject saying "Fanart"
7) finished reading the rules? and you have pictures you want to send? then click here ^.^


1) The fic must be about any anime.
2) make sure to include a description of your fanfic, because i won't have much time to read through all the fics i receive and write up a description on my own.
3) it would help if you include html in your fic, but if you don't no html or forget it is all right. However it may take longer to post your fic on here.
4) Please don't send other author's fics as your own, that is considered stealing!
5) It doesn't matter how long the fic is.
6) please edit your fics to see if it makes sense and has little errors.
7) don't forget to rate your fic. The ratings are: G, PG, R and NC-17
8) I don't mind yaoi fics, but if there are lemons/or extreme violence/ something that will offend others, then please mention it in the email and have a note at the BEGINNING of the fic warning others.
9) Just remember i have the power to accept or reject any submissions if i find it doesn't meet up with the requirements.
10) When sending the email make sure to have the subject saying "Fanfic."
11) finished reading the rules? and you have fics you want to send? then click here ^.^